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I bet they get on very well. Gordon Brown will almost certainly come across as a Stalinist leader to Wen .

I’d like Cameron to ask Premier Wen Jiabao if he has ever seen the film Vendetta & if he can see any similarities with any countries like that around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gizza few million jobs Wen!

Is that V for Vendetta film any good? I read that it was socialist crap.

The Chinese must find this country hilarious. Our economy and society crumbling and we're stressing the importance of our values to the Chinese. Premier Wen must be looking at Cameron and thinking, "Soon you will be my bitch, and then it is I that will be stressing the importance of things."

Tristan Downing 18:01
Brilliant film. It is just how some may see China or how the EU is going to turn out!Well worth a watch.

Is that V for Vendetta film any good? I read that it was socialist crap.

I heard (according a few Chinese friends) that it was officially banned for being too "dangerous".

Premier Wen must be looking at Cameron and thinking, "Soon you will be my bitch, and then it is I that will be stressing the importance of things."

In that case Wen could do with seeing a psychiatrist - he's having delusions!

............ or the "appalling old waxworks", as Prince Charles called the Chinese leadership.

["Premier Wen must be looking at Cameron and thinking, "Soon you will be my bitch, and then it is I that will be stressing the importance of things."

In that case Wen could do with seeing a psychiatrist - he's having delusions!]

Could be. But with our economy buggered, and Brown kicking our nation into the third world for the next half century, and China emerging as a super power, it is easy to imagine China not caring too much about Britain in the not so distant future. I really hope that the Tories can save our once great country and that it's not too late.

What on earth do China's domestic politics have to do with us? How would we react if Premier Wen lectured us on Northern Ireland and ethnic relations?

This human rights piffle is a mere conceit and Cameron should have the good sense to avoid such nonsense.

What on earth do China's domestic politics have to do with us? How would we react if Premier Wen lectured us on Northern Ireland and ethnic relations?

We'd laugh because China remains a terrible human rights violator - purely to ensure the CCP survives as the sole party of power.

The UK is willing to accept criticism and many Britons lead it. What we wouldn't accept is someone who was far worse lecturing us.

Does Wen Jiabao actually know who Cameron is? From what I saw of the news, he was here to talk to Gordon Brown, not Cameron. 45 minutes is a photo op not a serious talk about a potential partnership. Talking about China's human rights record on a first meeting is like farting in front of your new girlfriends parents...

He's been on the Beeb with Brown saying he has some "contracts" to sign. Brown is giving it big licks about all the JOBS it will create.

He said; "Thousands of British jobs will be the result of our agreements", and that "there must be no discrimination against British workers by EU Directives". Again, he'll be needing to back that up but it sounds good.

He reckons he's agreed to "double our exports" to China.

What a smashing bloke that President Wen is. This could be good for the UK for once.

Hu Jintao is the Chancellor
Wen Jiabao is Mr. Creedy
The Communist Party is Norsefire

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