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I sincerely hope Tim that you are not being fattist!

Selsdon Man

He drinks, he smokes and is the butt of Cameron's jokes!

Selsdon Man

At £16.90 the joke is on those willing to pay such an exhorbitant sum.

Jonathan Sheppard

After being told by my good friend who runs the Palace of Westminster post office that I had put on weight Ive decided fat is the new thin!!!

Selsdon Man

"my good friend who runs the Palace of Westminster" - that's new way of getting into the House!

Stephen Newton
'...and is the butt of Cameron's jokes!'

Since when does Cameron do jokes? That would require personality!

Vol Abroad

I hope these are less expensive now?

Online Surveys

Thank you for providing such a thoughtful post, I really enjoyed it.Your have great insight about the subject of your post. Your blog is really excellent.

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