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« Are party high-ups conspiring to stop a David Davis leadership? | Main | David Davis is favourite to succeed Michael Howard »



I agree with Mr Hague. The last time we the members were asked to vote, we were handed IDS and Clarke. What kind of choice was that for goodness sakes?
Davis is the best bet, if I could be sure they would select him, then fine, but life is never that simple!!!! If there is a plot then I'm worried.
Along with everyone else who has voted Tory I'm terrified the MP's will cause another damaging row, please don't give the press what they are sat there waiting for. They were SO disappointed when Howard was declared leader, lets have another of those please!

James Hellyer

"The last time we the members were asked to vote, we were handed IDS and Clarke. What kind of choice was that for goodness sakes?"

I fail to see how the MPs selecting two "bad" candidates for the membership to vote on in 2001 can be used to justify taking away the membership's vote. The MPs chose those candidates after all...

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