Is this the BBC at its best? The BBC's archive of Thatcher videos covering the time up until she became PM is now online. I can think of quite a few people who won't be getting much work done over the next few days!
Tim Montgomerie
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:D !!!
Posted by: nizhinsky | February 23, 2009 at 21:37
Enjoyed the Panorama on the Leadership election - young Chris Gent dismissive of all the contenders, wanting Ted Heath (would he have become Sir Christopher & head of Vodafone without Margaret?). David Waddington saying that to win the next election we needed to win the North and Thatcher was too London centric, so supported Whitelaw (14 years later Thatcher made him Home Secretary).
Posted by: Ted | February 23, 2009 at 22:30
Lovely to hear from you Ted :-)
Posted by: Tim Montgomerie | February 23, 2009 at 23:16
Americans can't watch the videos. Ugh.
Posted by: Mike | February 24, 2009 at 03:56
Americans can't watch the videos. Ugh. Americans are not up to Thatcher ugh ugh. The young Margeret was absolulty thinking mans crumpet. Lets not give away our edge by shareing our special tresures with them. I had a number of dreams about Her and they were passionate. Always two Suns in the sky, for some obscure reason. I belived that we could take Diana of the Britians and run with it. Indeed I still do and personaly favour the cult of personality over the mess of the cult of the same. Those who are willing to push the bounds out of the way and say No to enslavment will always be free. Tightening the noose about the neck of those who will not work it out for themselves, is an art form. If only we are carful to aid and slow to comfort, then and rightly the vast bulk of humanity will stand united and whats more they will have got under their own steam.
Posted by: Bishop Swine a 93 agenda on the cards. | February 25, 2009 at 17:21
It's great. I get to watch her leave Downing Street over and over again.
Posted by: resident leftie | February 26, 2009 at 12:05
Glad you are enjoying it so much Leftie! Tell you what, when David Cameron enters No. 10 for the first time as Prime Minister we'll let you have your very own YouTube clip of the occasion so you can watch THAT over and over again... ;-)
Posted by: Sally Roberts | February 26, 2009 at 12:39
resident leftie wrote:
"It's great. I get to watch her leave Downing Street over and over again."
Seeing as you appear to be so very fond of the exit process,I am sure it can be arranged for a rolling video of GB when he finally leaving Downing Street....
I remain your cheek slapping fish
Posted by: Josephine (a fine smoked Haddock) | February 26, 2009 at 13:25
Posted by: Josephine (a fine smoked Haddock) | February 26, 2009 at 13:25
Seeing as you appear to be so very fond of the exit process,I am sure it can be arranged for a rolling video of GB when he finally leaving Downing Street....
I remain your cheek slapping fish
Brown leaving won't upset me so much as little Giddy doing a wave to the photographers on his way into Number 11.
I'd better get back to interrogating enemies of the state.
Posted by: resident leftie | February 26, 2009 at 18:09
So resident leftie... how do you like it now?
Posted by: Chloe | May 11, 2010 at 21:10