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Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: Oliver Letwin
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: David Maclean
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: No role
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Home
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Ed Vaizey
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Ed Vaizey to Head of Policy Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ed Vaizey as above


My predictions as follows:

Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Maude
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Heald
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: none
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: Defence + Deputy
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Boris Johnson - Transport
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where: Boris Johnson - Transport


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Andrew Lansley
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: George Osborne
Chief Whip: Patrick McCloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Education and roving social justice role
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Leader of House plus Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment + Head of Policy
Deputy Leader: DD
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Michael Gove to International Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: David Willetts (or may resign)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ian Taylor to Trade & Industry


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Caroline Spelman
Chief Whip: Patrick McGloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Defence + Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Julie Kirkbride to International Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where):
Boris Johnson back to Culture, Media and Sport


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Liam Fox
Shadow Foreign Secretary: George Osborne
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: David Maclean
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Work and Pensions
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence and Deputy leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Head of Policy Development
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague from nowhere to shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Nick Herbet to Chief Secretary to the Treasury

shadow tory

Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Michael Gove
Chief Whip: Patrick McGloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: none
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: see above
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: none
Head of Pollicy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Giving Boris Johnson a job at all.

christopher owen

Shadow Chancellor- Hague
Shadow Home Secretary- David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary-Liam Fox
Chairman-Francis Maude
Chief whip- Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's position- Shadow culture secretary
IDS's role- Spokesman for poverty and the family
KC's role-none
Biggest sacking-J Redwood

Head of policy department-David Willets

Davis-Deputy Leader

O Letwin's role- Environment spokesman

DD'S role-same as now

Biggest promotion- B Johnson becomes Shadow International Development spokesman

Most surprising appointment- Andrew Rosindell to home affairs team

Alastair Matlock

Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadew Home Sec: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Sec: Liam Fox
Party Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May: Education
IDS: none
KC: none
DD: Deputy Leader and Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
Oliver Letwin: Environment and Head of Policy Development.
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest Promotion: Hague to Shadow Chancellor.
Biggest Sacking. None that are involuntary.
Most suprising appointment: Dominic Grieve to Constitutional Affairs. (though not surprising to people who know him.)

James Burdett

Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: William Hague
Chairman: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Chief Whip: Chris Grayling
Theresa May's role: Environment
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Work and Pensions
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Trade & Industry
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague Shadow Foreign Secretary
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson Culture Media Sport

Kate Castle

Shadow Chancellor: Hauge
Shadow Home Secretary: May
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Spelman
Chief Whip: McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Home Sec
Iain Duncan Smith's role: No role
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: None
Head of Policy Development: Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hauge (backbench to Shadow Chanellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Andrew Mitchell
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Theresa Villiers to Deregulation


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Culture Secretary
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Shadow Work and Pensions, but with as roving social justice brief
Ken Clarke's role: None, but he'll stay on as the big beast advisor
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Shadow Environment Secretary & Deputy Leader
Deputy Leader: Oliver Letwin
Head of Policy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (from backbenches to Shadow Chancellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood (after all Ancram is going of his own accord)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Damian Green (chief DD cheerleader) to Shadow Transport


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Trade and Industry
Ken Clarke's role: Poverty and the Family
David Davis' role: Deputy and Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Health
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to William Hague from backbenches to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ken Clarke getting Poverty and Family


Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: David Davis
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Overseas Devel.
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Foreign Sec.
Oliver Letwin's role: Health
Deputy Leader: William Hague
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion: William Hague (backbenches to Chancellor/Deputy Leader)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Hague to Deputy Leader

John Hustings

Shadow Chancellor: David Willetts
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Damian Green
Chief Whip: David McLean
Theresa May's role: Family
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Leader of the Opposition
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Cameron
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague brought back
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): David Cameron retained at Education

Henry Cook

After much fiddling, and still without 100% satisfaction:

Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Fox
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Rifkind
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Secretary of State to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor from backbenches.
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson to Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport

John Coulson

Shadow Chancellor - John Redwood
Shadow Foreign Sec - Liam Fox
Shadow Home Sec - David Cameron
Chairman - Peter Lilley
Chief Whip - Jacqui Lait
Theresa Role - sacked
IDS - None
Ken Clarke - None
David Davis - Leader
Oliver Letwin - Shadow Int. Development
Deputy Leader - David Cameron
Policy Development - Osborne
Biggest Promotion - Redwood to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest Sacking - Theresa May
Most Surprising - John Redwood

Gary Barford

Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Culture, Media and Sport
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary and Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Ed Vaizey
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood (Ancram already announced he is returning to backbenchers)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): David Davis remains Shadow Home Secretary and becomes Deputy Leader

Sean Fear

Shadow Chancellor: Edward Leigh
Shadow Home Secretary: Lord Archer
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Nicholas Soames Chairman: Laurence Robertson
Chief Whip: Boris Johnson
Theresa May's role: backbencher
Ian Duncan Smith's role: backbencher
Ken Clarke's role: backbencher
David Davis's role: backbencher
Oliver Lewin's role: Agriculture
Deputy Leader: John Bercow
Head of Policy Development: Ann Winterton
Biggest Promotion: Edward Leigh
Biggest sacking: George Osborne
Most surprising appointment: any of them.


My best shot:
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Rifkind
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Secretary of State to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor from backbenches.
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ackram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson to Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport

Matthew Oxley

Shadow Chancellor: George Osbourne
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Ian Duncan Smith's role: No Role
Ken Clarke's role: backbencher
David Davis's role: Deputy Leader
Oliver Lewin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest Promotion: Hague to Shadow Home Secutary
Biggest sacking: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment: Boris Johnson, to culture,media and sport

Simon C

Predictions - & some would even be my preferences!

Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: May
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Letwin
Chief Whip: McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Home Sec
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Ambassadorial role for social justice & the voluntary sector
Ken Clarke's role: Back to BAT
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Chairman
Deputy Leader: Rifkind
Head of Policy Development: Nick Herbert
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (backbencher to Shadow Chancellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Frank Field to Work & Pensions (if that's wishful thinking, then Nick Herbert - see above).

Terry Keen

Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Peter Atkinson
Theresa May's role: Shadow Health Secretary
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Shadow DWP Secretary
Ken Clarke's role: Backbencher
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Shadow DEFRA Secretary
Deputy Leader: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague from backbencher to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Iain Duncan Smith to Shadow DWP secretary

Matthew Tully

Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Malcolm Rifkind
Chairman (or woman): Caroline Spelman
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Family
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: Loyal backbencher
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Liam Fox
Head of Policy Development: David Willets (Pensions) and IDS working as a team
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (from backbenches to Home Office)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Osborne being retained as Shadow Chancellor despite press reports on Hague


Shadow Chancellor: IDS
Shadow Home Secretary: Redwood
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Hague
Chairman: Widdecombe
Chief Whip: Letwin
Theresa May's role: Diversity
IDS's role: Chancellor
Ken Clarke's role: Transport
David Davis' role: Leader or Deputy
Oliver Letwin's role: Chief Whip
Deputy Leader: Cameron or Davis
Head of Policy Development: Osborne

Biggest promotion awarded to : Hague, Foreign Sec

Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Lansley :( sorry

Most surprising appointment : IDS to Chancellor

:) I want to tell you why I'd choose IDS but Tim won't let me ! !


This would make an intriguing "ministry of all the talents":

Shadow Chancellor: Tim Yeo
Shadow Home Secretary: Lord Archer (we need his "star dust factor")
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Ian Taylor
Chairman: Crispin Blunt
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Trade & Industry
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Chairman of the 1922 Committee
Ken Clarke's role: International Development
David Davis' role: Women & Social Justice
Oliver Letwin's role: Defence
Deputy Leader: jointly David Davis and David Cameron
Head of Policy Development: Tobias Ellwood
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Boris Johnson, to Work & Pensions
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): following a tied vote, Sir Michael Spicer becomes Leader

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