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Just out of interest, would the editor recommend purchasing this book?

I have the book, Ulster Tory.

It's okay, but even I found it a bit to sycophantic at times - and I'm a fully paid up member of the Cameroon Club.

It would have made a better book if its author wasn't quite so blatantly biased and had more distance.

If I was Dylan Jones' wife, I'd be worried!

Still, some interesting snapshots though, and worth a look.

Ps, A highlight for me is when DC, whilst touring the offices of a Midlands newspaper, sees a picture of himself campaigning in Wolverhampton in the mid 1990s.

"Look," he said, "It's Alan B'Stard"!

Interesting that he voted for IDS in the 2001 membership ballot. He not only got a thumping majority himself from the members, but was in step with us at the earlier ballot too. Doesn't make him look like this lefty closet Eurofederalist that some of his enemies claim he is does it?

And I write as a Boris "society is not broken" conservative. Boris supported Clarke.

UlsterTory, depends what you want out of it. I saw it for £11 in Borders and thought it would provide enough material for a week of features on this blog, so that's why I picked it up. If you want to see a whole range of issues tackled, and prefer the straight "Q. etc etc" "A. etc etc" interview format to that with loads of commentary from the interviewer, I'd pick it up. I agree with Edison Smith on its general leanings - but that may not be a bad thing in the sense that Cameron is certainly allowed to speak and to develop his thoughts in full.

Yeah, his 2001 vote for IDS in the membership ballot (certain winner: IDS) was truly brave and principled by Dave, if he actually did it. Unlike, er, his refusal to vote for IDS at *any* stage of the parliamentary ballot.

UlsterTory, worth adding also that one can get a sense of the man's priorities from the book. Again and again, he comes back to his goal of combating social breakdown and his desire to be as radical a Prime Minister on social issues as Thatcher was on economics. He is plainly very committed to this goal, and clear-sighted about social problems in Britain, in a way most of the coverage of him doesn't really reflect. For example, I didn't realise until I read the book that when Cameron talks about himself as a 'liberal conservative', he basically means a One Nation Conservative, or even just a plain social conservative. But that's how he goes on to define the phrase time and again.

"Blair .... didn't know what he wanted to do"

I'm not sure I agree with that. I'd say that from the get-go Blair put the interests of the Labour party ahead of the interests of the country.

Rooster @ 20.07 yesterday: his "refusal" to vote for IDS in the parliamentary ballots would presumably have been because, like many of us, he was supporting Portillo. That is also a plus point because, whatever you may think of what Portillo has done since, the choice between IDS and Clarke put to us as members was the wrong choice. And one many of us found quite uncomfortable until we eventually decided that our conservative and eurosceptic instincts would not allow us to support Clarke. Instincts which DC seems to have shared.

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