I've just received my autumn newsletter from my local Conservative Association - in Salisbury. The MP, Robert Key, uses the newsletter to endorse David Cameron.
It's a gracious endorsement. He notes that we have two "strong candidates" for the Tory leadership but that support for Mr Cameron over Mr Davis is running at three-to-one (amongst those who have contacted him). Mr Key writes:
"I believe David [Cameron] is the man to lead us out of the wilderness and into Government. He believes in Britain and the best of British. His vision is built on firm foundations, common sense and deep experience of the real world. His passion is laced with compassion. He is clever - but his feet are firmly on the ground. David is a great communicator with an attractive, gentle style. He will reach out beyond our Party and Westminster to the millions of people who are longing for change - and I believe they will trust him. I know I do - and I hope you will, too. Follow your instinct, by all means - but you might like to visit their websites too!"
David Cameron's website remains the best of the two candidates but David Davis' site has been given a much needed relaunch today.
Has anyone else had a communication from their MP or local association about the race? It would be good to learn of anything particularly interesting...
DD's new website is not compatible with the Firefox browser which many people are turning to because it is much more secure way to surf and you are less liable to intrusions.
On Internet Explorer the DD site looks good - with Firefox it looks a real mess. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
Posted by: Mike Smithson | 29 October 2005 at 17:02
Fair point Mike. Are you a PC user?
I use a Mac, often have browser problems and this site is a mess on Firefox and Safari. It only works on IE.
Posted by: Editor | 29 October 2005 at 17:05
I'm viewing it in IE and I get a huge white expanse of space on the right hand side of my screen.
Posted by: Cllr Iain Lindley | 29 October 2005 at 17:05
How peculiar. To think people still use Internet Explorer now it is recognised as a virus.
Posted by: Rick | 29 October 2005 at 17:53
The same huge white expanse that you get on Cameron's site too, apparently unlike this site - it's probably been set as a fixed width text box to accommodate screens with low resolution it can be fixed easily if it's felt necessary (or it could be centred for balance).
An improvement to the previous website and better text size for me so that I can easily read his ideas for the future and his speeches! Has there been a 'Northern only' YouGov (or similar) poll yet, who is reaching the parts that other Tories haven't managed to reach?
I think it is more healthy for Cameron to have a proper fight on his hands not just a shoe in because whatever bloggers say on here (that several regulars strongly object to) when this is over DC's going to face much worse and he should be able to answer his friendly foe now.
Posted by: a-tracy | 29 October 2005 at 17:57
All these sites work splendidly with Firefox 1.0.4
Posted by: Rick | 29 October 2005 at 17:57
Firefox has no problem with this site either.........though he does remind me of Hughie Green
Posted by: Rick | 29 October 2005 at 18:00
How strange. Has someone just fixed it? modernconservatives didn't work with firefox 2 hrs ago!
Posted by: greg | 29 October 2005 at 19:05
The new DD site does look better but ooh dear those Farah Slacks don't cut it!!
Posted by: Graeme Archer | 29 October 2005 at 19:30
Don't tell me DC wears Diesel hipsters!
Posted by: Bishop Hill | 29 October 2005 at 22:18
The new Davis site is very similar to the old one - the content and structure is the same but the graphics have changed.
The navy blue and yellow have been dropped for "softer" light blue. That should have been done at the start of the campaign rather than now. Cameron got it right first time and Davis is copying.
Posted by: Selsdon Man | 30 October 2005 at 11:59
David Davis' new website has unfortunately gone live without sufficient testing, as anyone who sets their browser to use a larger than normal typesize can clearly see.
But one should surely not judge a candidate on the quality of their website alone?
Posted by: Cllr Graham Smith | 31 October 2005 at 13:07
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