This has been released from CCHQ this evening...
"David Cameron, at a Party event tomorrow evening, will set out the case for change and the principles and purpose for modern compassionate Conservatism. He will outline the aims and values of the Party, and he will make it clear what the Conservatives are fighting for in a statement of values. He will also propose that the Party debate the document, and then adopt a final version of the statement by putting it to a ballot of the entire membership.
Our aims
To improve the quality of life for everyone through:
A dynamic economy, where thriving businesses create jobs, wealth and opportunity.
A strong society, where our families, our communities and our nation create secure foundations on which people can build their lives.
A sustainable environment, where we enhance the beauty of our surroundings and protect the future of the planet.
Our values
The more we trust people, the stronger they and society become.
We’re all in this together – government, business, the voluntary sector, families and individuals. We have a shared responsibility for our shared future.
Our Party
We are an open and inclusive Party. We will act to ensure that our Party, at every level, is representative of modern Britain.
What we’re fighting for
1. A successful Britain must be able to compete with the world.
We will put economic stability and fiscal responsibility first. They must come before tax cuts.
Over time, we will share the proceeds of growth between public services and lower taxes - instead of letting government spend an ever-increasing share of national income.
2. There is such a thing as society, it's just not the same thing as the state.
The right test for our policies is how they help the most disadvantaged in society, not the rich. We will stand up for the victims of state failure and ensure that social justice and equal opportunity are achieved by empowering people and communities - instead of thinking that only the state can guarantee fairness.
3. The quality of life matters, as well as the quantity of money.
We will enhance our environment by seeking a long-term cross-party consensus on sustainable development and climate change - instead of short-term thinking and surrender to vested interests. We will support the choices that women make about their work and home lives, not impose choices on them.
4. Public services for everyone must be guaranteed by the state, not necessarily run by the state.
We will improve the NHS and schools for everyone, not help a few to opt out. But public services paid for by the state don't have to be run by the state. We will trust professionals and share responsibility - instead of controlling professionals in state monopolies.
5. It is our moral obligation to make poverty history.
We will fight for free and fair trade, increase international aid, and press for further debt relief. But this is not enough. We will also take action to build those institutions - like the rule of law and property rights - that support development.
6. Security and freedom must go hand in hand.
In fighting crime and terrorism, we will be hard-nosed defenders of freedom and security. We will ensure strong defence and the effective enforcement of laws that balance liberty and safety - instead of ineffective authoritarianism which puts both freedom and security at risk.
7. We understand the limitations of government, but are not limited in our aspirations for government.
We believe in the role of government as a force for good. It can and should support aspirations such as home ownership, saving for a pension, and starting a business. It should support families and marriage, and those who care for others. And it should support the shared experiences that bring us together - such as sport, the arts and culture.
8. We believe that government should be closer to the people, not further away.
We want to see more local democracy, instead of more centralisation - whether to Brussels, Whitehall or unwanted regional assemblies - and we want to make the devolved institutions in Scotland and Wales work. Communities should have more say over their own futures.
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