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« Davis, Fox, Clarke and Cameron set to be main contenders | Main | Tory members should be balloted on disenfranchisement »


Jack Stone

Damian Green and Ian Taylor major endorsements for Davis! Green was rightly sacked by Michael Howard for being totally useless when shadow education secretary and all you can say about Mr Taylor is that he is more minor than major!

James Hellyer

The point is that this shows that Davis has appeal accross the Conservative spectrum and isn't the "one last heave" merchant that many of us suspected him of being...


If you add the Lib Dems to the Labour lot, we have enough lefties and Europhiles as it is without bogging the Conservative party down with them. Leftwing rightwing whatever, stick to Conservative principles, the country needs them, not more of the same. Davis is the man.


Taylor is quite good, former minister, euro sensible, former Clarkeist. This is a good coup for Davis.

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