Earlier today Belfast hosted a homecoming parade for the Royal Irish Regiment.
For Sinn Fein and symathisers any celebration of the British Army is an affront to their republicanism. Mark Thompson of Relatives for Justice remembered the Brirtish Army in this way in the Belfast Telegraph:
"In Ireland the British Army is responsible for the use of lethal force, shoot-to-kill, the use of rubber and plastic bullets, collusion, internment and torture — all with official impunity."
For Owen Paterson MP, Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, the Royal Irish deserve to be honoured for their work in Afghanistan:
"For the past six months the 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment, has been deployed on Herrick 8. Their immensely difficult job was to mentor and assist the Afghan National Army in all aspects of its operations. It is vital for the future security of Afghanistan that a non sectarian army is created.
It needs a unique set of skills to take on raw Afghan troops from a wide variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, speaking different languages, to teach them, to encourage them, to organise them and then accompany them into battle. This job has been performed supremely well by the Royal Irish, in one of the toughest and most dangerous battle zones in Helmand...
This immensely difficult work has been carried out by people from across the community in Northern Ireland and a good number from south of the border. With horrible symmetry two friends were injured, one a catholic from Dublin the other a protestant from Belfast. Over 70 have been injured and tragically, Ranger Justin Cupples was killed days before the end of the tour. Our thoughts will be with his family and friends as we celebrate our troops’ return."
"..defends Belfast celebration.."
I see nothing to 'defend'.
More a case of staunchly upholding the achievements of a unit upon its homecoming.
Quite simply, ignore those who wish to introduce other elements into this particular situation.
Those referring to "The British Army", rather than "our army" made their thoughts clear in an alternative parade.
Posted by: Ken Stevens | November 02, 2008 at 13:52
A few of my friends got the Easyjet over last night to support the troops on their parade through Belfast.
The Royal Irish Regiment and its forerunner, the UDR, holds a special place in the hearts of many people, on both sides of the border, both Protestant and Catholic and it is entirely appropriate that should be allowed to hold a procession through Belfast city centre, just as their comrades from the other three corners of the United Kingdom do in their cities.
The actions of Sinn Fein and the dissidents in opposing the parade are beneath contempt and show what they really want - a de-britishing of Northern Ireland. So much for 'Unionist Outreach'.
Looks like the protest didn't put too many people off turning out anyway...
Posted by: Neil Wilson | November 02, 2008 at 15:58
In Ireland the criminal fraternity known as the Irish Republican Army (with or without a particular prefix), has been responsible for an array of crimes against both the Irish people and the dictats of the Catholic Church throughout the course of its squalid history.
That Mark Thompson is free to put his view in the Belfast Telegraph is in no small measure due to the sacrifices made by the men and women of the British Army down through the generations.
Shame on you Mr Thompson and your bigoted views.
Posted by: Giles Clifton | November 02, 2008 at 18:44
Exactly Giles. Owen Patterson shouldn't have to defend anything.He should instead by attacking the Mark Thompsons of this this world and other scum who make up the leadership of Sinn Fein.
Posted by: Malcolm Dunn | November 02, 2008 at 20:04
Don't Sinn feinn realise that without the British army the EU Gendfor would have been on our streets long ago.
glad to see people welcoming the troops back home once more.
On another matter entirely, I wonder if you bloggers and friends of bloggers might not benefit from a little more excecise, shall we say Nov 5th, in London.
Posted by: Adrian P | November 03, 2008 at 04:20
I am pleased that Owen Paterson has spoken out in support of the Irish troops who have bravely and quietly carried out their duties in support of the Afghan people. It is easy for us to forget the terrible conditions women lived under in Afghanistan while it was under Taliban rule.
Owen does not speak out lightly or in search of the populist vote. He knew that it was right to honour the brave soldiers and so he did it. We need more leaders of his calibre.
Posted by: Eveleigh Moore-Dutton | November 04, 2008 at 08:40