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""The right to oppose, mock, deride and even insult people's beliefs is essential to a society where bad ideas are superseded by better ones. There is no right to have one's emotional sensibilities protected, for it is no business of government to legislate for people's feelings. Mr Wilders' views are obnoxious, and (not but) his freedom to express them must be defended.""

I agree with the Times and have to say that I am disappointed that we are not making a similar statement as a Party.

Well someone has to say it - the Tories don't want to lose potential Muslim votes and know that they are more likely to suffer electorally by making a statement than if they keep quiet.

PS I'm not saying I approve of that attitude, it's just how I suspect the leadership are thinking. For what it's worth I think Cameron should be kicking up a stink about this even if it does lose us some Muslim votes.

So not even we stand up for freedom of speech anymore.

Geert Wilders goes out of his way to upset people, but at the end of the day, he doesn't say anything that outrageous. As far as I can see he is trying to defend his country's admirable liberal tradition, much like the late Pim Fortun. Unfortunately, we no longer have a liberal tradition in this country.

I don't know enough about his beliefs to comment in particular, but surely nothing should be beyond discussion, and as far as I know, he has never icited violence.

Incidently I'm not saying I approve of that attitude (I don't and think Cameron should be kicking up a fuss about this even if it does lose us votes) but I suspect that's how the leadership are thinking.

"He said that the Conservatives would be against any change in the free movement of workers as it was an aspect of the single market that they "strongly support".Hague

except where it involves democratically elected representatives from EU ciuntries

The Tories are damned by their silence.

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