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« Steve Hilton (II) | Main | John Hayes MP: grassroots Tories embody the sense of loyalty that the next leader deserves »



Yeah thats true and all very well, but


Lots of people are talking about things that are far too vague and we need to get some real discussion going.

Prudence Dailey

I'd be more impressed by David Willetts if I didn't also remember his comments to the 2002 Conservative Party Conference:

‘The Tory war on lone parents is over. The real Tory battle is to support and strengthen the nation's families. They come in all shapes and sizes... There's no point twitching at the net curtains as our society changes around us.’


‘Tories shouldn’t promote idea that the traditional married family is the best way of bringing up children. We shouldn’t worry unduly about perverse incentives to single parenthood in the welfare system. In an age of relativism, we shouldn’t dare to suggest that questions of ‘lifestyle’ are relevant to social cohesion; and in particular, we should never suggest that any ‘lifestyle’ is preferable to any other, because it might put some people off.’

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