Over on PoliticsHome there is encouraging news for the Conservative Party.
A poll of just over 1,000 voters found that there is a difference among the three parties in terms of how passionately they are supported. 47% of prospective Conservative voters said they were "very enthusiastic" about their choice, but only 34% of Labour supporters said the same and just 24% of Liberal Democrats. Fully 79% of Conservatives were very or quite enthusiastic. 11% of Liberal Democrats were "actively depressed" about voting for their preferred party - and who can blame them?
Excellent news, naturally - looks as though we'll be the ones hoping for bad weather on election day this time! :)
Posted by: David Bean | March 11, 2009 at 17:34
Counting one's chickens much earlier this year I see!
Not really a good idea I'm sorry to say.
Posted by: R.Baker | March 11, 2009 at 17:52
Funny - as a lifelong Conservative voter I find myself wondering who on earth I will be voting for come the election.
If only Dave would undertake to hold the EU referendum come what may it would be easy.
Posted by: Robert Eve | March 11, 2009 at 17:59
Shame that more of the nutjobs on this site aren't more enthusiastic about the Conservative Party.
Posted by: Rude Tory | March 11, 2009 at 18:04
I think we can put R. Baker in the other 21% of Conservative supporters!
Posted by: anne allan | March 11, 2009 at 18:06
I suspect really that those supporting parties in opposition are always more enthusiastic about there parties than those supporting the governing party as you always tend to be like that when your opposing something rather than supporting it and also wanting change rather than the status quo.Its human nature to be like this.
Posted by: Jack Stone | March 11, 2009 at 18:07
Fantastic News!! Last year 25% of Lib Dem voters were very enthusiastic about their choice!! Therefore by 2085 100%!! of Lib Dem voters will be!! The inevitable march to victory continues!! Go home and prepare for government (enthusiatically)!!
Posted by: Gloy Poopwell | March 11, 2009 at 18:39
Shame that more of the nutjobs on this site aren't more enthusiastic about the Conservative Party.
Shame that some of the Cameroonies around here aren't more enthusiastic about basic Conservative values like truth and freedom, rather than mindlessly adoring their leader and slinging abuse at those trying to bring them back into touch with reality
Posted by: Alex Swanson | March 11, 2009 at 18:56
I thought they were all defecting to UKIP?
Posted by: RichardJ | March 11, 2009 at 19:40
Agree with Rude Tory. And important remember that the ConHome polls show that most of the people of who post comments generally do not share the views of the silent majority.
Posted by: Doug | March 11, 2009 at 19:48
@ RichardJ: I am for the European elections. Here a vote for UKIP counts, but many of the more Thatcherite but realistic Conservatives will site vote Conservative come the next General Election as this is the only real way to get Brown out and have a vote that does anything.
Posted by: Felix Bungay | March 11, 2009 at 19:51
most of the people of who post comments generally do not share the views of the silent majority
Well, it was the "silent majority" that have forced both major political parties to adopt positions on immigration which would have been condemned out of hand as "extremist" and "racist" at the last general election.
In general, I personally don't worry about whether my views accord with the "majority" or not on any particular issue; I know well that the majority have been repeatedly and grossly lied to for years. I worry only about whether my views accord with reason and evidence. It would be nice if others took that attitude as well, instead of dog-like loyalty to a leadership which in return so clearly holds them in contempt.
Posted by: Alex Swanson | March 11, 2009 at 20:06
Great news.
Posted by: HF | March 11, 2009 at 20:45
Ultimately I guess (except Jack Stone), we all want Brown and his mob out. Let's all align on how we do that. This Euro-obsession gets on my nerves to the same extent as it's irrelevant to those who want the same and are worried about jobs/ homes. I am so bored that every discussion, on any subject, somehow gets hijacked by off-topic remarks that belong on a UKIP-Home website if ever the demand arose for one to be created. Let's campaign to get Labour out and ensure we have a country left to fight for: it's academic if we become the Euro-Zimbabwe with Brown, because nobody would want us anyhow. Pyrrhic victory, anyone?
Posted by: EcclesTory | March 11, 2009 at 21:48
Ultimately I guess (except Jack Stone), we all want Brown and his mob out. Let's all align on how we do that.
I am so bored that every discussion, on any subject, somehow gets hijacked by off-topic remarks that belong on a UKIP-Home website if ever the demand arose for one to be created.
Amen to that. A Labour victory is the worst possible result. We need a Conservative government, even if it won't be perfect - but when was the last "perfect" Conservative government anyway?
Of course some people would prefer a "pure" Conservative Party even if it meant another Labour term because they're not actually affected by its misdeeds. They either live abroad or are safe enough in their circumstances that they worry about ideals rather than policy.
Posted by: Raj | March 11, 2009 at 23:20
All Conservatives should remember the mess that we got ourselves into in the 1990s. Rowing and moaning and critiscising the party leadership all the time doesn't help!
I am trusting DC and the shadow cabinet because of the results they've already achieved!
Posted by: Freddy | March 11, 2009 at 23:56
Brilliant piece by Ian Martin in the Telegraph this morning of the Labour scandal of HBOS. It utterly destroys Brown and rightly so and makes the point the loss is almost half of the cost of fighting WW11.
Why isn't this on every news program and front page as Ian Martin points out if the Tories had done it then it would be!
Posted by: Air Nokia One | March 12, 2009 at 08:38
Why can certain contributors not spell words that are featured in the thread title?
Posted by: Super Blue | March 12, 2009 at 22:01
"Conservative voters are more enthusiastic about their party than Labourites and Lib Dems"
That is patently obvious. The Labour supporter is doing his best to keep out of the conversation because is he ashamed of the mess Labour have made of the country and its finances. The Liberal democrat is trying his best to keep up the pretence that they are a serious political party, but Thick Nick, isn't helping much. After many years in the wilderness the Tory's are starting to look electable again, and as a result the morel inside the party is very high indeed.
However, the vast bulk of the British public has been completely turned off by politicians and no longer believe anything that the major players say. Well done Labour, you have brought our political system to its knees.
Posted by: Ross Warren | March 13, 2009 at 10:41
I don't find this news surprising. However, it does seem absurd that so many people still have any faith in Labour whatsoever. For a more promising future, our country needs Conservative policies to be implemented.
It would almost certainly help to convince uncertain voters, if members of the Shadow Cabinet were given more slots on TV and the radio. Left-wing bias tends to make this difficult, particularly from the BBC.
Another help, might be for more Shadow Cabinet members to visit our town centres and speak directly to the people. Too often it seems, time is spent at fringe meetings rather than with ordinary voters.
Posted by: Julian L Hawksworth | March 14, 2009 at 12:29