Highlights from David Cameron's monthly press conference, held earlier today:
We're not knights in shining armour: The Sunday newspapers produced even more questions about the ethics of Tory parliamentarians and the Tory leader faced a number of questions from journalists. He said that Lord Ashcroft's tax status was a matter for him, that new rules regarding the conduct of Tory MEPs would be published within weeks and he promised decisive but fair judgment against anyone found guilty of ethical lapses. He said there were three main areas of controversy:
- Party funding where the party had proposed a £50,000 cap on donations and had made much progress in evening out its funding base. He said that more than 130 individuals were now giving £50,000 - reducing the party's dependence on a few big donors. This was, he said later, in stark contrast to the indebted Labour Party which received more than 90% of its income from trade unions and inevitably discouraged it from taking the necessary hardline against public sector strikers.
- The conduct of MPs: In this area, said David Cameron, codes of transparency had been introduced and transparency was the long-term solution.
- The conduct of MEPs: This was a complicated matter but it was now clear that the "claiming culture" must end.
Mr Cameron said that the Conservatives weren't knights in shining armour - there would be no attempt to repeat Tony Blair's "rubbish" that Conservatives are the new "whiter than white". We, he said, had been part of the problem but would be part of the solution.
NHS reform: Tomorrow he would be talking about the NHS. The Conservatives would not engineer another institutional upheaval but would give GPs and patients more choice and would ensure a focus on outcomes, not processes.
Zimbabwe: He said this is the most important issue in the world today and he restated the five point action plan announced by William Hague yesterday.
James McGrath: In response to a question from ConservativeHome's Samuel Coates ("Boris has released a statement saying that James McGrath isn't a racist and that he was taken out of context. Do you agree with that, and if so do you therefore regret the fact that yet another good man has had to fall on his sword because somebody - in this case a Labour activist - used the 'R' word"?), David Cameron said that he knew James McGrath well, that he was not a racist but that he had made a regrettable lapse of judgment and shouldn't have used the words he did. Boris acted "rightly" and "quickly" and you have to face the consequences if you make a "terrible misjudgment" in politics. The BBC has made a video of this exchange, including a a question from the complete opposite perspective by the Guardian's Nick Watt.
Gordon Brown on Margaret Thatcher: The Tory leader said it was "ridiculous" for Labour to blame Margaret Thatcher for social immobility and what a u-turn it was from his greeting of Lady Thatcher on the steps of Downing Street one year ago. The Government had been in power for ten years and couldn't go on blaming others for its failures. It hadn't reformed welfare, secondary education and the voluntary sector. It was to blame for social immobility.
David Davis: Mr Cameron said that while
he disagreed with David Davis' decision to resign from the shadow
cabinet that there was no substantial policy difference with him and
that he would be campaigning for him within the next two weeks. He
declined to answer a question about whether he might return to the
Conservative frontbench.
Grammar schools: In response to a question from the Evening Standard David Cameron said that the policy on grammar school was unchanged because the party didn't want to divide children into "sheep and goats". The party did, however, respect grammar schools for their use of whole class teaching, setting and school uniforms.
GM crops: There was no case for proceeding until all scientific doubts had been dealt with. In any case, he said, consumers wouldn't buy GM foods if properly labelled.
Cameron the labrador: Yesterday's Mail on Sunday compared David Cameron to a labrador. Asked why he might be like a labrador David Cameron joked that if his advisers knew this was question would come up they would have told him not to answer it, before adding that he hoped it would be to do with his loyalty.
Indiana Jones or James Bond? David Cameron chose the British hero and admitted to having watched most Bond movies at least three times and had caught Russia with Love yesterday on "ITV7" or whatever it's called! We're Bourne fans in the CH office in case anyone is interested.
Hang on a sec - we should think of Cameron as a labrador because he has so much 'loyalty' that he hangs one of his staffers out to dry at the first hint of some leftie besmirching their name??
Posted by: Ay Up | June 23, 2008 at 13:13
Policies & policies!
I used to think it was funny when Labour used to copy the Tories policies but I dont think it's funny now that the Tories are copying Labour!
Labour had to act like they were turning right to get power but they NEVER REALLY lost their lefty revolution though capitalism idea. On the other hand we have the Tories who are acting left but are putting themselves in a postion that they wont be able to return to!
The British & especially the English want a party who will stick up for them & NOT be afraid to do so!
If the Tories aren't carefull they will experience the same fate as the Labour party are doing now!
Only certain interviewers & one was on the BBC that I saw, said that "Labours downfull was not looking after the white working class".
NOW! If the BBC can admit this looks the case when will one of the main parties or other reporters?
I know one party that many will turn to if the white working class aren't looked after!
Yes! The only party that doesn't look like a clone of the others!
Posted by: T. England | June 23, 2008 at 14:08
It is important for any political leader of any party to look after the 'working' classes, but particularly devise a tax system that does not tax people who are earning below the average industrial wage.
This applies to all the electorate not just sections of it as inferred by T.England
Posted by: Richard Calhoun | June 23, 2008 at 14:20
'The Conservatives would not engineer another institutional upheaval but would give GPs and patients more choice'
..the choice between one bad hospital and another ?
'the policy on grammar school was unchanged because the party didn't want to divide children into "sheep and goats"'
again, he is allowing the Left to set the parameters of the debate. It is nothing to do with sheep and goats, but giving children the education which is appropriate for them and encouraging the ablest to succeed.
It is sad that over health and education we see no imagination or vision, and a meek acceptance of failed socialist models.
With Boris' capitulation to the race relations industry and its PC agenda this is a depressing way to start the week.
Posted by: johnC | June 23, 2008 at 14:24
Where is the unequivocal undertaking to save this country from the eu constitution/treaty?
Posted by: John Broughton | June 23, 2008 at 14:45
John Broughton @1445. If he cared about this promise wehich he is about to break, it would seem, he'd have got it in somehow (a planted question?).
As it is he will smugly claim that he was never asked about it.
The EU leaders took the Irish for granted. It looks like Cameron is going the same way with the Britis AND especially with his own supporters!
Posted by: christina Speight | June 23, 2008 at 15:33
Comment is free is holding a vote on whether it was right to sack McGrath - http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/poll/2008/jun/23/race.boris
Posted by: Ay up | June 23, 2008 at 16:19
The Guardian's McGrath vote seems loaded. Boris comes out bad either way you vote. Their coverage of the London mayoral elections was a bad joke. It's funny watching them lie and make mountains out of molehills as they lose their grip. Tomorrow's Guardian's front page is a large image of a Guardian journalist throwing a kitchen sink at Boris.
Today's Conservatives are fully aware of the left's dirty tricks and are better able to deal with that bull than their predecessors.
P.S. David Cameron's straightforward approach to talking about difficult subjects is refreshing.
Posted by: David Galea | June 23, 2008 at 19:40
David Gales @1940 "David Cameron's straightforward approach to talking about difficult subjects is refreshing."
Except the one that matters
Posted by: christina Speight | June 23, 2008 at 20:10
Can anyone confirm that the Conservative Candidate in Ayrshire North and Arran has been suspended following comments attributed to him praising Ian Smith and Enoch Powell?
Posted by: Sandy Jamieson | June 23, 2008 at 22:18