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What a simperingly awful post, Editor. theAnyone who saw Ray Lewis's thuggish performance on Channel 4 news would be entitled to harbour genuine doubts about the man's "character and integrity". I have read several interviews where he comes across as a complete lunatic.

Nor did you mention that it is Church of England bishops making these allegations! We are hardly talking about a media conspiracy here.

There is something depressingly inevitable about this scandal. It is what happens when you leap onto trendy bandwagons and attempt to capture the zeitgeist in the way that Cameron has done with Ray Lewis. Our very own black man! How marvellous!

So now James McGrath kicks his heels in Australia while Lewis, the prima facie case against whom is much more serious, receives the full backing of Boris. This is the flip side of a ruthless quest for power. It turns you into a shameless hypocrite.

Only two months in and its started already. I'm sure life with Boris won't be boring: Oh No!

Presumably Johnsons will be standing by Ray Lewis in the same way he stood by James McGrath, and will ultimately be firing Ray Lewis, despite the belief that he "has had the courage to speak out against a stifling orthodoxy"? No?

Simple - less posturing. If these allegations are untrue there's the libel laws as the NoW found out today via some celeb or other.

If they lie they should pay. If they're right and/or he doesn't take action then - - -?

He was less than convincing on BBC London News. Trust is not divisible.

@Alexander King ... are you suggesting that the church of england doesn't have it's own agenda and is above conspiracy? - and doesn't jump on any leftie authoritarian bandwagon that's going?

I saw him on the BBC news and he seemed a decent sort of guy.

Sounds like he was actually going to do something positive in the city which isn't what the church wants... they want to crush everyone's enthusiasm so they get all depressed and so have to turn to "God" and make the church feel like it has power (like a trade union - they don't just want money, they want everyone to suffer too to prove their control)

I am very disappointed to see these allegations coming out at all, never mind so soon. I did not see Mr Lewis on Channel 4 News and have no comment.
However the significance of being on the Lambeth List may be overplayed : "They are simply there because their diocesan bishop has chosen to put them there. Such ‘offences’ can include a dispute with the bishop about the parsonage house; or a complaint made against a chaplain by a third party; or even, in one recent case, taking part in media coverage of a claim to have been unfairly dismissed. Those who are listed are informed of the fact, but are given no hearing at which to protest their innocence or interpretation of events. Nor is there a right of appeal, only the right to ‘make representations if they consider their name should be removed from the list.’"
The allegations were made when he was out of the country, the police have investigated the fraud (apparently only that, not the abuse (I will accept correction of this understanding if necessary) and decided charges could not be preferred.
There is also a statement in the Evening Standard that says" "The decision was taken by the Bishop of Barking and was under restrictions which meant that he would not be able to return to the Church of England. That was lifted in 2000."". Is Ray Lewis currently on or off the Lambeth List?
If this is malicious rehashing of carelessly researched journalism, I hope Mayor Johnson and Deputy Mayor rectify it quickly and deal with it so we can move on with the good work Ray Lewis is actually doing.

Norm Brainer, I'm saying that I take the word of Church of England bishops over some flavour-of-the-month maverick about whom we know very little. I would expect any sensible conservative to do the same.

The notion of a Church of England conspiracy is risible.

Can you explain how it is 'targeting' him to investigate allegations made by various people including the Church of England?

Serious allegations have been made that need to be answered. Should the press ignore them?

Incidentally, since the Editor fails to, let's spell out these allegations:

1. That Ray Lewis took £8,000 from a person with learning difficulties and failed to repay it.

2. That Ray Lewis took another £8,000 from a Nigerian man and repaid him with a cheque that bounced.

3. There is also talk of sexual impropriety.

I have know Ray Lewis for a number of years and he has always seemed to be a man who does good things for his community. Its easy for many of us to sit back and 'take a pop' now but he actually stuck his neck out to make a difference. I don't know whether any of these allegations are true or not, and nor do other people giving their opinions tonight on ConservativeHome. What I do know is that I would prefer to see what an investigation brings and whether there are any criminal charges to be had before I make up my mind either way. I do not want to see another 'trial by media' or pile in with attacks to give the left an easy win. Lets wait and see.

Yes, sounds to me like the editor above was trying to avoid it looking like a 'trial by media' but that doesn't satisfy the bloodlust that some get when they feel there might be a scandal story or their precious church is threatened.

It's bizarre that any allegations made against a Conservative appointee immediately become a leftie conspiracy according to those posting here. Boris was happy to demand high standards of those in the Livingstone administration and we should expect high standards of those that work for him.

Alexander King is right that the original post was written in such an awful simpering way that most people would struggle to understand what this story is all about.

First time i've ever seen Boris pissed off.

"It's bizarre that any allegations made against a Conservative appointee immediately become a leftie conspiracy according to those posting here. Boris was happy to demand high standards of those in the Livingstone administration and we should expect high standards of those that work for him."

I think the point that people are trying to make is that, when considerably worse, allegations were made against lee jasper, there was no such witch hunt. Even after they were proven.


Lewis categorically denies points 1, 2, 3. If they are in anyway true he is finished. He didn't deny there was an issue with 25k but says it has been repaid in full and he is in fact still very friendly with the person who gave him the money, which seems odd considering she is said to have reported him to the police.

Dale the allegations to be fair to Jasper were of cronyisim a charge we should consider seriously particularly given the employment practices of some our senior MP's in relation to their families. No allegations against Jasper have been proven and you should read Bosis's Forensic Audit panels report published by the GLA which clears the man completely. Further Jasper was front page news for four months this is just the first day of Ray's ordeal. I think the moral here is people who live in glass houses...

The various allegations all sounds slightly odd and there doesn't seem to be any proper evidence coming forward. What seems odd is that DC made a big deal of Ray back when he was made leader, he has been heralded by tonnes of people over the years and Boris had been talking about him for months - if there were serious misgivings about Ray, why has nothing come to light before now? Surely if the Church were genuinely concerned about him and his character, they would have spoken out before. He has been responsible for young people deemed as vulnerable for years - there would have been a deliberate effort to get him removed from his post surely? If the Church were really worried about him, this would have all come to light years ago.
Something in this really doesn't add up and I hope the investigation gets to the bottom of it.

Just watched an absolutely astonishing interview with Deputy Mayor Ray Lewis, live on Channel 4 news. It casts another dark shadow on the early days of Boris's reign and asks further serious questions over David Cameron's judgement.

Jon Snow's charge was that he'd been struck off by the Church of England for serious financial and sexual misdeanours. They tried to reveal the details but were forced to retract them after a call from the Mayor's lawyers. Ray Lewis said “This is a mystery to me. For the last ten years they’ve said absolutely nothing to me."

Rt Revd John Gladwin, Bishop of Chelmsford said "Between 1999 and 2005, Ray was placed under the formal disciplinary structures of the Church of England, and his ministry was restricted,"

When questioned, the Bishop said there's absolutely no way that Ray Lewis couldn't know that he'd been suspended.

Is Ray Lewis seriously suggesting that the Church of England would jeopardise it's entire reputation for the sake of a political vendetta?

One of them is clearly lying. Which one would you put your money on?

"Dale the allegations to be fair to Jasper were of cronyisim a charge we should consider seriously particularly given the employment practices of some our senior MP's in relation to their families. No allegations against Jasper have been proven and you should read Bosis's Forensic Audit panels report published by the GLA which clears the man completely."

I thought he was forced to resign in disgrace after sending 'sexually charged' (that was the term used) emails to a female colleague.

Or did I just dream that one up?

I seem to be missing something, If he was being accused of something that happened during his time in office then I would demand his head. But something that happened years ago, not at public expense by a man who has been made a Justice of the Peace subsequently doesn't seem to make any sense.

Or perhaps it can be explained by many of the new names that seem to crop up on conhome whenever there is a scandal.

Is Ray Lewis seriously suggesting that the Church of England would jeopardise it's entire reputation for the sake of a political vendetta?

It's not the churches entire reputation.. they'd brush it off easily like any other scandal in any church.
It is Ray's entire reputation - I can't see that this wouldn't have come up before as he's been working with kids and all the checks that brings etc.
If it was true that he stole & abused and his accusers were decent, they'd speak to him about it and let him resign himself (which he would if it's true) - Releasing to the media must only be for some political gain.

But I wouldn't know where to put my money on the outcome of who is found guilty.


Whilst that is true it was a minor issue and one of a personal nature rather a serious criminal allegation. In any event we should be rather more French in our outlook to these sort of things.

The substantive allegations made were proven to be untrue however stupid the man was for sending such an email. Our snout having been dipped in this particular trough we cannot now complain when one of our own now becomes a victim of a ' witch hunt '. We were the ' witch finder generals' in Jasper case.

Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? There is to be an inquiry and it seems that Mr Lewis is already being hanged, drawn and quartered before a conclusion is reached.
All I can say is that Ray Lewis came to speak at a very successful event we had in Hammersmith not long ago and he impressed all with his sincerity, his enthusiasm and his determination to do his best for the young people in London - and God Knows they need all the help they can get at the moment!

If any of the alllegations are proven I will be sorry to see someone I believed to be a good man go - but until then please let's keep the intense speculation to a minimum.

It was said by Jon Snow on C4 that Boris was told about this by the Bishop before he appointed Lewis. If that's true surely someone on his staff must have checked it out. If Lewis is a JP would they not take a reference from the church? Something just doesn't add up.

"Whilst that is true it was a minor issue and one of a personal nature rather a serious criminal allegation."

A minor issue that forced him to Livingstone to sack him.

"In any event we should be rather more French in our outlook to these sort of things."

You mean we should have a law gagging all media outlets from reporting on the antics, including but not limited to sexual harrassment of government staff by our elected representatives, or more precisely, unelected cronies of our elected representatives?

"The substantive allegations made were proven to be untrue however stupid the man was for sending such an email. Our snout having been dipped in this particular trough we cannot now complain when one of our own now becomes a victim of a ' witch hunt '. We were the ' witch finder generals' in Jasper case."

First of all, Livingstone's inquiry that cleared Jasper would have raised eyebrows in the court of caligula.

Secondly, there is a difference, the allegations were of Mr Jaspers time in office, involving the office he held.

PS. Please don't say 'we'.

The press that published these stories is liable in a libel ac tion if untrue. He could clear his name and get damages if they were untrue. There is always the possibility too that the paper would publish a retraction if they realised they were wrong. We don't want trial by Channel 4

So all this speculation and psycho-assessment of the man is a waste of time.

The next move is up to him and if he won't act then he'll have to go.


A pattern emerging maybe?

"Is Ray Lewis seriously suggesting that the Church of England would jeopardise it's entire reputation for the sake of a political vendetta?

One of them is clearly lying. Which one would you put your money on?"

It reminds me of the episode a few years back when a student at the University of London was accused of 'Date Rape' and the university authorities were going to expel him on the basis of the accusations. His tutor, I believe the grandson of Bertrand Russell, pointed out to him that he had been accused of a serious crime and it was his right to be judged by due process of law, not by the university. He pushed it, and the university backed down. If they thought a serious crime had been committed it was up to them to submit the matter to the criminal law, not deal with it on their own terms and for their own convenience.

I suggest the actions of the CoE be seen in this light. If the CoE thought that serious crimes had been committed against vulnerable people, why didn't they place the matter in the hands of the law? Did they make the losses good out of Church funds since they'd set themselves up in place of the law? What did they do? Sweep the matter away at no loss to themselves, with no proper regard to justice and merely try to cause the fewest waves?

As for 'talk of sexual impropriety', that could be something or nothing.

Of course, if Lewis has given the impression of being a thug and a nutter on the telly, then that's conclusive. There's no point wasting time with facts, witnesses or the criminal law.

My money is on this being a stitch up and being proven as such. Ray Lewis gave a very strong performance against Jon Snow on Channel 4 News. Lewis concluded saying to Snow: "Come on, that's beneath even you."


I have no idea if the allegations about Ray Lewis are true or not but it has triggered a thought I have had for a long time. I think that legislation should require that when a story is wrong the apology in the paper should be printed the same size as the original article and on the same page it appeared. How often have we seen the tiny article tucked away in a corner saying sorry but the paper got something wrong after the damage has been caused and the public mood soured even further. As I say this is a seperate thought to the issue about Ray lewis where, like most of us, I have no evidence one way or another.

4. 30-odd thousand from a former co-worker, since repaid.

Interesting that in the Mirror he is quoted as saying he had known about all this for some time, whereas on C4N he said it had been sprung on him today.

When he was appointed and a very sparse CV issued I rang the Press office for further details of his jobs. I'm still waiting.

"Interesting that in the Mirror he is quoted as saying he had known about all this for some time, whereas on C4N he said it had been sprung on him today."

You read the mirror?

Interesting how the church is (off the record) briefing about some kind of sexual harassment accusation against Lewis a decade ago...if there's any truth in it then I wonder why the church felt fit to keep quiet about it when he became a youth worker. I don't doubt that this claim is complete rubbish.

It's pretty obvious though that at some point in the '90s he's made some dodgy investments with borrowed money. Serious? Maybe. Does it make him unfit for office? Of course not. We've all made mistakes and I'm sure he's learned from his.

Moon’s statement: “Dale the allegations to be fair to Jasper were of cronyisim” - is inaccurate. Lee Jasper was alleged to have been involved in financial impropriety.

The Evening Standard carried this story on 28 January 2008 saying: “Lee Jasper has admitted that £18,000 of City Hall money was improperly diverted to bail out a private company of which he is a director. “ Link: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23434468-details/Mayor's+aide:+Police+move+in/article.do

On 16 February 2008, The Independent stated: “The controversy centres on claims that hundreds of thousands of pounds have been paid to projects linked to Mr Jasper with little or nothing to show for the money.” Link http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/mayors-race-aide-suspended-amid-funds-allegations-782982.html

And – on 5 March 2008 – The Times said: “A City Hall spokesman confirmed that Lee Jasper’s departure was connected to claims that he channelled £100,000 of taxpayers’ money to projects run by a woman he bombarded with sexually charged e-mails.” Link: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article3485940.ece

Moreover – according to Moon: “Bosis's Forensic Audit panels report published by the GLA which clears the man completely.” Moon appears to have read something other than the online report because the only person mentioned by name is Andrew Gilligan. There is also this statement: “We are, for instance, looking at how a project such as Caribbean Showcase, which took place in Hyde Park on the same day as the Notting Hill Carnival, funded largely by the GLA and LDA, came into being. This project has this week become the subject of a police investigation” Link: http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor/value-for-money/docs/interim-report-06-08.pdf

There appears to be no further information on the status of Lee Jasper regarding these allegations.

At least Boris acted quickly with the joint press conference with Ray Lewis – and neither resorted to accusing others of [the] “racist nature of a relentless media campaign” [Lee Jasper, The Times, 5 March 2008] – or [a] “racist smear campaign” [Ken Livingstone, The Independent, 16 February 2008].

We must never let go of innocent until proven guilty whether it's Ray Lewis, Caroline Spelman or one of our opponents.

you should read Boris's Forensic Audit panels report published by the GLA which clears the man (Lee Jasper) completely : Moon

Well I have just read it, it is only an interim report and mainly concerned with setting out its objectives. Where is the section which "clears (Jasper) completely" - I can't find this.

Mrs B

I would like an answer to the question. Is Ray Lewis currently on or off the Lambeth list?
How is it since being on, he has had a job as a Prison Governor? How is it since being on he has received accolades from all parts of the community for his work at EYLA?
And through all this the CofE sat quiet?? Why?? They were not asked?? I would find this odd, and the only explanations I could find would be that (1) His Ministries were absent from his CVs (bye bye Ray), (2) The Prison Service never checked (Oh dear lets go fishing with all the worms that brings out)
I don't think anybody can take away the work at the EYLA. If anybody thinks they can, please speak. What I find most odd is this, if there was any hint of sexual abuse, and people are hinting that knowledge was widespread, why was this knowledge not put out in the open and to the test? Especially as a Youth Leader?
I am just drawn to the conclusion that either this really is a load of codswallop on at least one of the two charges (financial impropriety/sexual abuse) if not both. If someone has meaningful evidence, then produce it, and a good explanation of why you chose not to produce it before.
There is an emptiness of spirit and community about this whole shennanigan. Emptiness of spirit in that calumny and libel are the weapons of the weak in spirit, and a lack of community in that we should speak when we see wrong, and if the cost of that speaking is high then we are doubly damned as a community to the point we are no longer one.

HMM. so since all of this alledgedly happened he's been (a) appointed a prision governor (b) a magistrate (c) been allowed to do childrens work with doubtless an ECRB check.

Not a wisper and then within 2 months of him taking a political post a big bucket of **** is tipped all over his head.

I have no idea if he is guilty but I doubt you appreciate the fury on the secular liberal left over him because

1. Blacks shouldn't be tories

2. he's challenged the industry's core cultural beliefs about disapline, children and crime.

Stand by your man until there is hard evidence and charges is my advice. If they pick him off they'l just move on to some other victim.

Absolutely Boris should stand by Ray Lewis.We are forgetting the very real good that this man has done in turning around the lives of many young people living on the margins of society.

It certainly appers the case that Mr Lewis direct and disciplined approach has a had a far more positive effect than that of the Church Of England and it's clergy which quite frankly is fast becoming an irrelevance as it squables away internally.Stick with him Boris and show the same loyalty as the previous showed to his appointees!

As for Jasper. Lets see what Boris final report says - I cant believe they did a forensic audit trail and failed to uncover evidence of the allegations repeated here. Nor has the man been arrested or charged with any offence some 7 months after the intitial story broke in the Evening Standard. The Showcase allegation - this relates to his deputy and another GLA employee and those allegations as reported relates to failing to following GLA rules of some sort and in no way relates to him personally.

Whilst we are not claiming a racism we are saying its a lefty, meeja conspiracy , it has been described as ' political witch hunt' by Boris . As this story unfolds Lewis's race will become a factor regardless.

In the meantime I think our actions in colluding with the press hounding of press attack on Jasper during the elections for Mayor was a mistake. He may well emerge as innocent and indeed much stronger opponent for Boris as a result.

I belive we may have ingnited racism in London we are quick to pile in and accuse black people lke Jasper and the problem with that is once racism is on the rise you cant control it - hence Lewis is now a victim. Our MP's are clearly guilty of fleecing the tax payer and yet no similar levels of press scrutiny on all aspects of their business or personal lives. I am a Englishman and I like to see ' fair play' we are in real danger here of allowing the accusation of ' double standards' sticking. I do hope Lewis is cleared.

As for Jasper. Lets see what Boris final report says - I cant believe they did a forensic audit trail and failed to uncover evidence of the allegations repeated here. Nor has the man been arrested or charged with any offence some 7 months after the intitial story broke in the Evening Standard. The Showcase allegation - this relates to his deputy and another GLA employee and those allegations as reported relates to failing to following GLA rules of some sort and in no way relates to him personally.

Whilst we are not claiming a racism we are saying its a lefty, meeja conspiracy , it has been described as ' political witch hunt' by Boris . As this story unfolds Lewis's race will become a factor regardless.

In the meantime I think our actions in colluding with the press hounding of press attack on Jasper during the elections for Mayor was a mistake. He may well emerge as innocent and indeed much stronger opponent for Boris as a result.

I belive we may have ingnited racism in London we are quick to pile in and accuse black people lke Jasper and the problem with that is once racism is on the rise you cant control it - hence Lewis is now a victim. Our MP's are clearly guilty of fleecing the tax payer and yet no similar levels of press scrutiny on all aspects of their business or personal lives. I am a Englishman and I like to see ' fair play' we are in real danger here of allowing the accusation of ' double standards' sticking. I do hope Lewis is cleared.

Comment above : "the apology in the paper should be printed the same size as the original article and on the same page it appeared"

and ALL ads on that page should be blanked, leaving only empty space. This would hit the offending newspaper's pocket. Or there could be a line "Adverts barred as atonement for libel.

Alan Douglas

Conservative HQ must have been knashing their collective teeth last night, because Ray Lewis' media performances were not good.

Potentially undone by a bunch of prating, hand wringing ninnies- the Labour Party at prayer.

"I do hope Lewis is cleared"

Yeah, Sure!

Why do all politicians insist on surrounding themselves with questionable friends?

Are they unworldly and gullible innocents or are their friends just like them?

Sad to say, snake oil salesmen (and women ) come in all shapes and sizes.

If DC doesn't clean out the hangers on and the hustlers before the election just imagine the sound of the skeletons falling out of the cupboard after it.

Lewis looks like a milestone the Mayor hung around his own neck. It took 8 years to discredit Ken - Boris has managed it in 8 weeks.

"I have no idea if he is guilty but I doubt you appreciate the fury on the secular liberal left over him because

1. Blacks shouldn't be tories

2. he's challenged the industry's core cultural beliefs about disapline, children and crime."

Do you know, lib dem, I think you may just have hit on the problem! The Left can't bear right wing black people - it offends their sense of what black people "should" be like!

You could equally flip that around, Sally, and conclude that Boris is only defending Lewis so strongly precisely because he is black. Why didn't James McGrath get this shield?

I fail to see how this is any way the same as the James McGrath sacking?

It didn't occour to me that it could be because of his race that people are after him, I thought we had got past that but then I forgot it is the millitant left and the church we are dealing with who'll stop at nothing to drag people back in time with no respect for human life if their opinion differs, like stabbing someone 196 times.


"The one thing that is clear is that the left-leaning media have jumped on this story with relish"

What do you expect them to do? These are serious allegations. If it was a politician of any hue journalists would rush to stick the knife in - that is how they act.

And those that know Tim Donovan (Political Ed BBC London) will tell you he is certainly not "left-leaning".

The ES tore Jasper to shreds on the basis of allegations. Were you rushing to defend him? There was no gleeful witch hunt? Come on.

Interestingly Ken Livingstone was statesmanlike in his response on Newsnight last night. Bet you were gutted that this didn't fit into your conspiracy narrative.

One thing about being in power is that it sounds a little hollow if everytime you get attacked you blame it on the media. Perhaps the Editor has forgotten this whilst the Tories have resided in opposition.

"You could equally flip that around, Sally, and conclude that Boris is only defending Lewis so strongly precisely because he is black. Why didn't James McGrath get this shield?"

Maybe because one was apin door and the other is deputy mayor?

"Interestingly Ken Livingstone was statesmanlike in his response on Newsnight last night."

Well people can afford to be statesemenlike when their career is over.

PS Someone should really tell ken that he isn't going o be labour's candidate next time round, s he just wasting his tie shadowing boris.

So now James McGrath kicks his heels in Australia while Lewis, the prima facie case against whom is much more serious, receives the full backing of Boris. This is the flip side of a ruthless quest for power. It turns you into a shameless hypocrite.

Posted by: Alexander King | July 03, 2008 at 19:46

Bit strong wouldn't you say, Ray Lewis is innocent until proven guilty!

However it does call into question how much spade work Boris and his team did on this guy before they recruited him.

With even unproven rumours like this you would have not recruited this person until the rumours had been found to be untrue.

The one thing I do agree with in all this is the the Mayor's Office should have done their own references check, - a lesson for the future.

I am unclear about 2 things and I am not sure how many other people are clear about them.
(1) Is Ray Lewis still on the list? From yesterday ES "The decision was taken by the Bishop of Barking and was under restrictions which meant that he would not be able to return to the Church of England. That was lifted in 2000."". What the &*^*) was lifted? What does this mean?

(2) Which part of the list was Ray Lewis on?
See below:

The Lambeth list exists in two parts. The first is a list of all those who have been ‘formally censured under the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure, or have signed a Deed of Relinquishment’. This is fair enough, since the parties concerned have been through a due process of law.
(If part 1, then Ray Lewis would be well aware of what happened)

More worrying though is that the Synod was informed of a second category, those ‘clergy under pastoral discipline not covered by the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure’.

This list includes the names of clergy added by the Archbishops ‘on the recommendation of diocesan bishops.’ By definition their ‘offences’ are not covered by the Measure’. They are simply there because their diocesan bishop has "chosen to put them there". Such ‘offences’ can include a dispute with the bishop about the parsonage house; or a complaint made against a chaplain by a third party; or even, in one recent case, taking part in media coverage of a claim to have been unfairly dismissed. Those who are listed are informed of the fact, (How? Lost in the post really springs to mind here) but are given no hearing at which to protest their innocence or interpretation of events. Nor is there a right of appeal, only the right to ‘make representations if they consider their name should be removed from the list.’

So a message, telephone call, letter could have been sent without any followup. In view of the willingness of people to assert they did inform Mr Lewis, please let us see some proof. The whole concept of part 2 reverse the "innocent until proved guilty" presumption of English Common Law - bit like a few people on the wrong end of Labour spin.

So another quote from Todays ES: "The Bishop also says he is sure that the church authorities would have discussed the allegations with Mr Lewis, and that Mr Lewis would have been told that he had been suspended as a priest - although when the Church wrote to the Mayor saying they knew Mr Lewis, they made no mention of his suspension"
Very good, you are sure, where are the minutes, copy of the letter or any other proof showing these discussions did indeed take place.
I am staggered that people of education and standing could make such statements without having the substantive proof to hand. "I am sure " just does not cut it. Who do you think you are, New Labour with all the integrity and honesty of the sofa cabinet?

Nick Boles was in charge of the Mayoral appointments. He should have checked out Lewis more thoroughly. This is not the first problem that we have encountered with Boles's appointments. There must be strong doubts about Boles's ability to run the Implementation Office.

I wonder if Lewis would have been appointed if Boris hadn't needed a 'pickaninny' with a 'water melon smile' to help him win the election ?

Given the range and depth of allegations against the man, it's starting to look like nobody wanted to look this particular gift horse in the mouth.

Let's hope we learn from this and don't make the same mistake again.

@Giles... what do you mean 'we'? you don't sound like a conservative to me!

If the rumours are new then how could they have been looked at before?
It sounds like he invested some money for someone and then when it went titsup he couldn't immediately pay it back when asked (which you'd expect if you've invested in something!) but he did eventually which got him on the list, although got taken off of it when the matter was resolved... which might have already been looked into by those who have done checks on him.
... but this isn't sexy enough for whoever is trying to take him down so they think that while they're at it they'll throw in a rumour about a sex allegation.

Are any of you really surprised? Boris the buffoon is not so funny when he's screwing over London.

I am enough of a Conservative to worry about Boris Johnson's oddball appointees becoming a problem for all of us. To lose Mcgrath may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose Lewis looks like carelessness.

I am also enough of a Conservative to trust the Chuch of England more than some desperate politico.

oddball appointees? trusting the church?

Sound like passing leftie to me!

BBC News says that Ray Lewis's resignation is expected imminently.

Strange that Lewis' involvement with the more recent alleged financial irregularities at the LDA has not been mentioned. These seem far more serious? Perhaps these earlier allegations are but the tip of the iceberg?

Let he/she without sin cast the first stone....

This man was highly qualified for the post he was appointed to by Boris. No one else - from what I can see - had been as passionate or had the track record Ray Lewis had re: troubled inner city youth

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