Yesterday ConservativeHome published a picture of the likely new Tory logo - a picture taken by a camera phone. The scoop is picked up in most of this morning's newspapers:
The Telegraph: "The torch logo is being ditched by Mr Cameron because of its association with the party's Thatcherite past. Party officials hope that a new logo will demonstrate Mr Cameron's modernising approach." Acknowledgment rating 5/5 - Although ConservativeHome is described as "a party website" there's a full credit and a hyperlink.
The Independent: "There are risks about presenting the Conservatives as the party of the "tree". It may prove difficult for Mr Cameron to live up to the green image. He launched his leadership by riding a bicycle to work at the Commons. But this week he admitted he only rode to Westminster once a week. He has resorted to the chauffeur-driven limousine because he has so many papers to read." Acknowledgment rating 4/5 - Two mentions including the full URL.
The Times: "The blue-and-green design is the favourite to replace the Tory torch, introduced by Margaret Thatcher in 1987 to symbolise liberty, pride, and unity.... Lord Bell of Belgravia, the advertising guru who masterminded the three Thatcher election victories, was not impressed by the concept. He said: “Remember the old saying: blue and green should never be seen.” Acknowledgment rating 3/5 - No direct credit but Andrew Pierce quotes in his piece.
Daily Mail: "The design has drawn a scathing response from Tory peer Lord Tebbit, a close ally of former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher, who introduced the torch. He likened the oak to a 'bunch of sprouting broccoli' and said: 'Changing the logo is what companies who haven't got much else to think about tend to do. This is one of those displacement activities because they aren't thinking about policies.'" Acknowledgment rating 2/5 - The online Mail mentions but the newspaper version doesn't and publishes the wrong logo (it publishes ConservativeHome's suggestion - not the one being considered by the party).
The Guardian: "The new oak may prove too English for some tastes, which party insiders say could lead Mr Cameron to create a small copse, including a Scots pine for Scotland. Wales's contribution to the Tory arboretum is as yet uncertain and the few members in Northern Ireland may not get anything at all, not even a shamrock. The party could go further still and opt for a small forest representing the different forces on Mr Cameron's frontbench. Alan Duncan, the trade spokesman, is most certainly a bonsi pine; the ascetic party chairman, Francis Maude, a thorn tree; William Hague has largely been defoliated; and the hand-wringing Oliver Letwin must be a weeping maple. Tory rightwingers would be shown by a large redwood. Mr Cameron himself is of uncertain genus, though he has lush, fast-growing foliage, pleasant stature, lots of flowers and the prospect of early-picking fruit, which probably means he hails from somewhere in the the tropics, or alternatively is a victoria plum." Acknowledgment rating 1/5 - Julian Glover's page 1 story only manages a mention of a "a website for party supporters". (11.30am - Julian has left a comment to say that there was a mention in later editions of The Guardian).
The Sun and Express both mention the logo change. Acknowledgment rating 0/5 - Neither mention ConservativeHome and the Express' Hickey column presents it as 'Hickey can reveal...'.
6.30pm update: BBC Online has a report with a 5/5 acknowledgment rating: "A poll on the ConservativeHome website, which represents the views of the party at grassroots level to its leadership, suggested that 63% of its users supported an oak tree logo. Some of the words and phrases used to explain their backing included that the image was strong, rooted, environmental/green, English/British, protective, reaching to the sky and providing shelter." The Scotsman, in contrast, gets a 0/5 rating for zero acknowledgment: "The change will please modernisers who want to pitch the party as eco-friendly and are eager to get away from its Thatcherite history, which the torch embodies."
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