Former Tory Chairman Lord Saatchi is to become the Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies, succeeding Lord (Norman) Blackwell.
Jill Kirby, Director of the Centre for Policy Studies for one year, issued this statement:
“I am delighted to welcome Maurice as Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies and am immensely grateful to Norman for all his hard work over the last eight years. We are at a critical moment in the battle of ideas, with government intervention now reaching unprecedented levels. In such a climate the Centre for Policy Studies has a pre-eminent advantage: we know why we are here. Our founding principles, based on the belief in individual liberty, limited government and responsible public finances, remain as true today as they ever have been. For at this time of economic crisis, we must challenge the new consensus - that higher government spending, higher national debt, greater intrusion into the everyday life of the citizen are both good and inevitable. On the contrary: freedom, opportunity and independence are the foundations for a vigorous and confident society."
Lord Saatchi will help steer an independent path for the CPS. Although Cameron's key adviser Steve Hilton emerged from underneath Lord Saatchi's wing the former Tory Chairman has not been afraid to criticise the Conservatives' modernisation; eighteen months ago he warned against "nicey-nicey" politics.
What a team!
Posted by: Deborah | December 16, 2008 at 17:27
Congradualtions to Norman for finding such a worthy succesor.
Posted by: James Sproule | December 16, 2008 at 17:28
He's just the man to renew the party in opposition.
Still think George is up to it?
Posted by: Yachting for Dummies | December 16, 2008 at 20:51
"... we must challenge the new consensus - that higher government spending, higher national debt, greater intrusion into the everyday life of the citizen are both good and inevitable. On the contrary: freedom, opportunity and independence are the foundations for a vigorous and confident society."
Cameron supports that new consensus and advocates such policies. That's why I left the Tories and joined UKIP. Lord Saatchi should join us too.
Posted by: Dave isn't working | December 17, 2008 at 00:52