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Nelson, Norfolk

Surely DD and DC should make an efort to try and pay a visit to our friends and members in Northern Ireland. You tell them Editor.


What about other Conservatives who live overseas but can still vote for our leader? As we have been told that "foreign policy must be about more than just Gibraltar" I would like Gibraltarian party members to be able to take part in the hustings on that TV link. It might make for some interesting questions. Exeter would be the natural meeting to include it, as Gib is part of that Common Market constituency.

Selsdon Man

Why are the Scottish hustings in Perth? Surely Edinburgh or Glasgow would be more convenient. They have better transport connections.


Where is Frimley ?

Selsdon Man

Frimley is near Camberley, Surrey - just off the M25. It is in Michael Gove's Surrey Heath constituency. I would guess that the venue will be the Lakeside centre.

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