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164 were stupid enough to apply?

No room for a vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate?

Tim, will you be publishing an A-list?

I'd like to see a woman get the post

Hire whoever offers to work for free and use what would have been their salary to organise a ConHome booze-up.

"I'd like to see a woman get the post"

oo-er. Enough of your double entendres Mr M.

Perhaps the new Deputy Ed will be less obsessed with Europe? One can only hope...

"Perhaps the new Deputy Ed will be less obsessed with Europe? One can only hope"

LMAO, the irony ofcourse being the fact that you comment on almost nothing except europe.

Has anybody heard anything yet? Myself and a friend who applied haven't had a response (other than initial receipt of our applications) and it has been 7 days...

I've had my rejection this afternoon :-(

I have been emailing people this afternoon. Every applicant will hear by the end of tomorrow morning. Thanks for your patience.

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