At David Cameron's monthly press conference at the beginning of last week, I specifically asked him whether he would be meeting President Obama in London during the G20 summit.
His reply - which I posted here - was pretty firmly in the negative:
Intriguing, then, to read The Times' Sam Coates' latest post on his blog:
If David Cameron didn't request such a meeting - as he told me he had not done - then I can only conclude that if they do meet that the request must have come from the White House. Which suggests that President Obama and his entourage are very aware of which way the political wind is blowing this side of the pond.
Jonathan Isaby
Which one of them will be the first to say "lightweight"?
Posted by: Adam4 | March 26, 2009 at 20:46
Let's hope that Cameron shows a little more decorum this time and refrains from interrupting the poor chap every time he opens his mouth.
One expects better - or does one? - from a chap who went to Eton.
Posted by: Viscount Crouchback | March 26, 2009 at 20:52
Whilst this would be a fantastic coup I do wonder if perhaps this could be seen as a breach of diplomatic protocol?
My knowledge in this field is pretty much non-existent, but I do remember that in and episode of the West Wing Bartlett was unable to meet an opposition politician from the Ukraine in an official manner for fear of breaching protocol. I know the West Wing is hardly a reputable source (Anyone remember the Oval Office carpet episode?) but it's generally pretty on the ball, and I can see the logic here.
Posted by: Chris | March 26, 2009 at 21:26
"Oval Office carpet"
Anything to do with blue dresses, cigars and interns?
Posted by: Super Blue | March 26, 2009 at 21:35
Obama would be better off metting Hans Gert Poettering, leader of the EU Parliament as he'll be calling the shots and telling EU Dave what to do if he becomes PM.
Posted by: Kevin | March 26, 2009 at 21:47
Regardless of what Richard the Fourth says above, if they do meet and if it could be proved that President Obama was the initiator of the meeting, this would be the greatest ?leveller that could happen to Brown!
Posted by: Patsy Sergeant | March 26, 2009 at 22:12
Super Blue,
The Oval Office Carpet episode sadly contained none of the above! It referred to a myth that the seal of the president changes when the US declares war ie. The eagle is changed to face the arrows rather than the olive branch.
Posted by: Chris | March 26, 2009 at 22:31
Looks like that hirsute Draper has been on the site again.
Posted by: Bell | March 26, 2009 at 22:36
The Americans should do their best to hold onto their "friends" over here. In the next couple of decades, assuming we haven't all died, the US will be needing all the friends it can get.
Posted by: Tristan Downing | March 26, 2009 at 23:03
Is Obama going to give Brown a region 1 DVD player for his brand new collection?
Posted by: Tristan Downing | March 27, 2009 at 00:08
"Obama would be better off metting Hans Gert Poettering, leader of the EU Parliament as he'll be calling the shots and telling EU Dave what to do if he becomes PM."
As much as I hate the eu, it would be either the president of the commission (prime minister of europe), currently Hose manuel Barosso or the president of the european council, which, owing to the fall of the czech government, currently Vacklav Klaus.
The president of the parliament is merely the speaker.
Posted by: Tommy | March 27, 2009 at 03:25
Obama's campaign team absolutely must have studied Tony Blair's 3 wins thoroughly. Obama's win against Hilary reminded me of when Cameron beat Davis for the leadership. The media love Obama and kept suggestion subliminally to everyone that he would win, just like what's happening to Cameron.
The similarities come from Blair's successful campaign. I believe Cameron and Obama are up to date with all the information from psychologists on how people vote and how to persuade people to tick the box on polling day.
It's funny that New Labour are trying to say their great new friend on the schoolyard Obama thinks that young kid Cameron is a 'lightweight' but it's not true. Cameron has demolished Brown time and time again just like Obama has hit Clinton (a CLINTON!) and McCain. Cameron and Obama are surprisingly similar. There's only about 5 years between them.
Cameron is a brutal politician who doesn't show mercy to his enemies. Labelling him a lightweight is false, and it's not wise to underestimate strong people.
Posted by: David Galea | March 27, 2009 at 06:00
"The Americans should do their best to hold onto their "friends" over here. In the next couple of decades, assuming we haven't all died, the US will be needing all the friends it can get."
What does that mean?
Posted by: Steevo | March 27, 2009 at 07:27