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Great news to end the day with :)

That really is good stuff. To get such a good write-up in the Sun is a real boon for DC.

Apart from the national disgrace which was the BBC, I think today has been a very, very good one if you're of the Tory persuasion.

I thought DC's speech was stunning and, as I've said elsewhere, made me feel proud to be a Conservative and proud of our leader.

I'm sure that Peter Allan will arrange a text-in tomorrow afternoon to let everyone tell the nation how bad and wrong the Sun is.

This is disapointing, i realy thought the Sun would back the Lib Dems. This news blackout is unfair.

"Is he up to the job? The Labour-leaning BBC was not impressed . . . always a good sign."

Ha! So good coverage for two reasons. Praise for the speech, criticism of dear, biased Auntie.

Gooood, gooood.....

Have we sealed the deal yet then?

Murdoch doesn't back losers.

Neil - that's just what I was thinking. I'd say we're 85% of the way there, on the back of that very glowing write-up. As you say, Murdoch needs to be 100% certain (and probably do some funny thing involving a chimney and blue smoke!) before he comes out behind us.

I'd say the Sun is pretty much sown-up.

As an editor, you don't come out with such a ringing endorsement such as this one by the Sun if you think there's a possibility you'll be doing a u-turn at a later date.

Even the Sun is worried about editorial credibility.

The Sun is a rag.

Justine, I agree but it's also a popular rag that will have you believe it won the 1992 General Election for the Conservative Party. I'd rather have them with us than against us at the moment, that's for certain!

The Sun may be a "rag" but it is a well-read "rag" by many people!
I look forward in due time to once again reading the famous headline "It was the Sun Wot Won it"!

calling for...the rule of law

When did Cameron discipline Goldsmith for endorsing the breaking of the law?
Or is he calling for the rule only of those laws with which he agrees?
He is a hypocrite.
It's also interesting that the Conservatives' poll lead began to shrink immediately following the Goldsmith débâcle.

Is that Jim Carr from planet Zogg? If you imagine that one sentence from Goldsmith's witness testimony could influence national opinion polls, you must be!

Apart from which, Goldsmith didn't endorse breaking the law. He simply said "I suppose if a crime is intended to prevent much larger crimes, I think many people would regard that as justified." Do you disagree that many people would regard it as justified?

Is that Jim Carr from planet Zogg? If you imagine that one sentence from Goldsmith's witness testimony could influence national opinion polls, you must be!

Typical ad hominem from an anonymous.

Apart from which, Goldsmith didn't endorse breaking the law. He simply said "I suppose if a crime is intended to prevent much larger crimes, I think many people would regard that as justified." Do you disagree that many people would regard it as justified?

Many people regard bombing London as justified.
The Conservatives stand for the rule of law or they are nothing.

When I initially glanced at the front page of the Sun today, I was actually concerned they were making a mockery of David Cameron with a "Bob the Builder" outfit superimposed on him. I soon realised I misinterpreted and that I needn't have worried.
The Sun just seems to back who they think will win (and have done since 1979) regardless of the stances of the Conservatives and Labour - but nevertheless this is welcome, promising news.

The best we can hope is that The Sun gets behind David Cameron, and stays there.

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