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Poor Old Harperson! I doubt anyone would want their "wicked way" with her! And I doubt she'll ever get her face in Tatler either...

She's desperate. Few people will swallow this rubbish.

I noticed on last week's Any Questions that Ms. Harperson seemed to have graduated to telling absolute, provable lies.

This 'speech' - I suppose a spoken litany of outright lies and smears can be construed as a 'speech'? - seems to continue that progression!

Still I suppose if she loses her job, she could always be put in the stocks with a notice on her chest 'Earl's niece/daughter - whatever, a penny a hit'! (she's not worth any more).

Nasty piece of work, does anyone actually like her?

What rubbish this woman talks. I can't believe that no-one has taken her up on the Tatlet photos. Even on QT they allowed her to state that it was pictures of "A cabinet in waiting", even though they weren't all in parliament!!


Also, regarding the Rocket Club, does she not believe in a Woman's right to earn a living in any way she wishes?

"Best campaign slogan I heard this conference....
Comes from Labour's Stevenage Council. They've got a climate change campaign with posters all around Stevenage saying

"Take this seriously or the polar bear gets it""

Clever. I've never had a viral e-mail anything like this before.

What was I just saying on CR about the left seeing their own failings and trying to say that they are someone else's (they're so self absorbed they can't see anyone else's failings but their own, but can hardly admit they aren't perfect)
And their leader, David Cameron, says one thing when he means another.
There is something not quite right about him.
Nasty woman from the nasty party.

This comment is stupid no one here is about to believe all that rubbish. Go and get back to Labour's civil war.

Harriet Harmon is Horribly Heterodox and truly doesn't understand any concept of fun. She's the sort of person who - if invited to an orgy - would attend purely as an observer rather than getting involved.

Does anyone normal or sane really want to take their lifestyle-advice from her?

Like Dave, I have enjoyed holidaying in Cornwall and sailing holidays (in my case in the Solent and the Mediterranean). Unlike Dave and I am climate sceptic and I don't see any point in a windmill on my house even though unlike him I live several hundred metres above sea level.

That women infuriates anybody within a 50 mile radius of her! So what if his holiday is expensive; it is his money he can do with it what he wants to!

She should also realise that many people (not just millionaires) would benefit from the IHT change - this is just Labour spitefulness at its worst.

Roll on the Conservative Conference next week!

My, my, we are all very loyal aren't we.

I defer to no one in my belief that Herpeson is a nasty piece of work but that is actually not a bad speech. Good knockabout stuff to send the troops home happy.

And what facts it contains were true AFAIK

People should be careful what they write here. HH will be quoting this thread in her next speech if we give her ammo.

This section of the speech is now on PlayPolitical...


The woman is both an idiot and a snide. As she knows full well [as does Jacqui Smith] the lap-dance discount vouchers are part of a booklet given away free to promote Birmingham's many attractions which include restaurants, bars and so forth - and for all I know, places of worship.

The yacht slept 10 at £21,000 a week. If Cameron did pay his pro rata share that is more than Tony Blair ever did - he just cadged free hospitality.

If the Osborne IHT proposals would only benefit the richest 3,000 millionaires why are the poorer millionaires not complaining?

These barren and childish insults do not hide that Labour has nothing to say for itself and is now reduced to struggling to hold on by threatening us that the other lot would be even worse.

Unlike Dave and I am climate sceptic and I don't see any point in a windmill on my house even though unlike him I live several hundred metres above sea level.

You're letting greenies cloud your judgement. Like saying that you won't put your bottles in bottle banks in case you get branded a Human Caused Climate Change Accepter - stop letting them steal causes and bully you.

It's nothing to do with 'climate change' to suggest feed-in tarrifs or to recycle.

If I had a big windy field or a stream running through my land I would put in something in to generate my power... and would good to get paid for the spare that's generated.. that's being conservative both economically, resourcefully and environmentally (in more than just a CO2 reduction type way)

what does lap-dancing have to do with women's rights exactly?

The Tatler photograph was a huge mistake.It made us look posh, arrogant and complacent. I cringed when I saw it. I hope every candidate featured is happy to see it on their opponents literature during the election. Not the way to take a Labour marginal.Good publicity for Tatler.

Felicity Mountjoy @ 20.17 - 'People should be careful what they write here. HH will be quoting this thread in her next speech, if we give her ammo.'

Gordon B....ennet, now I am really scared!

The woman who married Jack Dromey is in no position to lecture people on the type of man they bring home.

At the moment this just looks like standard knock-about stuff that is perfectly acceptable from a Labour minister looking to gee up her own faithful. We should not be knocking her for that, that is what she is paid to do.

Indeed we might from a dispassionate view congratulate her for finding a weak spot of ours - that we may come across as arrogant, complacently looking on power as our right etc. - and look to close that spot.


This speech will bite us in the backside if it is combined with braying young fools like Mark Clarke and the rest of Tatler's Cabinet getting up on stage at Birmingham, and making tits of us by coming across as if they never learned the hard lessons of Opposition and reconnecting with the British people.

Then we will ourselves as justified Harman's harsh words, and will deserve a good pasting for it.

Norm Brainer

I agree with you as regards conservation. Which is why whilst I do not buy into all the climate guff and posing, I do recycle bottles. I also have a stream which I would generate leccy off it was feasible: it's not. I would also go for a windmill but I am in a AONB, and the figures don't add up anyway. Same goes for my woodland: am restricted to a flat load truck load a year. Windmills are an eyesore and a con. We should dig up coal and burn it. And we should of course folowed the french model of nuclear power and tidal power.

what does lap-dancing have to do with women's rights exactly?

In harperson's world women are the weaker sex that need positive discrimination to be able to be able to succeed.
Lap dancers disprove this by being independant, high-earning and often self-employed (in a way).
Therefore there's no reason for the discrimanatory laws against men and so no excuse to give additional rights especially to women.
That's the only logic I can see? could just be standard mental disconnect.

What was I just saying on CR about the left seeing their own failings and trying to say that they are someone else's (they're so self absorbed they can't see anyone else's failings but their own, but can hardly admit they aren't perfect)
Posted by: Norm Brainer | September 24, 2008 at 19:48

Partisan rubbish. What part of that sentence does not also apply to the Conservative party or right wingers generally (and Lib Dems, and all mainstream politicians)?

Thankfully more sensible comments subsequently from Jonathan and WHS show sense does still exist in some quarters here.

And their leader, David Cameron, says one thing when he means another.
There is something not quite right about him.

This sounds like straight transference from Gordon Brown - the man who always lies. The man who really seems strange. I've never heard anyone say that about Cameron.

"the man who always lies... I've never heard anyone say that about Cameron."

Really? You've never heard anyone complain that Cameron promised to leave the EPP and didn't keep that promise? Strange. There's usually no end of people on here moaning on about it.

I actually watched the recording of her delivering this okay, she is a person who from whatever party she came, you would like to slap, but it really was badly done. Anybody presenting at the Tory Conference should watch it as an object lesson in how not to do it, the Miliband opus is another classic and Brown - just can't do it anyway.

The Golden Rule of public speaking is be genuine first and never attempt to do something you are not capable of which in her case is "telling jokes", it is an art form the same as playing a musical instrument in public, most of us can't do it - so don't even try !

Oh and as to content, it doesn't matter what anyone in the Government says about anything, nobody is listening, if they spoke in Swahili it wouldn't be noticed.

Partisan rubbish. What part of that sentence does not also apply to the Conservative party or right wingers generally (and Lib Dems, and all mainstream politicians)?

Yes, we say here that Gordon et al always lie (with evidence normally), and I'm sure we all think there's something not quite right about him.
But then it's not normally said quite like that even here, nevermind in a speech to the national party from the deputy leader.

Conservatives have the opposite problem in that they see the problems in others and say nothing or even seem to accept fault when it isn't deserved, but you're quite right that anyone can have problem accepting their own problems if they see them.
It's just that if you think labour have a specific problem, it doesn't seem to be long that they are saying it's a problem the Conservatives have.

Captain Basil - I wrote that I've never heard anyone say that David Cameron is strange or to use Harriet Harman's phrase "not quite right", while loads of people think Gordon Brown is "not quite right".

I think rather a lot of people on here think that Cameron is not quite Right...

Captain Basil - touche! But that was not, of course, what Ms Harman meant.

Shame on you, Harriet Harperson, Lord Longford's niece...
This coming from the former legal representative of the National Council of Civil Liberties who took MI5 to court for breaching her privacy rights who became the woman most in favour of ID cards, who preaches that which she does not practise; this certainly is the most breathtakingly audacious load of hypocrisy that I have heard in a long time.

Lap dancing leaflets in the conference pack?! I never got any in mine, am I missing out?

I have heard a few people say Cameron is a bit strange, actually. His face is shiny, rather like a certain breed of Tory in an earlier generation - Ted Heath, Reggie Maudling, Jim Prior.

Incidentally, has anyone else noticed that Rory Bremner is completely unable to get Cameron's voice? He makes him sound like Peter Mandelson.

If DC becomes PM he'll do for Bremner's career just as the advent of Thatcher did for Mike Yarwood.

The Tatler piece was about some of our younger parliamentary candidates. Not the present Shadow Cabinet (which she implies). It said some or all of them might be in in a british cabinet in the future.
Which is true, in a democratic state.
It is a pretty rubbish attack really. I guess it works up a Labour crowd. Oooh the evil Tatler.
For the record, the article was about:

Shaun Bailey
Mark Clarke
Joanne Cash
Annunziata Rees-Mogg
Peter Lyburn
Charlotte Leslie
Jeremy Brier
Nicola Blackwood
Helen Whately
Kulveer Ranger

Good luck to you all :)

I can tell from the comments that this speech hit a raw nerve. Those Tatler pictures are sickening.

"the man who always lies... I've never heard anyone say that about Cameron."

What about this porker;

"Today, I will give this cast-iron guarantee: If I become PM a Conservative government will hold a referendum on any EU treaty that emerges from these negotiations.
No treaty should be ratified without consulting the British people in a referendum. "

" I can tell from the comments that this speech hit a raw nerve. Those Tatler pictures are sickening."

Passing Leftie you must have a very weak stomach - you should take some Alka Seltzer immediately!

There was nothing sickening about the pictures I saw - merely the above-mentioned people wearing some rather nice clothes. Would you rather they were wearing ripped jeans and had rings through their noses?

I think we give Mrs Dromey too much space here. She is a woman of no substance.

It's the Labour Deputy Leader's job to give the final speech of their conference, slagging of the evil Tories. Mrs Jack Dromey has thus inherited John Prescott's slot.

Personally, the more we can get Mrs Dromey on the TV and radio, the better. She's bossy, shrill, grating, nannying and hypocritical, with no sense of humour.

I suppose that we shouldn't be surprised that a woman who lied on national TV about Tory policy would make comments implying David Cameron was a rapist.

" I can tell from the comments that this speech hit a raw nerve. Those Tatler pictures are sickening."

Passing Leftie - on the contrary, it seems to be your raw nerves (and delicate stomach) that was upset by the Tatler.

I dearly hope the rumours are true and that Harperson stands for the leadership and wins. It's the only way Labour could do any worse...

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