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The house of cards is collapsing.

After a rubbish day at work, thats just cheered me up :)


Very good!

Brilliant (and one of my all-time favourite songs too!)

With friends like this who needs the Labour Party?!

Excellent! Nice pic of Madame here, to.


The fact that a Frenchman as had a go at Brown will probably make him more popular not less.
Wouldn`t laugh too soon!!!

Hilarious. Well done.

All the things Brown seems incapable of emulating. Professional,proficient,polished and very convincing. Even my wife raised a chuckle from the kitchen.

And I'm sure Sarkozy knows which way up he should fly the French flag.


Someone else Brown has fallen out with? There's a pattern here isn't there....

So Australia's Liberals, America's Republicans and France's Sarkozy on all on the right side of the stimulus argument.

Quick work!

I’m just looking forward to seeing unelected Brown put down what Nicolas Sarkozy said!

Unelected Browns world is falling apart & I couldn’t be happier, the only down side is that he is taking Britain with him.
As the worlds leaders start to openly use Britain as an example of how not to do things we can only hope that the people of Britain demand that he releases his unelected grip from our lives & does what the whole country must surely now be thinking & wanting!

Call an election.

Of course he won’t, because he knows him & his muppet government are as popular as the plague & seen as incompetent as, well! A British leader!

Brown in his delusion of a world thought he was saving the world, who can save us from him?

This is really below the belt and an absolute disgrace. You deliberatly try to undermine the Great Leader at exactly the time when the world needs his guidance.

People will be calling him a One-eyed, Scottish, Idiot next......And it will be your fault Conservative home.

Does no one think this is a bit unusual? National politicians usually are very circumspect at critisizing politicians of other developed countries. It would seem that international politicians have nothing but contempt for Brown and his government, particularly when he went on about saving the world. I thought that when the Chairman of OPEC had a gratuitous go at Brown over fuel tax that was a clear indication of the depths to which Brown has sunk in the world view.

Clarkson is right.

Yesterday the Slovenian PM had an audience with Brown then said at the LSE that he was going to follow Brown's approach for the financial crisis.He then sped away by cavalcade to meet Sarkozy in Paris.I wonder if he changed his tune?

Bravo mes amis!!

Loved the bit at 1:34 about Carla's feelings about it!!

Obviously ..This is a global French relations disaster that started in America......

Which part of Clarkson's statement isn't true?

"National politicians usually are very circumspect at critisizing politicians of other developed countries."

In this week of economic depression, snow crippled infrastructure and salt shortages. We are starting to look more and more like a third world economy. Sarkozy knows this and is acting accordingly. I suspect Brown will try to laugh it off and put a positive spin on it, but we all know he is finished and should really be long gone.

Thanks! I needed cheering up, this was as good as a large glass of alcohol...


Tim, What happened to "A day off. Computer off. Roaring coalfire lit. Go away world"... Well done! great video :-))

Merde alors, pauvre Monsieur le Brun !!!

"You may think that but I could not possibly comment" !!

General DeGaulle would approve!

De Gaulling to take that sort of criticism from Sarkoszy but he is only saying what others have been saying here in the UK for years. Jeremy Clarkson got one thing right. Brown is an idiot!

You know General DeGaulle was absolutely right when he said "non" to us joining the then common market. He felt that we would never fit in and he was right.DeGaulle didn't want us and we frankly didn't want him. Fast forward to today and we are often the thorn in the side of Europe. At least we are when a decent Government is in. The Great British people do not want European integration. It is only by denying the will of the people that Brown has been able to keep us in the EEC and in line. Will the next Tory government reverse this?

As much as I agree that Gordon Brown and New Labour have brought this country to the edge of bankruptcy, I can not agree with this continuation of playing party politics, and poking fun at others through devices such as the video, in my opinion this again highlights that politicians and associated organisations are living in laa laa land when at a time people around the UK are struggling financial. Also considering David Cameron pledged to end so called party politics. With this constant micky taking politicians on all sides of the house are becoming more removed from the real world. In schools this would be classed as bullying.It would also be very easy for Labour to retaliate by suggesting that the Conservative party have been inept in opposition, hence 12 years of Labour rule. We want a real option of change being targeted across the whole of the UK.

Scott wouldn't it take all of the fun out of politics. I do believe though that the public are sick to death of the petty mud slinging, and the lack of cooperation between the parties in the house of commons. There is of course one way of ending all of this, and that is for the British People to elect a party that is committed to ridding the country of all other parties. I don't think that is desirable do you? Brown deserves everything he gets and is himself a noxious bully.By their very nature the Labour party is committed to bully boy tactics against all who stand against it.Whilst I agree that some of the jokes are tasteless at best, I don't believe they will stop. Don't feel to sorry for Brown he would be the very first to attempt to intimidate you if you questioned his political stance.

David Sargeant writes:

"Does no one think this is a bit unusual? National politicians usually are very circumspect at critisizing politicians of other developed countries."

It is a bit unusual, but when it happens it tends to be because the politician in question happens to be under pressure at home and is trying to shift the blame onto someone else. Hence Brown's and NuLab's 'it all started in America' and 'this is a global crisis.' Furthermore, when the target of your ire is highly unpopular in their own country, that target becomes a much easier one. Of course the succession of European leaders who took pot-shots at Bush over the last few years no longer have that option now that St. Barack, whose campaign most of them vigorously supported, is in office. So, thanks to the law of unintended consequences working in our favour for once, Brown is Europe's new bogeyman.

I'm not sure about Clarkson's assertion that Brown is a liar (i.e. is deliberately and cynically peddling untruths) - it could be because he's actually deluded himself that his own mismanagement of the economy has nothing to do with it. But either scenario is very worrying.

Very good.

"I'm not sure about Clarkson's assertion that Brown is a liar (i.e. is deliberately and cynically peddling untruths) - it could be because he's actually deluded himself that his own mismanagement of the economy has nothing to do with it. But either scenario is very worrying."

Your being far to kind and dare I say rather innocent if you believe that Brown is not prepared to stoop to outright fibs if it suits him. The Labour party is certainly dishonest. I was one of the people who they sent that dodgy dossier to when they wanted to invade Iraq. Not only did it contain lie but was also it seems "borrowed" from the Internet. I will never forgive them. No Clarkson is absolutely on the money, which is what he is good at. My only misgiving is him using Brown's disability to poke fun. That part was more than tasteless it was crass.

Brown's disability to poke fun. That part was more than tasteless it was crass.
Agreed.. but I think he did too as that's the bit he apologised for.
That said, some people admit that they can't see well and ask for things in big fonts or even braile. Does Brown? I'm guessing he just pretends he can see perfectly as he would see it as a weakness (then sees what he wants to see which is why he thinks he is doing well.)

It's that sort of thing that bullies look for and the inner bully in Clarkson came out, maybe defensively given that Brown has been attacking/threatening our lives/liberty.

The Guillotine is being polished

Scott! You dont understand what is happening. Once a polititian has lost the confidence of the people, it is quite usual for them to be pilloried. It is an escape valve for the head of outraged steam that is building up. Pop into the Brighton Pavilion sometime, and take a long slow look at the Hogarth pictures. Its always happened you see! Wouldnt be surprised if some of the cave paintings were by a disgruntled Neanderthal !!

Tory trash


Thankyou so much for your comprehensive, constructive, erudite contribution to the debate.


Well Sarkozy obviously has Brown summed up. How come he hasn't realise what Antony Bliar is. Bliar presided over so many corruption charges within his years of government, the first that I know of, being the F1 £1million debacle. Why does Sarkosy want Bliar to be the first EU President? Oh actually I have just realised that I have already answered my own question

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He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortune

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