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There's a crisis out there and and we are asked to consider trivia!

The biggest gaffe is Brown's refusal to take action after he had been officially warned to do so by the Bank of England but this is surely run to a close finish by Cameron-Osborne' down-grading of a mounting catastrophe.

Who cares who has made the best speech, got the prettiest shoes, or the loveliest smile of 2008. The Titanic is sinking or hadn't you noticed - the Party certainly hasn't.

Eh? The obvious one is GO's attempt to score a point off Peter Mandelson. But presumably that sort of thing is not to be mentioned at this particular temple to Mr Osborne's brilliance.

@ Christina Speight

Shut up

YMT I second that! Happy New Year Christina but please less of the Cameron bashing in 2009?!

As for gaffes - well I think Gordon Not Saving The World has got to be the best one!

YMT and Sally - If you, along with CH: itself and the Party leadership, can't see that you're on the Titanic and it's sinking and want to go on playing Trivial Pursuits, I don't and I certainly won''t be told to shut up by two lightweights. Go giggling to disaster if you want to but I'll do what little I can to point out how utterly fatuous this game is.

Go roll yourselves in Heffer in the Telegraph today. He talks sense (and I don't always say that) as does the Sun.

Mr Cameron said: "Whether we like it or not, the ugly stain of separatism is seeping through our Union flag."

He went on: "I am passionate about our Union. I do not want to be the prime minister of Scotland. I want to be prime minister of the United Kingdom - all of it, including England."

Strange how exchanging a couple of words highlights the egregious contempt.

Any road up, que sera, sera, there are bigger fissures to fry in 2009.

Happy New Year from a fly in the ointment but Tory by tooth and claw.

And don't be rude to Christina -I'd rather be sat next to her this evening than a cloud of pink fluffy yes monkeys.

Not you Sally. Your endless, wide-eyed, optimism does tend to refresh amidst the esoteric, the parochial and the guerilla raids from our Leftish beneath the bridge dwellers.

Christina, Christina, Christina@ 15.36 lighten up!
Things are bad and no one is disputing that. But is the Titanic sinking!? I d' like to think not, plus I am optimistic enough to think we will not let it sink either.

I agree with Sally lets promise that 09 is going to be a better year, and please less 'bashing for bashing sack' of our leadership.

GB saving the world must be the best gaffe of 08, because with it he manged to de-crown Jo Biden and become The Universal Gaffe King of 2008.

Christina, Christina, Christina@ 15.36 lighten up!
Things are bad and no one is disputing that. But is the Titanic sinking!? I d' like to think not, plus I am optimistic enough to think we will not let it sink either.

I agree with Sally lets promise that 09 is going to be a better year, and please less 'bashing for bashing sack' of our leadership.

GB saving the world must be the best gaffe of 08, because with it he manged to de-crown Jo Biden and become The Universal Gaffe King of 2008.

Christina, Christina, Christina@ 15.36 lighten up!
Things are bad and no one is disputing that. But is the Titanic sinking!? I d' like to think not, plus I am optimistic enough to think we will not let it sink either.

I agree with Sally lets promise that 09 is going to be a better year, and please less 'bashing for bashing sack' of our leadership.

GB saving the world must be the best gaffe of 08, because with it he manged to de-crown Jo Biden and become The Universal Gaffe King of 2008.

Gaffe of the year Alistair Darling claiming in JUNE 2008 that growth would be 2.75% this year in Britain.A leading City figure said at the time 'I didn't realise he was looking at a second career as a stand up comedian'. Quite.
Second biggest gaffe, claiming with a straight face during the PBR that growth would return by Q3 2009.
It would be funny if it wasn't so bloody tragic.
Happy New Year everyone!

Walaa - Is saying it thrice some kind of incantation ?

I'm not going to lighten up while so many, including that liberal Leader we have, want to avoid facing facts. How on earth do you, Walaa, suggest we pay back those borrowings wehen half the country doesn't care because they are state employees? Who is going to pay those privileged state pensions. The unemployed can't. This is what we should be talking about as company after company goes bust - and not just retailers, you'll see.

Take your head out from under that pillow - you and pull Cameron out with you too while you're at it. Expenditure has got to be slashed - it's not an option - it's an imperative

Will the young ever get jobs?

"Not you Sally. Your endless, wide-eyed, optimism does tend to refresh amidst the esoteric, the parochial and the guerilla raids from our Leftish beneath the bridge dwellers."

Thank you Pulvertaft! I do my Small Best! ;-)

Thank you Walaa for your support as ever and I suspect that your saying it thrice is because of the strange gremlins that tend to occur on this site all too frequently! Christina I am less of a "lightweight" than I was before Christmas, sadly! Nevertheless I do not share your relentless pessimism though I know we will need to work immensely hard during 2009 to make our political dreams come true!

I would go along with Sally's comment @ 16.27, but I particularly agree with her that the hubristic, if not megalomaniacal gaffe of Gordon Brown is definitely THE gaffe of 2008!

Yes Sally it is my pc again, it’s acting up, let’s hope the gremlins are not back. My dear Christina (am not saying trice I have pc trouble), I never doubted the severity of the economy, and I am the first to say this is no longer a down turn or crunch, it is a full blown recession.

As for paying back the humongous bill Brown is lumbering the British public with, we must start by reducing government spending with out risking too much the quality of public service. It is a tall order I know, but we have a lot of waste that must be tapered down, and that’s where we should start.
But to turn this light hearted end of year tread into a bare knuckle fight and a shouting match will not create jobs, reduce government waste or miraculously turn the economy around.
My head is not on the pillow or in the sand and neither is our leader’s head, he doesn’t need you or me to pull him out because he is and has been out there everyday (just pick up a paper and you will see for your self).

The young will get jobs; Cameron will become PM, and Osborne will clean up Brown & Darling’s mess once we are elected. However let me ask you a question. Who is running the country now? And shouldn’t you be angry with them?
Happy New Year to all and my 2009 brings all your heart desires.

This is Sarkozy and the French claiming credit for saving Europe
"Confronted with a global financial crisis unprecedented since the 1929 crash, it took advantage of the formidable asset represented by the euro and prevented the collapse of the banking system by pragmatically establishing a rescue plan that soon became the international reference model. In the face of the economic crisis, it quickly succeeded in defining a strategy for the 27 Member States which is a coordinated mobilisation of a single 'toolbox' using all the potential of the common European policies."

"We not only saved the world ........" millions of people heard Brown say, yet Esther Rantzen claimed the following night that he never said it.

Theresa Villiers!

Boris Johnson's cringe making performance at the handover ceremony in Beijing at the end of the 2008 Olympics.

Walaa at 20:06 - I'm glad you have got the measure of it to some degree. But I fear in your talk of 'cuts: 'without risking too much the quality of public service" is just not matching the severity of what's coming. Both Heffer today and The Sun point to the enormous national divide between the private sector which will be decimated and the public sector which will continue unabated, unreformed and spendthrift. If you exclude from that the people who are in the public sector and actually work rather than those who pretend to administer like doctors nurses and hospital staff, police and the like, the rest are parasitical, retiring at 60 with inflation proof pensions. The rest of us will have reduced incomes, wrecked savings, retire at 70 AND pay for the public sector too.

This needs wholesale attack and as Cameron hasn't the guts to do it we will not survive as a major power but will sink in to obscurity saddled with debt.

Just ask yourself - Who had the money to fill those sales ? Answer - More unrestrained credit making matters worse,

Who is running the country now? Why Brown of course but solely to win an election and not to save the country. As I posted on my lists today a stinging attack on his record and continually do so here, I don't understand your point.
Yesterday's post was"PROOF that Brown's inaction caused the crisis " and earlier "Naked class warfare - prudent v imprudent - by Gordon Brown "

Cameron hasn't the will poweror the guts to match the Brown-Mandelson evil . He's happy to tinker at the edges.

As for 2009 all I can wish anybody is that it may not be as awful as most commentators expect.

"By the action we can take, savings are safe, people will be able to keep their jobs, and they will not lose their homes in all of our countries" - Gordon Brown, Washington G20 Summit November 15th 2008.


I'll put that one down as the biggest gaffe this century of any political leader.

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