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I dunno if the Tories have managed to sort it out, but when they first started I read that there was a bit of frustration as the vast majority of the people attending were local activists and Tories.

"I dunno if the Tories have managed to sort it out, but when they first started I read that there was a bit of frustration as the vast majority of the people attending were local activists and Tories."

That was definitely sorted out by the NI event. The event in Belfast had a reasonably wide range of people from all walks of life and political persuasions. There were few local Tories there bar those who were involved in running the event and others who came to help out.

Suprised that this thread has attracted so few comments. One of Cameron's biggest achievements to date has been the successful nullifying of the threat from the Yellow Peril. At one time it seemed that many of our leading lights would lose their seats to them, those days are long past. A remarkable achievement given that Vince Cable is seen as a great statesman by some in the media whilst George is seen as a boy in short trousers!

Nick Clegg is rubbish:

Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock sums him up!

Thick Nick, is a real asset to the party. Thankfully its the conservative party, because he is an utterly useless leader of the Lib-Dem's.May he be the leader of the Lib-Dem's for a long time. What more can you say about this man? He is pretty much a non-entity on the National scene. Any talk of a liberal breakthrough seems to have been forgotten, even by their party faithful.

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