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Excellent news!

What's the difference, you are lib dems in all but name now anyway!

Why would Mr Clegg want to work with, in his own words, "the do nothing Tory party?"

After the election, what is the rationale for closer working with the LDs to help build up their influence?

I'm with Ridley Grove. I want a Conservative Right-Cameron coalition. Not a Cameroon-Lib Dem coalition.

HF, how about to avoid looking like a one-party autocracy as was often the case with Labour after 1997?

If Mr.Cameron can smell a few more votes,he will be all for it.

I shall say again as I have said before that we need to be VERY careful about our position following the next election.

We need to push Labour and the Lib Dems together in the event of a hung parliament and temporarily avoid taking office on our own so that the two parties are really hammered after another general election within a year or two of 2010.

This 'office at any price' strategy of going in the Lib Dems will end in disaster for both Cameron and the Conservative Party. For one thing, the Lib Dems would hold the whip hand, and would do their best to prevent us from pursuing genuine Conservative ideas whilst promoting their left wing (Cameroon) ideas. If we are a Conservative government in name only, then there is little point in having one.

Secondly, the Lib Dems will do as they always do when involved in coalition. Anything that goes wrong will be nothing whatsoever to do with them-indeed, it would have been done by those nasty Tories against our Lib Dem advice, and furthermore, if the Lib Dems had not been involved in the coalition it would have been much much worse, they will say. Anything that is popular will be a Lib Dem idea that they forced upon us-'and doesn't that show that Lib Dems deliver when we are in office!' they will say.

The Coalition or minority Cameron government would be rocked by parliamentary weakness, economic crisis and probably internal divisions. Meanwhile, Labour will laugh and quietly re-start their love affair with ther electorate in opposition.

Within a couple of years, Labour will be back stronger than ever and Cameron will have blown his one good chance at being a good longstanding Prime Minister.

So DON'T accept office at any price. Let Labour carry on if you can-preferably with the Lib Dems in tow. Then we can subject them to death by a thousand cuts and then really smash them at a subsequent election producing a landslide Tory majority for perhaps a decade or more. That would give Cameron the free hand to really make a difference and become a really great refoming government.

The choice is that simple. Whichever party wins the next election will most probably turn out to be the long-term losers. I don't want David Cameron to be the last Tory Prime Minister ever, or the worst Prime Minister ever. But the choice is really his. Will he rush in and blow it, or will he take his time, take a risk and really win big?

Preparing for a well hung parliament is certainly prudent.

I wouldn't mind this. It could stop us turning into Labour Mark II - it would help us do what is best for the people not the party.

However, if we move too far left, we risk being outflanked by a new party of the right.

@Edward Huxley

That is what politics is all about!!!!

"the Conservatives are considering "generous outreach" to the Liberal Democrats"
Is this at all related to the "gay outreach friendly" policy mentioned in connection with that other exciting initiative, the "five pronged affirmation of 'new Toryism' " - ?
AJJM suggests, "we risk being outflanked by a new party of the right". I wish...

I'm all for lovebombing liberal SUPPORTERS but don't like the idea of forming a coalition with the Party.

I would much prefer Cameron to say he wants to govern with his own agenda and that on the major economic issues, the Liberals are too close to Labour and so would hamper our attempts to take the necessary steps to recover the economy.

This would then allow Labour and the Liberals to get into a mess and for us to sweep the board next time.

Hopefully though, this will all be pretty academic because we'll get a 100-seat majority!

Have faith in Mr Cameron. We may well be seeing the developement of a very good leader.

Co-operation is one thing, coalition is another. I think LibDems would be very wary of coalition, it could finally shatter the links between strange bed-fellows for good and finish them as a Party. If anything I would see a more revolutionary leftist party emerging from the ruins of that than anything to the right.
1997 was the year to lose an election according to the Tories. Unfortunately, Labour took their opportunities well, and despite the outrage of Pensions that were noted immediately by some, held on through 2 more elections. The Tory brand was so contaminated, that Beelzebub himself could have been re-elected for at least 2001. Despite the sustained intellectual attacks on Brown's cavalier and profligate spending, nobody wanted to listen because Lib Dems were inconsequential and no *(&(& way were they going to go Tory. So I would be careful of throwing away elections in a cavalier fashion. The Tories are faced with a train-wreck of an economy and a civil society. It is a huge challenge. I wouldn't shirk it, because the Labour Brand is so contaminated now, I think a lot of leeway will be given to the replacements.
I would only think of a hung Parliament if Labour boot Gordon out (and I don't think they can get the 71 MPS necessary to do that) and the replacement has a very fortuitous external event to unite the Party and Country around.

Don't take any notice of this - The question was loaded -eg "Would you everyone to be nice?" Surprise they said YES. the sample was not a proper oe and I believe unweighted.


More co-operation with Joanna Lumley yes.
More with the Lib-Dems? Give over.

More Climate Change scare stories?
More tax & spend?
More integration into the EU super state?

What have they got that we need?

Clearly no fantasies about a Cameron landslide here.

Lib Dems are mostly local communitarians and populists, and giving each of them the little thing that he or she wants on his or her patch would not necessarily be the worst way to shore up a majority, to say the least.

Individual Lib Dems also do sterling work on pet causes, and again a government could do a lot of good by striking the relevant deals in order to keep itself going; look forward to the opening up of the family courts, to a Coroner's Inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly, and so forth.

No one can deny the Lib Dems' prophetic voice against the lunatic foreign policy of the Blair years, a significant and most welcome break with their own record in the Nineties.

And dare we even hope for Vince Cable, if not as Chancellor, then certainly in a very senior position dealing with economic policy?

But the Lib Dems AS A PARTY are Eurofanatical, anti-family, pro-crime and pro-drugs. So yes, they are the perfect coalition partners for David Cameron.

Lib Dem policy on the EU is totally hopeless!!

The Lib Dems should be defeated, not accommodated in any way.

The LibDem policies are not compatible with Tory views. There is a limit to how far Cameron can push our party members. I am okay with his style of politics and I think he is doing well, for now I'm prepared to go with it, but if he goes too far then he will split the party. And I'd go with the right, not the left.

Might as well team up with the Dims. 80% of the laws come from Brussels anyway.

Cameron's Old Eatonian Pinkoes must be rejoicing at the news.

Before Cameron and co pat themselves on
the back for their newly found support of Ms Lumley in revealing the Gurkhas claim, up until now and since 1997 Labour has done much more for the Gurkhas than the Conservatives ever undertook (and I cannot stand the sight or sound of Labour).

You guys still don`t get it. You win elections by attracting votes from the centre not from the right-wing headbangers.
Cameron is being very clever and rightly sees the way to Downing Street is not from the right but from the centre.

I am a Liberal Democrat and wow can I just say I am really feeling the love here! But seriously to all those people who say we must be 'opposed at all costs'; I have a couple of things to say;

a) As I point out on my blog this should *not* be considered as an endorsement of a coalition by any means...

b)I disagree with the Conservative Party on many, many things and also the policy positions that get put forward on this site but that is scarcely the issue anymore is it? The issue is that removal of this government is the 'greater good'. The issue is that the country clearly wills it and the opposition should reflect that if they have any claim to be representative of the people they say they are....so, on the areas that we do agree; in the areas where we can hold this government to account and hopefully chip away at it's authority. Any other attitude is just petty tribalism at the exspense of the bigger picture as far as i'm concerned...

*why should we not work together? sorry, typoitus strikes!

This is one of the longest comment sprees I've ever seen!

Outside of their values on liberty, the Lib Dems are as bad, if not worse, than Labour.

I very much hope we don't get all lovey-dovey with them.

By all means, let's work with them on freedom issues and to crush Labour. But after that.... each party for itself IMHO.

We have very little in common with them. They are the new left. Nothing good there.

The LibDems have some truly valuable underlying ideas on the liberty and primacy of the individual. But their europhilia, their eco-obsessiveness and their innate tendency towards policies involving redistribution/higher taxes shows them to be fiscal leftists - which makes me want to have nothing to do with them.

Happy May Day! Socialism or bust!

Why are you all bothering to react to a poll which is not a poll at all. If you ask a loaded question you'll get the answer you planned to get in the first place. As for an unweighted sample of that tiny size - PURLerase !

By all means co-operate with right-leaning Liberals.

If I had wanted to be a Lib-Dem I would have joined that Party. They stand against us at all elections and use some of the dirtiest tricks. I can remember when they held only 6 seats in the Commons and wish we could get back to those days.

We are Tories, let us stand or fall on that and on our policies.

The poll is a complete stupidity as Christina claims. I've no doubt there will already be many in the BLU-LABOUR fold (the Ken Clarke, Chris Patten, Leon Brittan, Rifkind axis eg)who will clamour for this alliance win or lose the general election.
At heart the "new" Conservative Party is as rotten as "New" Labour (or old)and the Limp Dims.
When there is common policy on selling out our national identity and sovereign powers let the Tories , Labour and Lib Dems all merge into one and call themselves the British EU Party, thus reflecting the reality of the situation. Carrying on the pretence of "opposition" and "patriotism" will be ruthlessly exposed, when, after the next election and DC becomes PM the whole nation will realise that everything is still the same and we are still governed by the new Soviet Empire - the EU.
Until the Tory Eurosceptic wing take control and force the required split in the party the Tories will not be the solution but will remain part of THE PROBLEM.

"The LibDems have some truly valuable underlying ideas on the liberty and primacy of the individual. But their europhilia, their eco-obsessiveness and their innate tendency towards policies involving redistribution/higher taxes shows them to be fiscal leftists - which makes me want to have nothing to do with them."

Posted by: Tanuki

We should still work with them where our interests overlap. As you say, we share a belief in liberty and the the primacy of the individual.

I wouldn't mind following their lead on tax cutting, too. I know there are reasons, but it still feels strange that the LibDems are offering tax cuts and we aren't !

Having said that, if we do sup with them, it should be with a long spoon. The one area where there is clear blue water is Europe. There is no doubt that the LibDems do want a United States of Europe, and they will be ruthless in pursuing this agenda (look at their behaviour over the Lisbon treaty).

"Don't take any notice of this - The question was loaded -eg "Would you everyone to be nice?" Surprise they said YES."

Posted by: christina Speight

Don't knock it.

Nice is what's going to give Dave his big win.

I agree Darrell. Can you feel the love here?

Registered Liberal Democrat.
I agree with Conservative on many things and i would love to see more co operation on SOME issues.

I am more conservative on economic issues but Liberal when it comes to social and civil liberties issue.
They are the best party to protect my rights.
If Conservatives can strike a balance you have my vote.

I was reading that Clegg is more in the mould of the older Liberal types (like Lloyd George, Gladstone etc) and was even a member of the Oxford Conservative association. If he can swing his party back over to it's traditional center of right platform, we might have the old party back.

The day they replace Labour and take back their place as the second main party in British politics (with the Conservatives in first) will be a good day. I don't think merging with the SDP did them any favours though.

Here is our chance to wipe the Labour out forever (I reckon UKIP & the BNP could also help towards this goal). Once we have them out of the way we can focuse on fixing the damage they have been inflicting on us since the 1920's. Don't form a coalition but be prepared to extend the small Olive branch if needs be. Then you just need to start purging all the "lefties" from the Liberals and wallah. It's all back to how it was pre-WWI.

This should be interesting - our LibDem MP is an opportunistic former Labour coucillor who switched when he realised he would never be elected in our neck of the woods under the red banner.
First move to his supporters, I feel; do they still want their chap, or would they rather have a candidate who would, if the Tories don't gain this seat, be acceptable to a Conservative government?

The Conservatives joined with the LibDems in supporting the Climate change bill which seeks to commit future governments to an impossible target. Mr. Cameron`s policy (if he has one) on the EU is identical to theirs; his MEPs are still in the federalist EPP and his spokesman William Hague continues to prevaricate about holding a referendum on the Lisbon treaty.

Also it seems there is a conspiracy at Westminster to prevent any discussion about our EU membership, which costs us £30million a day.

More co-operation? There`s enough already.

We should cooperate with the Lib Dems where we agree and oppose them where we don't.That is a sensible position to hold.It worked well with Gurkha campaign and made Brown look ridiculously partisan which of course he is.
If the polls are right we will not need the Lib Dems at all, a situation which I think would be greeted with relief by most Conservative MPs.
Comments from some that there is no difference in policy between the Conservatives and Lib Dems reveal either ignorance or stupidity.

'If the polls are right we will not need the Lib Dems at all, a situation which I think would be greeted with relief by most Conservative MPs.'

The only vote that matters is the general election one.
Brown once had a double digit lead over Conservatives and look at him now ... :P

Give them specific areas.

They were opposed to the Iraq War from the start. Brown has prromised a full investigation in to the circumstances of the Iraq War, but from experience it will be a whitewash. Give them the role of looking at its legality and whether both Labour PMs and Ministers lied to the house about complicity with torture. If there is anything there they will find it. This could blow a giant hole in the future career of Milliband.

The Conservatives have worked with them closely on issues of civil liberties, especially on No2ID. Give them the task of investigating the database state and the erosion of those liberties.

Their tax policies will interest those on low incomes. So give them the role of looking at the tax and benefit system that has left those in the lowest income bracket facing marginal tax rates of between 39% to 85%.

Formal coalitions. No.

At a meeting with Vince Cable the other night he readily discussed the possibility of an alliance. After all the Lib Dems are a cut off from the Labour party; but there mistake has been to target the Torys over the past decade as opposed the Labour.

Clegg is essentially a liberal conservative anyway, seeing Joanna Lumley standing between him and David Cameron helped to remind us of it. So for his supporters the jump to co-operate with liberal torys would not be large at all. However in the case of a hung parliament and a Tory and Liberal coalition Vince said that he would be a better Chancellor and George Osborne would be. A room full of OE style liberal Torys supported him.

Give us electoral reform NOW then.

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