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No, dear Editors, what is wrong with politics today is the kind of stupid stunt pulled by Mr. Davis.

I am still shocked by what he has done.
It makes absolutely no sense, is a complete waste of everyone's time, departs from tradition and common sense and is tactically a very stupid move by the Tories.

It really is incredibly dumb what Davis has done and an outright blunder that Cameron hasn't stopped him from doing this.

There it goes. All the hard work, all the rejuvenation, everything goes out the window because of a nutcase who thinks he is too important. Now we can look forward to the entire press concentrating on nothing else for the next month. God how Brown is laughing.

I hope tories who are supporting him will be content to remain another 10 years in opposition. Enjoy!

Why would having a principled MP in the party condemn the Conservatives "to remain another ten years in opposition"? It would be one-nil to the Tories.

Members who supported David Davis in the leadership election must be feeling very badly let down today. To be a top level politician requires discipline, patience and good judgement. David Davis has demonstrated none of these.

I cannot believe that the "Tony Marlow" element in today's Press are actually praising this guy for his bravery and nobility. He sought private assurances from Nick Clegg that the Libs would not challenge him, BEFORE he announced his decision.

Irrespective of when he is re elected, his judgement is appalling, and his political career is over.

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