Tomorrow's Guardian has an ICM poll putting the Conservatives on a record 45%, followed by Labour on 25%, and the LibDems just 5% behind on 20%.
If replicated at a general election these figures point to a victory on the scale of Labour's in 1997. 74% of those questioned say Brown has been a change for the worse compared with Blair, just 4% gave him top marks and only 24% think Labour has a chance of winning the next election with him as leader.
10am, 25 June, Graphic added:
It looks like Cash Gordon is no longer that flash
Posted by: LJ | June 24, 2008 at 21:03
Not "Flash Gordon" but "Crash Gordon"
Posted by: Perdix | June 24, 2008 at 21:07
Posted by: Ged | June 24, 2008 at 21:17
Things are bad for Brown at the moment but i believe he will improve as time goes on. Remember that he was chancellor for ten years, and as Blair pointed out recently he is the most successful finance mnister the world over.
He is a man of great intellect and wisdom and should never be underrated.
Keep up the good work Gordon.
Posted by: Mike | June 24, 2008 at 22:31
Where is Quentin Davies? He should be out there defending his hero
Posted by: John | June 24, 2008 at 22:35
"Things are bad for Brown at the moment but i believe he will improve as time goes on. Remember that he was chancellor for ten years, and as Blair pointed out recently he is the most successful finance mnister the world over.
He is a man of great intellect and wisdom and should never be underrated.
Keep up the good work Gordon."
Mike, how true!
Posted by: Diablo | June 24, 2008 at 22:44
Mike @ 22:31
I agree with you - carry on Gordon with what you are doing - a brilliant job for DC.
No Mike - he wasn't a wonderful finance minister. I know that the world situation isn't his fault but, you can hear the chickens clucking wildly as they come to roost after his theft of pensions cash, selling gold at a price a monkey would have laughed at and overspening the treasury tax receipts with little to show in return except overpaid doctors.
Yep Gordon, carry on but please less damage from now on - please!
Posted by: Paul | June 24, 2008 at 22:48
You are living in a day-dream land. I work in the public sector and even six months ago I would have said that the majority of staff would have voted Labour.
The situation has now changed dramatically. While some are going to vote for us I expect a significant proportion to vote for the Libdems. Labour are going to be slaughtered at the next election and there is nothing they can do about it.
Posted by: no_one_of_interest | June 24, 2008 at 22:52
Methinks Mike may be Mike the pensioner who used to troll Guido's blog going on about how wonderful Gordon was. Either that or this is satire.
Posted by: Richard | June 24, 2008 at 22:56
Mike @ 22.31
You are Gordon Brown and I claim...etc
Posted by: john | June 24, 2008 at 23:14
I haven't checked this out but I assume that in addition to 45% being a record high for us, 25% is a record low for Labour judging by the headline of our post on an ICM poll a few weeks ago that had them on 26%.
Posted by: Deputy Editor | June 24, 2008 at 23:34
I must agree with Mike...
Keep up the good work Gordon!
The sooner the better we get a Conservative Government to sort your mess out.
Posted by: Helen Smith | June 24, 2008 at 23:43
He's not flash...he's just..... useless!
Posted by: Sally Roberts | June 24, 2008 at 23:47
so much for all the experts on this site who were castigating DD for his actions.... trust the man on the street* to get it right ( * but not a street in the Westminster Village) All those that are about to say 'we were wrong" please form an orderly queue
Posted by: haddock | June 24, 2008 at 23:49
Haddock, this doesn't say anything about DD at all. The polls have put us at a similar level for weeks. There is no way that we'll gain votes from the DD affair.
I don't think he's hurt the Conservatives but he's lost a government career.
Posted by: Michael Rutherford | June 25, 2008 at 00:42
Fabulous stupendous news. Apsolutely fabulous. Well done lib Dems!!!
As Ive told you all, even when the Tories do this well we lib Dems are doing better than when we decopitated our leader last October and some polls showed us only just in double figers. This proves we have stupenders momentom, and with nearly 2 years left to go are well on track to overtake Labour government first, and then the Tories aswell. We will cross over both of you and win the General Election, with our carismatic leader Nick Clegg.
Posted by: Gloy Plopwell | June 25, 2008 at 01:16
Gloy Plopwell @ 1.06: Are yop godin to Hencley lik me tooo ? Mingin th mackneefusient say we shold. (PSSSS arr youp drunkin wot Im drunken///}
Posted by: Diablo | June 25, 2008 at 02:06
Very welcome news, however it still has more to do with voter dislike of Brown and disenchantment with Labour than it does with heartfelt support for us. Hopefully the promised raft of policy announcements at conference will give a strong platform of reasons for the oppressed middle classes and the "strivers" and "copers" to vote Tory other than that we are not Labour.
Here's a suggestion for a good place to start with voter pleasing policies:
Oh and this poll boost has got as much to do with David Davis' political hara-kiri as it does with the colour of the Pope's socks.
Posted by: Mr Angry | June 25, 2008 at 04:10
john @ 23.14: Gordon doesn't have £5 spare to give you...
Posted by: LS | June 25, 2008 at 04:53
If replicated at a general election these figures point to a victory on the scale of Labour's in 1997.
It's not the winning that counts, its the complete evisceration of the enemy that makes it so much fun.
Posted by: Serf | June 25, 2008 at 07:01
Perhaps the next goal should be to get Conservative support above 50%.
That would have devastating consequences not just for Labour but perhaps the entire left. At what level of support do we start the mass eviction of Liberal Democrats?
We may even be able to put down a vote of no confidence and evict Labour early.
Posted by: Old Hack | June 25, 2008 at 07:37
There is not enough salt in the world to make up the pinch that is required to be taken with any pronouncement of Blair's, even Grabber called him an effing liar and one whose word was not to be trusted. From the destructive ACT reforms to the diarrhoea of his 10p tax-reform, this is an individual who is capable only of great destruction, and can create nothing. May his reign be short and may the blessing of his rain fall elsewhere. May the gap between Tory and Labour continue to grow.
Posted by: snegchui | June 25, 2008 at 08:52
I worry about the 4%
Posted by: Sam R | June 25, 2008 at 08:57
Killer fact here is that 86% think that the Government has contributed to the country's economic woes. Brown's narrative in tatters.
Posted by: MD | June 25, 2008 at 09:06
I read in the Irish Times that in Ireland they have renamed their PM Brian Cowen "Gordon Cowen" because he is so unpupular!
Gordon is begining to make an international Brand!
Posted by: James Lees | June 25, 2008 at 09:39
As much as I want the demise of Zanulab it looks as if we could change one elected dictatorship for another.
However, I would consider voting for Dave because he is not Brown but as to his policies I am not sure. E.g., in the EU Parliament the Tory Group is still part of the EPP with the exception of Daniel Hannan who was slung out for not toeing the EPP line. Issues such as this, the EU more generally and immigration (not unrelated) need to be clarified.
Posted by: Anthony Osborne | June 25, 2008 at 11:47
You lot are getting too cocky and are heading for a fall, as is Cameron with his silly jokes and grinning all the time. This time last year Labour were 10 points ahead and you were all calling for Dave's head.
They say a week is a long time in politics , there are two years to go.Dont count your chickens !
Posted by: Gezmond007 | June 25, 2008 at 13:34
'Dont count your chickens !'
The only chicken around is the PM who chickened out of an election, chickened out of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, and chickened out of putting up a candidate against David Davis to defend his 42 day detention policy.
Posted by: johnC | June 25, 2008 at 15:23
You missed the point Johnc , read the Blog !
Posted by: Gezmond007 | June 25, 2008 at 15:27
And Gordon missed the only time he could ever have won an election.
Posted by: johnC | June 25, 2008 at 15:36
"You lot are getting too cocky and are heading for a fall, as is Cameron with his silly jokes and grinning all the time. This time last year Labour were 10 points ahead and you were all calling for Dave's head."
I never called for David Cameron's head - I have supported him since Day One and knew he could get through the Brown Bounce. After so many years in the doldrums, you should forgive Conservative members for being joyous at our recent success. No complacency though.
Posted by: Votedave | June 25, 2008 at 18:54
I agree VoteDave , enjoy !
Posted by: Gezmond007 | June 26, 2008 at 10:56