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Oh this is an excellent choice and I am delighted to see David Hunt back on the Front Bench! He is a skilled and wily performer and will out-twist and out-turn the slimy Mandelson creature better than most!

Im a little confused, I thought Mandelson would be operating from the commons on the front bench, not the lords.

I am not surprised that Sally Roberts is pleased. Hunt was a notorious EUphile wet (as bad as Hezza, Gummer, Patten, Hurd) in the last Tory government.

Excellent news!

How very appropriate. DC is still trying to run with the hare and the hounds. In thid case it is with the hares, whose job should be to stand and fight, but whose tendency will be to flee in fright.

"How very appropriate. DC is still trying to run with the hare and the hounds. In thid case it is with the hares, whose job should be to stand and fight, but whose tendency will be to flee in fright."

What the heck does that mean???

"slimy Mandelson creature" ! This kind of comment brings the Tory party into disrepute.

Dull but safe. Don't expect any fireworks here.

The latest Populus poll is giving us a 15% lead.
It would have been interesting if Peter Mandelson had renounced his peerage and stood in the Glenrothes by-election next month.

It would have been interesting if Peter Mandelson had renounced his peerage and stood in the Glenrothes by-election next month

To be honest, I'd rather he was focussing his attention on the financial crisis and his ministerial role in the light of it, as opposed to wasting valuable time on a by-election he wouldn't be likely to win anyway (not just because he's Peter Mandelson, or even because he's Labour, but also because he'd be an English candidate in a Scottish seat, a gift to the SNP which they don't need or deserve).

Excellent appointment - David Hunt is a first rate politician and one of the best debaters in the House of Lords. Mandy will have to be careful. I wouldn't be suprised if Central Office put up David as one of our media performers.

OT but we haven't heard anything from Cameron since his speech.

A financial crisis is raging and there's deathly silence from the Tories. Come on people, get out there and trumpet the Conservative solution!

Unfortunately, Richard J, no-one has the cojones to articulate a real conservative solution. That would entail letting the bad banks go to the wall, stopping throwing taxpayers' money at the problem, getting off the regulation bandwagon, advocating sound money policies and mapping out a route to a balanced budget.

Instead, Squeaky Gideon whines on half-heartedly about nanny-government eliminating risk in the financial system, underwriting the dodgy business practices of bad companies, and advocating more government involnement in the system, all in the hope someone hears him and listens to him.

As one of David's former junior ministers I welcome his appointment. David is a first rate forensic debater well used to assimilating complex information. A thoroughly nice bloke to boot!

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