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I think a large pinch of salt must be taken with anything Hannan writes.

This is the same Dan Hannan who wrote in 2005 that he could not vote Davis, and had to vote for Cameron as Cameron had made a cast-iron pledge to leave the EPP immediately, whereas David would leave the MEP's in to 2009 when it no longer mattered.

Whilst many will be disapointed with what Cameron is saying I think the public will respect Cameron for it. Although fresh tax increases would not be welcomed at least Cameron is being truthful unlike Brown who claims to be a tax cutter whilst hiking taxes up masively.

Ideology is all very well but Governments have sometimes to be pragmatic and flexible - I think this is what Dan Hannan means (at least I hope it is!)

What I noticed particularly, was the body language. DC was sitting calmly there, rebutting Marr's accusations and casually batting away Mars tries at getting him to commit to unrealistic proposals - Marr's was like a pea on a drum - hands flailing wildly, sitting hunched forward ready to pounce - NOT!
Forget it Marr! DC is a statesman. Our future PM. You would be much better employed doing soft interviews with Nulab.

Yes Annabel - you are quite right and this is something to note about David Cameron - his ability to look and sound relaxed under pressure! I don't know whether it is something that comes naturally to him or whether he has learned a technique; but it is something that contrasts with Brown and his tormented Heathcliffe appearance and bitten fingernails!

While he didn't really say anything new on the EU Constitution his tone suggested that he was quite prepared to pick a fight with Brussels if necessary, which was very encouraging

I'd have liked to hear something more concrete about what he'd do if he came to power after it had already been ratified, but it's just possible that it may not come to that anyway

DC easily dominated Marr. Well done.

"I think a large pinch of salt must be taken with anything Hannan writes."
The failure to leave the EPP serves as a 'cautionery tale'
Trust me Im a regular kinda (Blair clone)guy?
I'd need a handful of salt with Cameron's statements.
If Cameron is ready to campaign against Lisbon in a pre-ratification referendum then clearly he would be equally against Lisbon post ratification so why not offer one then?

I agree that it would be foolish to make any promises about taxation, except, perhaps a promise of a simplified and fairer system, when the economic situation may well be even worse in 2010 than it is now. However, I remain sceptical and disappointed by Cameron's continued prevarication over his policy towards the EU. "We shall not let it rest there" is just as platitudinous and meaningless as "In Europe, but not ruled by Europe".

Whilst I accept that for the average voter, our national taxes, crime, employment, housing, immigration and individual liberties, rate higher in their voting priorities than their somewhat vague concept of how these are all governed or influenced by our membership of the EU; this ignorance, deliberately fostered by all of our main political parties,is already beginning to be replaced by a growing sense of anger and betrayal, amongst all those interested enough to vote for any party.

Cameron has already proved that he is a shrewd and successful political operator, but not, for many of us, that he is a man of courage, conviction and integrity. I have no doubt that he understands the full implications of the EU, insofar as it will irrevocably destroy the parliamentary system so long taken for granted by most of us. If he believes that that is a good thing, he should say so, clearly and openly.

If he continues to sit on the EU fence, much longer I hope he will be recorded in history (if at all) as the politician with the barbed wire bum.

DC is looking and sounding more Prime Ministerial every day, and it cannot be easy knowing that he faces the prospect of a totally debt ridden economy when he enters No. 10.

Here David Cameron destroys the Labour claim that the Conservatives have no substance. Labour steal our ideas and do not understand that policy making requires long-term thinking. You cannot write the 2010 budget now. What can be more substantial than having something to say on every issue Andrew Marr raised and being prepared to leave the specific policy decisions until the time is ripe? There will be limits to what an incoming Conservative government can do and the worst thing David Cameron could do is make rash promises.
The next Conservative general election manifesto will reflect the specific needs of the time it is written.

Surely if the economy is going into recession this would be a golden opportunity to ratchet back Government spending [and taxes], so leaving more money in the pockets of ordinary people to spend as they choose? Promote this as part of a "freedom agenda" - Conservatives setting people free to make their own spending choices rather than Big Government thinking it knows best how to spend people's money.

Brown/Darling's VED tax-hikes: commit to abandon them; recover the cost by also abandoning some of Brown's stupider policies like baby-bonds and tax-credits.

Heathrow R3: surely this is a pure business decision for BAA to make and an incoming Conservative government shoud simply say "we have no interest one way or another since the government isn't paying for it".

Tim wrote that Cameron said ""The Lisbon Treaty should have been declared dead after the Irish vote. If the process is still going on when we come to office we will certainly hold a referendum on Lisbon. If Lisbon has been ratified across Europe by the time of the next election "we won't let matters rest there" and will spell out in our manifesto what we will do. The Conservatives are also committed to hold a referendum on any future EU Treaties that would see powers transferred to Brussels."

This is a pathetic sell-out. Cameron will not commit to a post-ratification referendum. Brussels does not need any more Treaties after Lisbon because Lisbon is self-amending. Cameron is, in effect, advocating surrender to the EU super-state.

Dan Hannan's ridiculous piece is no more than Uriah Heepesque crawling. I thought that Hannan was a Euro-realist but now recognise that he's a fraud trying to justify his recommendation to friends to vote for Dave rather than Davis - advice that I regretted taking only a week after Cameron's election.

I have had enough of Hannan's fraudulent posturing and have joined UKIP.

@Curly: "DC is looking and sounding more Prime Ministerial every day"

Well, he does desperately need a better hair cut.

David Cameron`s wishy-washy statement about the Treaty is the same as William Hague`s: seems they want Ireland to come to the rescue with another `no`.
"We will not leave it there" and a vague promise to put something in the manifesto is unacceptable. They must think we are all stupid. For heaven`s sake, tell us now.

The three main parties are conspiring to keep quiet about the EU`s take-over of our country. Latest example, the abolition of the acre.

Wake up Mr. Cameron or there won`t be any need for a British parliament and you and the rest of them at Westminster will be out of a job. That doesn`t worry me, but the surrender of our country does. I don`t want to be a citizen of Europe,living in a region ruled from Brussels by unelected commissars.

The thing I don't get is this:

"Unfunded tax cuts" ie private spending financed by govt borrowing, is bad.


Current govt spending levels are sustainable only by borrowing, and that apparently may be undesirable but is acceptable.

So private spending is inherently worse than govt spending. I fail to see how this is a valid Conservative position.

ALSO I can't help noticing that Cameron will not discuss or rule out tax rises allegedly because he cannot predict a budget two years in advance but has no problem with definitively ruling out tax cuts. Surely if the argument is good for one it's also good for the other.

Alex Swanson and Tanuki made excellent points. The hypocrisy and schoolboy economics of Dodgy Dave and Boy Gideon are appalling. Under them, the Tories are Conservative in name only. In office, they will be as bad as, possibly worse than, Blair and Brown.

When did Cameron rule out tax cuts? He has said no to unfunded tax cuts but that is not the same as ruling out tax cuts completely. He and Osborne have both said that they want taxes to be lower.

And no, he is not saying that private spending is worse than government spending, despite your tortuous logic. Government borrowing is far too high. The current level is neither desirable nor acceptable. The point being made is that it would be irresponsible to push borrowing even higher at the moment with unfunded tax cuts.

There is also the political point that unfunded tax cuts allow Labour to do their usual "100,000 nurses on the dole, 20,000 schools closed" act. Fully funded tax cuts avoid that.

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