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I am most uncomfortable that the media were able to take this picture at a very private time for the family. They really must now leave them alone for a period of time to grieve!

That picture was taken with the Camerons' consent.

Sending a photographer to take this picture seems rather inappropriate. Way the press works I suppose. Your heart has to go out to them.

Thanks Toryteenager - that makes me feel a little better about it.

I can bring a tear.

People, of course, want to be supportive of the Cameron family at this time, but the best way to do that is to let David and Samantha grieve privately and to respect their solemnity. The Daily Mail instead opted for photo-journalistic voyeurism. Do any of us want to see a picture of how David and Samantha are suffering? This is tacky, and the Mail should hang its head in shame.

Presumably permission was given because the press would otherwise have just done it anyway.

The Press shouldn't be running the picture and Con Home shouldn't be reproducing it.. and I dont like you headline for this piece much either.

Leave the Cameron's alone for decency's sake

Meawhile Matthew Parris in The Times disapproves of the cancellation of PMQ. His article is a damned disgrace. It would have been extremely difficult for both Brown, always and forever raw from the loss of his own child - and the Opposition, to carry on as if nothing had happened. And the vast majority of people in and out of politics agree.

I put a very moving short excerpt from the 'Cameron on Cameron' book by Dylan Jones on my blog this morning.

Cameron talked so openly about Ivan with Dylan during their interviews and I have no doubt that Ivan inspired David in many ways.

Matthew Parris said:

But I did not care for the House of Commons's impromptu memorial ceremony yesterday, which may now become a precedent for whenever a party leader suffers a close personal loss. The House is there to look outward to the nation as a whole, not inward. Parliament marks the deaths in action of British servicemen in Afghanistan with a simple one-line acknowledgement, and should do no more for sadnesses closer to home. I know many Members who have faced awful tragedies in their families and who have not asked (as I'm sure David Cameron did not ask) for this to be discussed in the Chamber. The case for full-blown statements from William Hague, the Prime Minister, Vince Cable and the Speaker was not evident to me; a single sentence from each would have been enough. And there was no case at all for suspending Prime Minister's Questions.


Susan Hill is wrong.
The death of a child is a personal tragedy but should not become a national tragedy. Ivan held no public office or status, and although his death may lead to the temporary withdrawal of Mr. Cameron from public life, deputies should have appeared at PMQs.

In the spirit of leaving the Camerons to grieve in privacy, what on earth is this picture doing up on ConHome? And why on earth are you linking to higher res pictures of Mrs Cameron? We can all imagine perfectly adequately what devastated people look like.

Susan Hill is wrong.

Parliament is there to serve the whole nation. Soldiers die in Helmand and Iraq every week. We pay proper tribute, and move on.

This is a matter of enormous grief for the Cameron family. We all deeply sympathise with them, both as Conservatives, and as parents and human beings.

But too many people in today's society seem too keen to have a 'Princess Di' moment, and publicly emote and feel others pain, when they do not even know the people involved.

This may not be the time to express this view as I am sure other feel as terrible for David Cameron as I do and also feel as touched by baby Ivan's death. I am not quite sure what has prompted the bile towards Parris though. I actually agree with him and Michael Parsons. Public life has to go on. One would hope that the mother of all democracies was greater than any one person.

I do think that these high-res photos though are a little ghoulish.

"I do think that these high-res photos though are a little ghoulish."

I agree 100%. Bad taste.

Personal loss is exactly that - personal. I share Matthew Paris' concerns, which I think he expresses well. There is no one in the land who has not (and will not) experience grief.

But there is a line between sympathy which no doubt we all feel, and many will have passed privately to the Camerons, and putting the matter onto the national stage.

Last night's BBC news led with the Camerons and followed with the deaths of 4 soldiers in Afghanistan - the first was highly charged and the second bland and factual. But all the families and friends concerned were no doubt in agony.

This contrast is unfortunate and suggests more restraint on the national platform.

I think criticism of Matthew Parris is wrong, even though I might not necessarily agree with his view on this. No event should ever be used as a reason to silence people with differing points of view to the dominant one.

I am disgusted by Paul Savage's comment re Matthew Parris. I don't actually agree with Mr Parris's views on cancelling PMQs yesterday but to say that, as a homosexual, he is incapable of the most basic human feelings of love and grief is highly offensive.

I agree with Susan Hill - having watched the tributes in the Commons yesterday, I do not believe that the atmosphere in the House would have allowed PMQs to go on in its usual form.

The fault, as usual, lies with Blair. He should never have introduced tributes to dead soldiers at a time when the atmosphere then immediately changed to the hurly-burly of questions. It is totally inappropriate and constrains the purpose of PMQs and turns the tributes into something less than the troops deserve.

Why hasn't Paul Savage's comment been overwritten with "HOMOPHOBIC COMMENT OVERWRITTEN"?


I have come to the conclusion that the postponement of PMQs was necessary. The news, having been announced only two hours earlier, was too fresh in everyone's minds. Nobody in parliament had an appetite for it. If PMQs had been a day or two later, then there would probably be a case for holding it, but it was just too soon.

I think the kindest thing now would be to keep quiet and let the family alone. Also I do hope there will not be huge quantities of flowers as in the case of Princess Diana.

Matthew Parris is entitled to his view, and is entitled to publish it. This was a country with a democracy founded on free speech and it concerns me greatly to read, on this site especially, such comments.

As to Mr Savage's comment, he, again, is entitled to his opinion but I am sure Mr Parris has encountered grief during his life.

As we all are very sympathetic towards Mr and Mrs Cameron, As a father of a soldier whose regiment has just lost three soldiers in Afghanistan, my thoughts are as much with the parents and wives/girlfriends, friends and colleagues of those three brave lads, as with young Ivan.

Three young men murdered by a most foul means -a roadside bomb- whilst in an UNPROTECTED vehicle.

Perhaps our Prime Minister, who was without doubt emotionally distressed yesterday- will consider that the three soldiers, and many before them, have been murdered in vehicles not up to the job! and perhaps he will order the army never to use such vehicles again!

They, too, are someone's son's! Remember them also!

"I do hope there will not be huge quantities of flowers as in the case of Princess Diana."

I agree with you Edward and that is why the Camerons have asked people to give to charity instead which will benefit far more people in the long run!

This is newsworthy and I wouldn't expect it to be kept a secret, but even though David Cameron is in public life, this is largely a private matter.

The excessive press coverage and particularly the pictures are completely distasteful and amount to emotional pornography.

Con Home would have done better not to have published this piece.

I agree with Mary D. It was a mistake by Blair to start making tributes to people just before PMQs. Entirely the wrong time to do so, just before the rowdiness that PMQs always involves.

I have now overwritten Paul Savage's unacceptable comment.

I was in a meeting and cannot guarantee round-the-clock monitoring.

If you see a comment that you think objectionable it might speed action if you email [email protected] and [email protected].

Thank you.

There's still the one from 'Paul' around 10am saying similar things about Parris not understanding because he's gay. Utterly ridiculous comment!

I disagree with Matthew Parris but I don`t see why he should be attacked personally. Everyone suffers grief in there lives and even though you haven`t experience that special grief that losing a child brings you atill understand the anguish grief brings.

I've asked Tim to overwrite the earlier comment by 'Paul' @ 10:06

I disagree with Matthew Parris on this point, BUT I completely fail to see what his sexuality has got to do with it.

"the death of a child is an unbearable sorrow that no parent should ever have to endure"

sounds like GB's shaking his fist at his maker, perhaps he should have listened in Rome instead of preaching

Sadly this thread has become a platform for the usual bickering and insensitive comments. A child has lost his life and a family are stricken with grief, yet all some people want to do is score points over the kind words of support spoken in Parliament. How can people be so callous?

I agree with you totally Tony. Its sad but its a reflection on the society we live in at present.


This thread should never have been started.

Jack and Susan, I think we've seen the very worst of people today. The thread was no doubt well intentioned yet perhaps the editorial team were a little too trusting, opening the door for nasty comments like the one from 'JoshuaDeCharriere'. How people can use this tragedy as an opportunity to attack David Cameron is cowardly and disgusting.

Susan I agree - it has done us absolutely no credit at all and perhaps Tim it might be an idea to wrap it up here?

I'm closing this thread now. Sigh.

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