In an interview* with Colin Brown of The Independent, Alan Duncan MP gives the strong impression that he is ready to stand for the Tory leadership.
Mr Duncan, the Tories' first openly gay MP, is said to be one of a number of possible champions of the party's more socially liberal wing. Colin Brown identifies others as Francis Maude, Damian Green, Andrew Lansley and Tim Yeo (who yesterday resigned from the frontbench in order to be free to argue for radical Tory change).
Mr Duncan uses the interview to say that Conservatives still have a "hill to climb... our share of the vote has not increased, we are facing a growing Lib Dem threat".
He rejects "judgementally authoritarian" views towards the family - preferring a socially and economically liberal Conservative Party. He also emphasises green and international justice issues. As Shadow Secretary of State for International Development Mr Duncan campaigned successfully to get the Tory Party to commit to spend 0.7% of national income on overseas aid.