1,087 members voted in this survey which we put into the field at 3.30pm yesterday afternoon.
There's a big welcome for David Cameron's three biggest appointments.
The net approval for Ken Clarke's appointment is particularly interesting. When we asked in December if members wanted Ken back we got a fairly narrow 50% to 41% 'yes vote'. That has widened markedly now with just 22% disappointed at the decision now that it has been made.
Members are evenly divided however on the new Shadow Business Secretary's impact on the party's European policies. 37% fear that he will "block any moves towards more Euroscepticism" and 39% think he won't.
Other survey findings are very positive:
- 76% agree that "the shadow cabinet is now punchier, readier for battle";
- 75% agree that "the economic policy team is much strengthened";
- 71% agree that "Grayling, Pickles and Clarke protect the party leadership from Labour's 'Tory Toffs' attack";
- Only 26% agree that "the reshuffle shifts the party somewhat towards the Left".
Tory members are also relaxed about the Obama effect. On a forced choice question:
- 62% agreed that "President Obama will have no big effect on British politics";
- 24% agreed that "President Obama's representation of change will help Cameron politically";
- Only 14% agreed that "President Obama's fiscal stimulus package will help Brown politically".
Glad that most people like the reshuffle. Suprised that so many people have a view on the Obama effect. We really don't know yet what effect (if any) he will have on British party politics.
Posted by: Malcolm Dunn | January 20, 2009 at 09:15
Just seeing Ken Clarke back on the front bench yesterday has brought the prospect of Government that bit closer.
Posted by: London Tory | January 20, 2009 at 09:23
@Malcolm: None I should think.
Posted by: NigelJ | January 20, 2009 at 09:24
So the divisions that the BBC tried painting in yesterday's news bulletins are, er, bogus.
Posted by: Mark Fulford | January 20, 2009 at 09:24
Pickles to Party Chairman was a good move and Grayling to Shadow HO puts a respected and hard-working 'terrier' opposite 'The Lollipop Lady', but why on earth keep Spelman on the Fromt Bench at all? - same old potential 'Tory Sleaze' baggage to contend with, different job title...
Posted by: Death or Tory | January 20, 2009 at 09:36
No UKIP comments yet?
Posted by: RichardJ | January 20, 2009 at 09:36
No Tories have understood the current economic mess, and opposed the failed actions from the onset like John Redwood and Andrew Lilico.
John Redwood clearly should be on the Front Bench economic team.
Osborne's strategy of agreeing with the government when they implement a strategy then attacking them when it fails, is not the 'win-win' he may suppose it to be.
Posted by: GB£.com | January 20, 2009 at 09:39
A strong front bench that will have Mandelson, Brown et al running scared. The only weakness would appear to be Caroline Spelman. Perhaps David Davis would have been a better bet. I look forward to Ken getting stuck into them!
Martyn, SW France.
Posted by: Martyn Cleasby | January 20, 2009 at 09:41
This is going to be a good fighting team to take us up to the Election. Well balanced and the only quibbling voices seem to be the usual ones.
I have only just caught up with the final touches of the reshuffle and am particularly pleased that my own MP, Greg Hands has a well deserved promotion to the Treasury Team!
Posted by: Sally Roberts | January 20, 2009 at 09:45
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