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This is a personal tragedy ( and Mr Cameron and family have my condolences) but in no way should it affect the running of government or parliament.

The cancelling of PMQ's is a disgrace and a clear demonstration that the Tory's are a one trick pony.

I am a Labour man through. The comment above mine is an absolute disgrace and Anoneumouse wants banning from here forever. Morons like you are pathetic.

The cancelling of PMQ's is a disgrace and a clear demonstration that the Tory's are a one trick pony.

Posted by: Anoneumouse | February 25, 2009 at 12:03

Why don.t you get a life , if anyone is disgraceful it,s you. A family has lost a child dam it !

Well said gezmond007. I have just emailed Jonathan about this. I am totally disgusted at this remark.

I recall a similar Parliamentary moment in 1994 after John Smith died. John Major spoke simply but eloquently about the deceased Labour leader. Judged by those standards, I thought Brown was poor today.

But today is a day for concentrating on the Cameron family.

What on earth is that first post about?

Aside from the fact that it was Gordon Brown's idea to suspend PMQs as a mark of respect, it is an appalling thing to say. Suspending for the Commons for twenty minutes has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with being human beings.

Anoneumouse, PMQ's is indeed an important aspect of Parliamentary life, as sometimes we can score some very good points.

But do you honestly think anyone today wants to indulge in point scoring?

What's going on here. First the moron in post 1 and then London Tory.

Today is not about politics or point scoring. For goodness sake people a little boy has died and you resort to this. I am shocked to say the least.

Good afternoon.

I don't think we should complain that Brown's statement wasn't adequate London Tory. As Brown is a man who has also lost his child I'm sure he feels with a much greater sense then many people what David Cameron is going through.
Come on- this should transend party. I thought the Commons peformance today was dignified and correct.

AMOUSE, it is just PMQs that have been cancelled not the whole of Parliament or government, so we don't geet PMQs for one day the net result wil be zero it is just a bit of theatre anyway.

As for comment about being a one trick pony Hague could have more than hold his own against Brown but why do it in the circumstances, also Brown suspended PMQs.

Tim how about setting up a post in which people could send their regards and condolenses at this sad time to David and Samantha Cameron.

I'm absolutely shocked by this news and my heart is with the Cameron family today. The death of a child is a singularly tragic event, tempered only by my faith that Ivan was loved in life and will be taken good care of in heaven. The top post on this thread is indeed a disgrace. Unsurprisingly but no less disgracefully, Paul Staines has expressed such callous thoughts too: http://www.order-order.com/2009/02/pmqs-cancelled.html

Why don.t you get a life , if anyone is disgraceful it,s you. A family has lost a child dam it !

Posted by: gezmond007 | February 25, 2009 at 12:11

Gezmond, I agree with you

Please stop trying to score points, LondonTory

I don't see how you can compare this to the death of John Smith in anyway at all........

Tim/Jonathan, I realise your intentions are good, but can I ask that we don't blog this subject.

This response to the tragedy in the Cameron family shows just how decent and honourable all the parties and their leaders can be.

This is a tragedy for the Camerons. I hope they'll find the strength to cope with it. I'm not sure I would.

The first post is disgusting. This is not a time for any kind of tribalism, just for all our thoughts to be with the Camerons during this terrible time for them. Condolences can never be adequate for the death of a child, but everyone with a heart will surely be offering them.

I'm sorry, I have the deepest sympathy for the Cameron's on a personal level today, but cancelling PMQ's for a personal loss within the political class but not offering the same mark of respect for the families whose husbands and wives have lost their lives fighting for Britain will, when the dust has settled, raise questions about differing concern.

It is not as if our politicians grant our armed forces a day off when they lose one of their own.

Defending the country and running the country must be above individuals, however very hard that may be at a time of loss.

Anoneumouse has every right to make his comments. I don't think his final comment was appropriate or sensible but his first one is entirely arguable. I feel a bit uneasy about PMQs being cancelled for this reason.

It would be useful if you would make your own case rather than objecting to someone else stating theirs.

GB£ - I won't tell you again. Stop channelling me!

Sorry Henners.

Again, I am trying to be sensitive, but if PMQ's was cancelled when one of our armed servicemen or women has died, it might in itself help to remind and reinforce in our politicians, the human cost of war.

The mother, wife, daughter of a soldier killed in Afghanistan will see the news tonight and wonder why their loss was worth only a byline in PMQ's when a loss to a politician merits cancellation.

GC£ PMQs can in no way be compared to fighting in Afghanistan. Soldiers of course get upset when one of their mates gets killed but the next day they are there not becuase they don't care but because their lives depend on it and they are professionals and have a job to do, it is always that way that is why they make us proud.

PMQs on the other hand is a piece of political theatre not the running of Government or the country and can't be compared. Gordon Brown offerred to suspend PMQs and for once on this site I will say well done Gordon Brown for doing so, it is the right thing to do.

I was really shocked when I heard the news this morning. I add my sincere condolences to those of other readers.

It is quite right for the Prime Minister and/or the Speaker to make this gesture and suspend what is a very partisan knockabout.

The House is capable of changing its mood to take account of personal tragedy that speakers are facing, but critics of today's suspension should consider how difficult it would have been for Hague and Brown (or Harman) to exchange views frankly on any topic hours after this very sad news.

I haven't heard Brown's words of condolence to the House, but I would caution against comparing him unfavourably with John Major - today's events must evoke dreadful memories for him.

Phil Whittington

I think G Brown, W Hague and V Cable acted with great compassion and understanding and Parliament was right to behave as it did.

Had PMQ's gone ahead, no one participating would have done any more than go through the motions, it would have achieved nothing.

There will be people who don't understand how unnesserary having PMQs today would have been, how uncomfortable for the participants it would have been, how it would not have served out democracy in any way. However I am glad our representatives did not act like this - well done MPs, you got this one spot on.

Chris C.

onemarcus @ 12:43 - it is not about comparison, it is about how loss affects PMQ's (whether you consider it vital or theatre)- for a soldier, it is a brief mention, for a politicians, it merits full cancellation.

If PMQ's can be cancelled as a mark of respect about personal loss of a politician, then let's learn from today and extend that respect to our soldiers going forward too.

I find it a sad indictment of our society that there are people within it who lack the humanity to allow our elected representatives 30 minutes to demonstrate their sympathy for a colleagues tragic loss.

What would they say if it were a colleague at their place of employ?

The thoughts expressed by all the party representatives were very dignified and in my view totally appropriate in the circumstances and with that I think its appropriate to respect the wishes of the grieving family and leave it at that.

Chad, I take your point but don't agree that any of our democratic process should be cancelled for a personal reason. There is no need for every PMQ to be silly. Of course it would have been subdued but could have been an opportunity for mature debate on the crippling problems this country is facing.

Like applauding Blair cancelling PMQs today may soon be seen to have been a mistake by the political class.

The place to pay proper tribute to the Camerons is on another thread on this site. I, and many other Conservatives have already done so.


don't be sanctimonious. Brown did what any human being would have done in suspending PMQs. I watched his oration, and thought it stilted. Nothing partisan about that, and nothing wrong with stating it. End of.


if you are a 'Labour man', why do you keep boring us on this site ?

I am with Oberon Houston, it would have been better not to start this blog.

The loss of a child is tragic, and I have every sympathy in the world with DC and family....

...but cancelling PMQs wasn't the right thing to do.

GB£ I am saying no more about how I know but soldiers would neither expect or want such a gesture and if you look at how many times GB has started PMQs with sending his condolenses when a soldier is killed if you are really arguing that PMQs should instead be stopped we would never have any PMQs.

As I said before when as a soldier you see you mate killed you will probably cry for your lost mate but depending on the circumstances you will then have to dust yourself off and return to action. Failure to do so will endanger your life and the lives of your comrades. Cancelling PMQs everytime a soldier is tragically killed would not only undermine military discipline it would appear as a crass empty geasture to our troops.

No one is endagered because PMQs are cancelled and Parliament and Government will manage to run witthout it. It has its place though as a necessary piece of political theatre and I will expect it will resumme ASAP next week with Hague temporarly taking Camerons place. But cancelling as a mark of respect to David and Samatha Cameron and to their son Ivan was the right thing to do.

There was no need to cancel PMQ's. Parliamentary process is more important than the family affairs of one man. That PMQ's is deemed inappropriate joviality in a somber time speaks volumes about the house of commons.

My sincere condolences to Mr Cameron. I am sorry for his awful loss.

What a shame to look on here and see the first comment from Anonemouse who I am sure when he or she grows up will see how very inappropriate it was.

onemarcus - I absolutely take your point about the soldiers themselves, but give it a week or two, then ask the families of dead serviceman and women what they think about it.

Like Henry, I would not be surprised to see anger at the way politicians treat loss from different "ranks".

I accept they did what they thought was right, I just also think it indvertently helped reinforce the criticisms of the bubble our political class inhabit.

A sad day for the Camerons, and my own condolences

It is absolutely correct that PMQ's should be cancelled since it is the opportunity for the leader of her Majesties Opposition to present questions to the Prime Minister. Since Ivan died late last night, David C will not have had the time to brief a deputy adequately to the task.

As to the leaders of the other parties making a statement at this time, posters here should remember that regardless of the personal differences between them, the house of Commons is a close knit place, and it is only fair to the members to be able to express their shared grief for the loss of one of their extended family.

I can see that Cameron would not wish to be there today to deal with personal/family loss, but it is a private/family issue, and cancelling PMQs is not appropriate and reminds me of the inappropriate and usually hidden loyalties across the House of Commons that led to the scoundrel Blair being clapped at his last appearance (and for that matter the cross-party consensus of silence about the EU).

I despair sometimes. There is a certain nihilism expressed on the internet today, and it tires me. No wonder the left sometimes paint bloggers (or those who comment on blogs) as rabid, raving right-wingers who just don't seem to understand the human soul whatsoever. Must we attack every single decision that is made? Must we moan on and on about a minor cancellation in the event of a major transformation of people's lives? Whether you believe that this means that politics has been ground to a halt, that our constitution is in danger and that it is another example of politicians just thinking of their own, just keep schtum about it. They are extremely silly things to think, but to keep harping on about it does you no credit.

These posts have depressed me by the endless cynicism.

They were right to cancel PMQ's.

There shouldn't really be an argument over it and it's not like something as tragic as this happens very often in any event.

Government hasn't stopped running so it's not even an issue in my book.

Sympathies and condolences from me therefore to all affected by this.

GB£ maybe it instead shows that they are human they suffer loss like we all have to at some point something you obviously find difficult to grasp. So rather than being in a poltical bubble they live in the same world as us mabye it takes an event such as this to reinforce it both in our minds and in some of theirs.

History will judge whether or not this was the correct call.

Some of the reasons I entirely agree with the first post on this thread are on my blog, to summarise:

Three weeks during which printing money will be authorised and more open-ended billions debited to taxpayers after months of leaderless opposition and during which not one question will be put to the architect of this country's destruction. Of course Brown ducked the Tories should have held firm.

The problem with Cameron's opposition is entirely that it looks upon PMQ as theatre rather than the main chance to change the government's direction.

The present crisis is deepening!

Of course it was right to cancel PMQ's today! I would not think anyone had the heart to go through with it. As they say, Tomorrow Is Another Day!

Some of the comments here are truly shameful.

I feel very sorry for the Camerons today and I hope they are allowed to grieve in peace.

It is absolutely right that PMQs was cancelled as a mark of respect for the Leader of the Opposition, who is of course one of the most important components of PMQs.

Thank you very much Northern Monkey for your kind and respectful post. We appreciate it.

Martin Cole, you think PMQs are the only place where the Government is held to account you really have a lot to learn and by the rest of your comment you want to grow up as well.

If you work in an office and someone you don't particularly like who you never agree with has just sufferred a bereavement would you ring them at home and have ago at them. No you would do the same as everyone offer them your condolenses when you next saw them. Today some people from both left and right of the political divide or from somewhere in between have shown they are grown up members of the human race and other have shown they are plainly not! Sincrest regards at this sad time to David and Samantha Cameron.

My sympathies to the Cameron family who must be finding it difficult to keep things together. However I do find the cancelling of PMQ's, a mere 30 minute opprtunity to hold the PM to account in every 7 days, wrong. I am not a moron and any people who accuse me of such a cliched term would do well to put aside the generalised terminology and actually offer some eveidence to substantiate such an inarticulate slogon. I am a young man who watches PMQ's continue everyweek despite the kids who are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. At a time when so many families are losing jobs and their homes, PMQ's should have resumed at 12:30 after statements from the leaders of the main parliamentary parties. It is not fair for all those families who are losing kids daily to witness the cancelling of PMQ's and drawn out speeches of condolense when all their sons and daughters get is a brief mention and a few murmurs from sleepy MP's. Wake up people, our country is facing horrendous economic and social times, and as it is tragic to hear of the death of Mr. Cameron's son, it is equally tragic to know that there are many people in this country who are suffering becuase of New Labour's incompetence and who will not be mentioned to the PM becuase of the stalling of the legislature on the tragic yet insignificant death to the entire country. You people need to get a sense of perspective and toughen up. If you lot are so concerned about the death of a young kid, then why are you not up at Westminster marching against the Iraq War and the torture that Jack Straw does not want us to know about? You people mean well I am sure, but please stop wallowing in hypocricy, grow a backbone and realise that Brown cancelled PMQ's becuase of 2 reasons, a mark of respect I am sure, but it is convenient that the range of Labour sleaze that should be put to the PM will now probably not come to the despatches box. Public life should continue regardless of the tragedies that life throws at us.

I doubt if history will care all that much about one PMQ session being cancelled. But I do wonder about the sentimentality that besets people who cannot see that a private tragedy, for which all of us feel, should not affect public affairs. How do we decide on this? Any MP losing a child means cancelling PMQ? Or just the relevant questions? What about losing a partner? What does that entail by way of cancellation? Naturally, one would not expect Cameron to be present and some brief statement of commiseration should be made but private grief should not intrude on public business. The dianification of politics and of public life is really silly.

So let's get this right

Parliament is in recess for 24 days at Christmas and there is little comment even though it is the longest such recess ever sanctioned.

Then a further unprecedented 11 day recess is sanctioned in Mid February and still little comment.

Yet when Parliament suspends for 30 minutes to pay sympathy to one of their colleagues suddenly out of the woodwork comes all this dissent.

Go Figure! No wonder our society is in such a mess. One might wonder whether such perverse individuals have got the government they deserve?

For God's sake show some compassion!

I find myself in rare agreement with Michael White on the Guardian commentisfree blog.

Some posters on here appear to be intent on manufacturing some kind of "Princess Di" moment. A small child has died. As a parent myself, and a Conservative second, I feel deeply, deeply sorry for David and Samantha Cameron.

But lets keep a sense of propriety about this. The grief is with the family. Hysterical shroud waving is both unseemly, and frankly, un Conservative.

I completely agree with Helen. It is reassuring to know of another person who shares the same standpoint on keeping public life distinctly unrestricted by private matters. Surely this loony left approach to society is what has caused a social problem of political correctness where nobody can do anything for fear of insulting them, it is a process of madness. We are living in cynical times, the £ is through the floor, banks are rolling in taxpayers money and families are losing homes, jobs and their sons and daughters. People need to understand that pretending we all live in peace and harmony with fluffy clouds delivering all the answers we need is a short trip to ruining what is left of this nation. We need to collectively grow up and utilise common sense, which would have decided that the death of Mr. Cameron's son although tragic is not an appropriate cause to cease PMQ's, I mean what would this country have done during WW2 if the House of Commons thought that every death of a relative of an MP would constitute a day of respect? I tell t=you what it would have done...collapsed to Nazism. Although we do not face fascism, we are facing a crisis of what it means to be British, an economic crisis and a profound social crisis. Hiding from this reality by choosing to ignore it and play happy citizens is a step in a profoundly wrong direction on the road to national recovery. PMQ's should have remained on schedule as it so often has depsite the fatalities of men and women who actually sacrificed their lives so that nimrods can blog on the internet and spout stupid and ill thought out comments about cynisism and humanity. Life is tough in fact 'life sucks and then we die' is a useful quote to remember. We all want a better country but cancelling PMQ's becuase of a tragic yet inevitable death is not the way to achieve this. Afterall if we were not in such a mess surely we could be investing into finding a cure for the disease Ivan had so that many more kids who are staring death in the face can survive and live, that will not happen if we stall at every oportunity for progress because our compassion and humanity urges us to do so out of respect. I don't think the families of those who have lost or are losing children to disease and war would consider what happened today a sign of respect to their private predicament now would they?

I'll repeat it here PMQs are not the only thing that goes on in parliament either on this day or any other day, nor is it the only time the Government will be held to account. Democracy whether you think it good or bad will still continue.

London Tory is quite right that no one should try and manfacture a Princess Di momement but how could you possibly have a normal PMQ when those taking part would have been so reluctant of being accussed of over doing it.

In response to william blake's ghost, surely for such a slim parliamentary session, we should be protesting against the rare occasion of PMQ's becuase it will not happen for very long before another recess. Where I agree that Parliament is sitting less and less which is damaging to the public's perception of accountabililty, I would make a point that the less time Brown and New Labour have to ruin the country further with their numerous Bills of pointless political correct jargon the better. I for one welcome the idea that New Labour has less time to screw Britain over in Parliament and thus less time before the Conservatives take over Blair's majority.

But HoC Parliamnet is so much more than PMQs.

Sad to see that even on a day like today UKIP-types showing their true nasty little colours. Some people have no idea - not a clue.

Firstly, I too would like to express my deepest sympathy for the Camerons. I can't imagine what they're going through, but I wish them all well.

The first comment to this story is an utter disgrace, and the individual who wrote it should be totally ashamed of him/herself.

For his/her information, it was Brown who requested that PMQs be cancelled, not the Conservatives, and I happen to agree with the Prime Minister that it was the right thing to do. I would have been deeply uncomfortable with watching the usual "bear-pittery" in the knowledge that the son of the Leader of the Opposition had died only hours earlier, especially had I been Brown (who lost a child) or Hague (who is both a friend and colleague of David Cameron's).

In the event, the remarks made by both men were moving and wholly appropriate.

Rest In Peace, Ivan Cameron.

A few of these posts are frankly awful. What a fine change to see the House of Commons collectively doing something decent for a change.

I would also like to say a word in Josh's defence. He may be a Labour poster but this a site on which he is welcome to add his comments. On this occasion he is correct in what he says. Leave partisan behaviour to others today.

Whilst i understand people questioning whether PMQs should have been cancelled today i disagree with them.

Today, as the world greatest parliament was suspended in honour of the death of a disabled 6 year old boy the House of Commons walked the tallest it has for many months; i'd rather democracy be suspended for half an hour than our humanity even for a moment.

See here for the list of charities DC has asked people to contribute to, in place of buying flowers

Sad news.
Whilst I see the point that it seems like polititians think they are more important than others and so suspend parliament for their personal tradgedies, I think it's more logistical than that.
ie. it happened so soon before PMQs you can't expect Cameron to do it, and would mean someone having to rush cover.
Not that Hague couldn't do that, but I expect brown doesn't want to have to face Hague and also as brown is very robotic he would still give out the same partisan lies as responses to questions as he normally does - I'm guessing an advisor realised that this couldn't be allowed to happen.

But they are human - if someone in your workplace suffers a tradgedy then do you carry on as normal? usually not.

My family wish to express their heartfelt sympathies to Mr Cameron, his wife Samantha and their children on the loss of Ivan.

It was right for there to be the option to cancel PMQs, there is no sign that there was any opposition to this in parliament, if William Hague had expressed the wish to proceed then it would have been right to do so. I hear that a dinner and unveiling of a painting of Margaret Thatcher was cancelled, I think that could have proceeded, either way referring to continuation or cancellation of that or PMQs is innappropriate, it's just a decision that has to be made after consultation to determine what those involved think.

"Sad to see that even on a day like today UKIP-types showing their true nasty little colours. Some people have no idea - not a clue."

No, you have no clue you sentimental prat. Parliamentary procedures should have continued as usual in Mr Cameron's absence. His son's death is a personal tragedy for him and his family not a public issue requiring the suspension of Parliamentary activity. This episode is a disgrace but is only to be expected from a corrupt political class which has no respect for Parliament or the country.

Steven, you're better off with what you call a 'cynic' than a sentimentalist, mate. On the other hand you are probably one of those Osbornite 'heirs to Blair' whereas I am an heir to Thatcher.

Anyway, let's see how this pans out. I predict embarrassment in a few days and mounting anger at the whole lot of them. The Speaker really has cocked it up this time.

Next week will be very interesting. Let's see how the Spelman issue is handled both by the bosses and by her. The public will be watching.

I don't think there would have been anything to be gained from PMQs not being called off.

The business of government carried on, the business of parliament carried on and all we missed was about 30 minutes of a political bun fight which all too often generates a lot of heat but almost no light.

I don't think it was 'a disgrace' as some have termed it - it was a decision made, I think, with the best of intentions. I don't like the Prime Minister's politics, but I think he, remembering his own tragedy, was entirely genuine in calling for PMQs to be called off for a day out of respect.

It was the correct decision, in my opinion (though others will differ), and I was reinforced in that belief when I heard the tributes whilst I was listening to Radio 5.

I understand that there is no right answer here, and some would have wished to carry on (indeed I think i'm correct in saying that Dennis Skinner wanted to avoid the suspension of business following the death of Anthony Eden because he didn't feel it appropriate - a view I respect, even though I don't agree with it) but I think it ill behoves us to use intemperate language when discussing the reactions to the death of a small child.

It would be doubly tragic if the terrible loss of a brave little boy became mired in dipute about proper procedure.

Decision makers must follow their instincts and sometimes instincts clash.

I personally think it was an over reaction and a dangerous precedent to cancel PMQ's completely. Surely a deferral - even for a day or two days - would have sufficed.

I can't help thinking who has gained the most from PMQ's being cancelled today.

Whatever the disaster, KBO - 'keep buggering on' as Churchill used to say.

Today showed Parliament at its best. Caring and dignified. I was proud of my country today.

Having read some of the threads on here I am appalled, whilst the economic climate is in a perilous state and people are facing an uncertain future to have gone ahead with PMQ's today would not have stopped the situation we face nor cause a change of direction in government policy or thinking. It would have looked crass and insensitive and what would it have achieved? I'll tell you nothing constructive but would have further undermined the image of our politicians in the public's mind as being out of touch and insensitive. All of whom displayed a damn sight more dignity and compassion than some of the posters on here.

Some of the postings display at best naiveity at worst immaturity, some of you need to look further than the end of your nose. The loss of a child is like nothing else believe me I know full well I lost a daughter 20 years ago and that pain whilst becoming slightly easier to bare with the passage of time is like nothing else you will ever experience.

To the Cameron family I extend my heartfelt condolences I have some idea of how you feel.

To those individuals that feel the need to complain, well yes life goes on for sure but there are times when understanding, compassion and maturity must be applied, today is such a time, the detail of life will continue but what sort of future can there be if we fail to show dignity, solace and decent humanity in times of trial.

I hope you never have to experience the loss of a child.

I feel deeply sorry for our leaders grief and indeed how his family must be feeling. I am pleased that the Speaker showed respect by not having PMQ's as seeing politicians scoring points seemed in poor taste. A modicum of respect is not a bad thing.

This did not not stop the opposition functioning as our fine Shadow Business Secretary Ken Clarke proved by putting Brown on the spot over the Royal Mail just as the Tories did over Trust Schools in 2005-06 (i.e. enrage the Labor Party by virtue of Tory votes driving through government business thus ensuring sound laws are passed while exposing Labor splits).

Just because MP's are not scoring cheap points does not mean that the government is not being held to account. Showing respect towards a family that has lost a child is never wrong in my view. Where are some people on this thread coming from ?

This is a very sad thing and I would hope that all people with compassion and humanity, whatever their politics may be, feel for the Camerons in their grief.

It is one of life's nastiest tricks to take a young child and it is a matter of sorrow that the leaders of both the Government and the Opposition have had to endure such a tragedy.

What a sad thread with some utterly risible comments from people who should know better but don't it seems.
I thought Brown's statement and that of the other leaders was heartfelt and sincere.It is good that our political leaders demonstrate their humanity from time to time.

Any individual who now comes and tells me that British society is not broken in terms of respect for others when the death of a child is involved, (ie to respect is to regard them as human beings suffering a loss rather than as ciphers, positive or negative, in a self-centred world view) is as far as I am concerned a thing, a thing that has no connection with humanity.
We love, we tolerate, we hate, but even in the hate we must respect. Once we lose the will/ability to respect, then we lose ourselves.
To those who say PMQ (I gag as I write this) should have proceeded despite this individual tragedy, I say , you are without humanity, go pick up your grey death suits to oppress. Well why not, nothing matters but the functioning of the machine of state, (see Graeme Archer's post of ? not that long ago)
To those who say why should the worth of one be above that of another, I would say that yes, technically you are correct, we are all equal in death and the mourning that happens. I would also say that time and circumstance place limits and boundaries on that mourning, and when you can, do it, and when you can't know that you will somewhere else when time and circumstances are right.
There is such an emptiness (immaturity) of some, and outright disrespect of others, that again I say this is not the right forum.
It is disrespectful to both the death to ignore its hurt and to the workings of Government to try and disallow its respect to the passing of a child.

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