Today's Times attempts to confirm what has been long expected... the return of William Hague to frontline Tory politics. The Times predicts that Mr Hague (pictured with his 2001 shadow cabinet) may become Shadow Chancellor. If that happens the obvious move for the current occupant of that position - George Osborne - is to the Chairmanship of the Party. Every party leader needs a close lieutenant in such a key position and Mr Osborne, Mr Cameron's leadership campaign manager, is the obvious candidate... although Francis Maude's interest in a more open Conservative Party might keep him at CCHQ. The other very key position where loyalty to the leader is vital is Shadow Chief Whip. Patrick McLoughlin (the current deputy) may fill that position although Oliver Heald and Peter Luff are other candidates.
The Times does not expect Ken Clarke to return.
Who would you put - or expect to be - in the top jobs?
I'm assuming that David Cameron will win the leadership election but it's still not too late to vote in our run-off prediction competition....
If you would like to play ConservativeHome's Fantasy Shadow Cabinet you need to fill the current positions...
- Shadow Chancellor:
- Shadow Home Secretary:
- Shadow Foreign Secretary:
- Chairman:
- Chief Whip:
- Theresa May's role:
- Iain Duncan Smith's role:
- Ken Clarke's role:
- David Davis' role:
- Oliver Letwin's role:
- Deputy Leader:
- Head of Policy Development:
- Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where):
- Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet:
- Most surprising appointment (state who and to where):
The rules are simple...
- The Editor's decision is final - so I decide which is the biggest sacking or promotion, for example...
- Only one name/position for each of the questions...
- If you put David Davis as your Shadow Home Secretary you must then put Shadow Home Secretary next to DD's role...
There will be 1 point for every correct answer... You can also get one point for correctly saying "No role" for IDS or "There won't be one" for Deputy Leader, for example...
Do not use this thread to open a discussion - In order to avoid clutter I'll delete entries that aren't fantasy shadow cabinet lists. You have been warned!
PS Have you taken part in ConservativeHome's exclusive new survey of Tory opinion?
Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: Oliver Letwin
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: David Maclean
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: No role
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Home
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Ed Vaizey
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Ed Vaizey to Head of Policy Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ed Vaizey as above
Posted by: houndtang | 26 November 2005 at 13:53
My predictions as follows:
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Maude
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Heald
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: none
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: Defence + Deputy
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Boris Johnson - Transport
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where: Boris Johnson - Transport
Posted by: NickB | 26 November 2005 at 14:09
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Andrew Lansley
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: George Osborne
Chief Whip: Patrick McCloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Education and roving social justice role
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Leader of House plus Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment + Head of Policy
Deputy Leader: DD
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Michael Gove to International Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: David Willetts (or may resign)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ian Taylor to Trade & Industry
Posted by: CCHQ Spy | 26 November 2005 at 14:30
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Caroline Spelman
Chief Whip: Patrick McGloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Defence + Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Julie Kirkbride to International Development
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where):
Boris Johnson back to Culture, Media and Sport
Posted by: ToryPundit | 26 November 2005 at 14:47
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Liam Fox
Shadow Foreign Secretary: George Osborne
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: David Maclean
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Work and Pensions
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence and Deputy leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Head of Policy Development
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague from nowhere to shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Nick Herbet to Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Posted by: Rob | 26 November 2005 at 15:01
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Michael Gove
Chief Whip: Patrick McGloughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: none
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: see above
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: none
Head of Pollicy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Giving Boris Johnson a job at all.
Posted by: shadow tory | 26 November 2005 at 15:32
Shadow Chancellor- Hague
Shadow Home Secretary- David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary-Liam Fox
Chairman-Francis Maude
Chief whip- Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's position- Shadow culture secretary
IDS's role- Spokesman for poverty and the family
KC's role-none
Biggest sacking-J Redwood
Head of policy department-David Willets
Davis-Deputy Leader
O Letwin's role- Environment spokesman
DD'S role-same as now
Biggest promotion- B Johnson becomes Shadow International Development spokesman
Most surprising appointment- Andrew Rosindell to home affairs team
Posted by: christopher owen | 26 November 2005 at 15:52
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadew Home Sec: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Sec: Liam Fox
Party Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May: Education
IDS: none
KC: none
DD: Deputy Leader and Shadow Leader of the House of Commons
Oliver Letwin: Environment and Head of Policy Development.
Head of Policy Development: Oliver Letwin
Biggest Promotion: Hague to Shadow Chancellor.
Biggest Sacking. None that are involuntary.
Most suprising appointment: Dominic Grieve to Constitutional Affairs. (though not surprising to people who know him.)
Posted by: Alastair Matlock | 26 November 2005 at 15:59
Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: William Hague
Chairman: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Chief Whip: Chris Grayling
Theresa May's role: Environment
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Work and Pensions
Ken Clarke's role: none
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Trade & Industry
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague Shadow Foreign Secretary
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson Culture Media Sport
Posted by: James Burdett | 26 November 2005 at 16:03
Shadow Chancellor: Hauge
Shadow Home Secretary: May
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Spelman
Chief Whip: McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Home Sec
Iain Duncan Smith's role: No role
Ken Clarke's role: No role
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: None
Head of Policy Development: Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hauge (backbench to Shadow Chanellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Andrew Mitchell
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Theresa Villiers to Deregulation
Posted by: Kate Castle | 26 November 2005 at 16:34
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Culture Secretary
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Shadow Work and Pensions, but with as roving social justice brief
Ken Clarke's role: None, but he'll stay on as the big beast advisor
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Shadow Environment Secretary & Deputy Leader
Deputy Leader: Oliver Letwin
Head of Policy Development: David Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (from backbenches to Shadow Chancellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood (after all Ancram is going of his own accord)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Damian Green (chief DD cheerleader) to Shadow Transport
Posted by: Anthony | 26 November 2005 at 17:08
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Trade and Industry
Ken Clarke's role: Poverty and the Family
David Davis' role: Deputy and Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Health
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to William Hague from backbenches to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Ken Clarke getting Poverty and Family
Posted by: Brendan | 26 November 2005 at 17:24
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: George Osborne
Shadow Foreign Secretary: David Davis
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Education
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Overseas Devel.
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Foreign Sec.
Oliver Letwin's role: Health
Deputy Leader: William Hague
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion: William Hague (backbenches to Chancellor/Deputy Leader)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Hague to Deputy Leader
Posted by: Sam | 26 November 2005 at 17:44
Shadow Chancellor: David Willetts
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Damian Green
Chief Whip: David McLean
Theresa May's role: Family
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Leader of the Opposition
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Cameron
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague brought back
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): David Cameron retained at Education
Posted by: John Hustings | 26 November 2005 at 17:53
After much fiddling, and still without 100% satisfaction:
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Fox
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Rifkind
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Secretary of State to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Willetts
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor from backbenches.
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson to Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport
Posted by: Henry Cook | 26 November 2005 at 18:16
Shadow Chancellor - John Redwood
Shadow Foreign Sec - Liam Fox
Shadow Home Sec - David Cameron
Chairman - Peter Lilley
Chief Whip - Jacqui Lait
Theresa Role - sacked
IDS - None
Ken Clarke - None
David Davis - Leader
Oliver Letwin - Shadow Int. Development
Deputy Leader - David Cameron
Policy Development - Osborne
Biggest Promotion - Redwood to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest Sacking - Theresa May
Most Surprising - John Redwood
Posted by: John Coulson | 26 November 2005 at 18:31
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Culture, Media and Sport
Iain Duncan Smith's role: None
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary and Deputy Leader
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Ed Vaizey
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood (Ancram already announced he is returning to backbenchers)
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): David Davis remains Shadow Home Secretary and becomes Deputy Leader
Posted by: Gary Barford | 26 November 2005 at 18:57
Shadow Chancellor: Edward Leigh
Shadow Home Secretary: Lord Archer
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Nicholas Soames Chairman: Laurence Robertson
Chief Whip: Boris Johnson
Theresa May's role: backbencher
Ian Duncan Smith's role: backbencher
Ken Clarke's role: backbencher
David Davis's role: backbencher
Oliver Lewin's role: Agriculture
Deputy Leader: John Bercow
Head of Policy Development: Ann Winterton
Biggest Promotion: Edward Leigh
Biggest sacking: George Osborne
Most surprising appointment: any of them.
Posted by: Sean Fear | 26 November 2005 at 19:32
My best shot:
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: Rifkind
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Osborne
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Health
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: None
David Davis' role: Shadow Secretary of State to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague to Shadow Chancellor from backbenches.
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ackram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Boris Johnson to Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport
Posted by: Robbo | 26 November 2005 at 19:48
Shadow Chancellor: George Osbourne
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Patrick McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Health
Ian Duncan Smith's role: No Role
Ken Clarke's role: backbencher
David Davis's role: Deputy Leader
Oliver Lewin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: David Davis
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest Promotion: Hague to Shadow Home Secutary
Biggest sacking: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment: Boris Johnson, to culture,media and sport
Posted by: Matthew Oxley | 26 November 2005 at 21:32
Predictions - & some would even be my preferences!
Shadow Chancellor: Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: May
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Fox
Chairman: Letwin
Chief Whip: McLaughlin
Theresa May's role: Shadow Home Sec
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Ambassadorial role for social justice & the voluntary sector
Ken Clarke's role: Back to BAT
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Chairman
Deputy Leader: Rifkind
Head of Policy Development: Nick Herbert
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (backbencher to Shadow Chancellor)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Frank Field to Work & Pensions (if that's wishful thinking, then Nick Herbert - see above).
Posted by: Simon C | 26 November 2005 at 21:58
Shadow Chancellor: William Hague
Shadow Home Secretary: David Davis
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Liam Fox
Chairman: Francis Maude
Chief Whip: Peter Atkinson
Theresa May's role: Shadow Health Secretary
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Shadow DWP Secretary
Ken Clarke's role: Backbencher
David Davis' role: Shadow Home Secretary
Oliver Letwin's role: Shadow DEFRA Secretary
Deputy Leader: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Head of Policy Development: Michael Gove
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): William Hague from backbencher to Shadow Chancellor
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: John Redwood
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Iain Duncan Smith to Shadow DWP secretary
Posted by: Terry Keen | 26 November 2005 at 23:01
Shadow Chancellor: George Osborne
Shadow Home Secretary: William Hague
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Malcolm Rifkind
Chairman (or woman): Caroline Spelman
Chief Whip: Patrick McLoughlin
Theresa May's role: Family
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Spokesman for Poverty and Social Justice
Ken Clarke's role: Loyal backbencher
David Davis' role: Defence
Oliver Letwin's role: Environment
Deputy Leader: Liam Fox
Head of Policy Development: David Willets (Pensions) and IDS working as a team
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Hague (from backbenches to Home Office)
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Michael Ancram
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): Osborne being retained as Shadow Chancellor despite press reports on Hague
Posted by: Matthew Tully | 26 November 2005 at 23:02
Shadow Chancellor: IDS
Shadow Home Secretary: Redwood
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Hague
Chairman: Widdecombe
Chief Whip: Letwin
Theresa May's role: Diversity
IDS's role: Chancellor
Ken Clarke's role: Transport
David Davis' role: Leader or Deputy
Oliver Letwin's role: Chief Whip
Deputy Leader: Cameron or Davis
Head of Policy Development: Osborne
Biggest promotion awarded to : Hague, Foreign Sec
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Lansley :( sorry
Most surprising appointment : IDS to Chancellor
:) I want to tell you why I'd choose IDS but Tim won't let me ! !
Posted by: a-tracy | 26 November 2005 at 23:12
This would make an intriguing "ministry of all the talents":
Shadow Chancellor: Tim Yeo
Shadow Home Secretary: Lord Archer (we need his "star dust factor")
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Ian Taylor
Chairman: Crispin Blunt
Chief Whip: Francis Maude
Theresa May's role: Trade & Industry
Iain Duncan Smith's role: Chairman of the 1922 Committee
Ken Clarke's role: International Development
David Davis' role: Women & Social Justice
Oliver Letwin's role: Defence
Deputy Leader: jointly David Davis and David Cameron
Head of Policy Development: Tobias Ellwood
Biggest promotion awarded to (state who and to where): Boris Johnson, to Work & Pensions
Biggest sacking from shadow cabinet: Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Most surprising appointment (state who and to where): following a tied vote, Sir Michael Spicer becomes Leader
Posted by: Nostradamus | 27 November 2005 at 02:25