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Same trend as yesterday's YouGov which is good. It may have a smaller margin, but as Mike Smithson always points out you can only compare trends not actual figures.

I think the recent bad press benefits labour....people still think the tory party is the nasty party....

Ken will win london, Labour will do reasonably ok at local elections. Far more OK than what the press/tories would suggest; which will make you look rather foolish.

The tories will start looking at Cameron again....blaming him on why they are not doing better.

When push comes to shove, most people go with labour than the tories. Progressivism will always trump conservatism.

For the Union - I didn't know Labour HQ worked this late on a Friday.

David (One of Many) - perhaps all of "For the Union"'s mates went off for a drink and left him behind!

I support labour, but i am not slavish.....The bad press lowers expectations, people become frightened the tories might win....they vote for labour. The lower expectations also help get the labour vote out and when its revealed we do relatively well, it will appear that the tide has turned.

You are not going to do as well as you should....which is odd; don't you think?

"Progressivism will always trump conservatism"

What progressivism? Under the Labour government poverty has widened, youth unemployment has risen by 20% with total unemployment higher than it was when Labour came to power and the Labour website has the nerve to claim we have 'full employment' On the health front the poorest sections of our society do not have access to NHS dentistry, and our hospitals carry more disease than public toilets. This has been the most corrupt and dishonest government in my lifetime. Worst of all it is a government that lies to its people, time and time again. When Labour does leave power it will exit disgraced and despised.

For the Union - get a life - I have never read so much guff in all my days. Labour 18% behind, 9% behind and making a mess of everything nationally and apparently thats good for Labour!!! What exactly are you taking cos I could do with some, its pretty good stuff by all accounts.

As someone who is out on the street every night canvassing at the moment, I can tell you things are bad, real bad for Labour. There is no fear of the Tories, only fear of more Labour.

The national minimum wage, the new deal, surestart, tax credits, the human rights act, accelerated European federalism ;) and an economy the envy of Europe.

London is the financial centre of the WORLD. Achieved under labour.

I do think though sometimes this party is a wee bit soft on those that don't deserve it....the "deserving poor" is the folk we should be looking after, not ppl that cant be bothered to find employment when they are perfectly able.

Food stamps instead of cash!

"Whoever"....I take it that you have ABSOLUTE faith in Boris winning? I was making the point, that in the currently climate of disaster for the government....it appears that it would be impossible the tories to lose....

But you will ;) and that's when people start questioning why....

The tory party currently is labour in all but name....you wont win, because the voices of radicalism in your party are silenced by the centrists.

The Times is backing Boris. This to appear in tomorrow's edition:


"The New Deal"...yes, isn't that the programme that cost 3.4 billion and youth unemployment is up 20%?...isn't that the programme where the long-term unemployed are forced to work for 50p an hour on 'work-experience' while they stock shelves in supermarkets that donate to the Labour party? Party funding in exchange for free labour from the unemployed! As ever the Labour party claiming it helps the poor while at the same time exploiting them.

Edison Smith, thanks for the link, I liked this bit!

"The Conservative candidate is an enormously intelligent man. His eccentricities are, it should be remembered, basically harmless and inoffensive whereas Mr Livingstone's various attempts to summon up the political spirit of 1968 and cosy up to political thugs and merchants of hate most definitely are not."

Basically harmless? "Three men and a dog" says all you need to know about Boris. Are those views acceptable to this era. I suppose that's a judgement call people have to make.

Ken should use it more though (why he didnt take Boris' book and read it out on QT I really don't know...it is a deadly statement.

I dare say gay folk don't appreciate being compared to bestiality.

I dare say Jewish people don't appreciate being compared to Nazis, or having people who want them exterminated entertained off the back of their council taxes.

Jews don't take well to being compared to Nazis, Japanese to war criminals......

Very true...his associations are sometimes unforgivable....but the Jewish remark was off the cuff and against the evening standard.

Ken doesn't exactly reflect the views of islamic extremism....but I suppose guilt by association suffices.

Boris actually WROTE that nonsense.

"but the Jewish remark was off the cuff and against the evening standard."

He knew exactly what he was doing, and has form. He pushed for the publication of an anti-semitic cartoon in the early 80s in a magazine he was involved with. The fact that such offensive insults trip off his tongue off the cuff shows it's deep rooted.

Sorry, hold up - did that Labour troll just try to claim that the city is the envy of the world because of New Labour?

Blair publicly admitted that Thatcher was responsible for the Docklands and the revival of the city. Conservative monetarism built London. London was built during the Major years thanks to market liberalisation and deregulation. Labour are about to cause the biggest wealth-making exodus in British history having accepted Thatcherism for 10 years.

Labour HQ employ some right one's.

The amusing thing is that Ken highlights the Docklands in his election broadcast, when he was against Thatcher's plans at the time. Well, I say amusing.......

For The Union:

"The national minimum wage, the new deal, surestart, tax credits, the human rights act, accelerated European federalism ;) and an economy the envy of Europe."

GOOD GOD! Are you for real? Surely this is a joke post? The Human Rights Act? That will be the Act that prevents us from deporting terrorists. Accelerated federalism? Sure, because everyone in the UK wants a uniform EU superstate. An economy the envy of Europe? I doubt many European economies envy the UK Government for having to rescue high street banks and take on billions of £s of dodgy mortgages...

...basically, your views are so utterly absurd that I can't even bring myself to fight back. If anything, I pity your desperation.

The human rights act is a cornerstone of progressivism, it may not function as desired, but its principal deserves praise. Germany and America have both had to nationalise banks more or less....

Sarbanes-oxley led to London taking over New York as the financial centre. Not Major.

20-30 years time....and you will quickly tire of the gross violations of democratic and liberal principal by our American friends. We didn't even torture the Nazi's, but of course - water boarding is not torture in the eyes of the right. All in the name of freedom as well.

The EU needs to become a counter balance to the superpowers of American, Russia and China.....are you seriously advocating having Britain on its own; because the EU will eventually become a super state...ever closer union kind of leads to that scenario...with or without the UK.

The Euro is rapidly replacing the dollar as the worlds currency...the bloc make more than America....the world order needs another shift.

Where do you think Britain will rank? At least in the EU, the UK has reasonable clout...the "special relationship" is a one way street.

YES you guessed it.......................

IS 'For the Union' a gimpy little teenager with no friends that spends his entire life dreaming about being PM and 'president of the united states of europe'?


I found his bebo profile with a simple google search. It is mainly full of pictures of gordon brown but there are a couple of him, I particulalrly liked this one:


You can tell what sort of people are like by the company they keep, here is one of his labourite friends:


Its true, we conservatives are better looking!

Only people this ugly and unpopular would be spending their Friday nights trolling political blogs.

PS I'm only commenting on the blogs cause I came home and couldn't sleep.

PPS If you want his bebo address it's good for a laugh:


You sad, sad man....you really do have my pity.

Being cyberstalked at 2.33 in the morning is certainly a first.

Malicious Communications Act (1998) classified cyberstalking as a criminal offense.

Worrying though on a psychological level, but I expect nothing less from a tory.

It worked for Brown.

I actually also forgot to mention that your actions are rather pathetic...and sort of self fulfilling in the most bizarrely ironic way. It may be sad reading blogs on a Friday night and contributing...but hey, most normal students cant afford a friday and saturdays nights drinking ;) (unless of course your tory). What is more sad though? The fact the you spend your night gathering person information?

But what is even more pathetic is that your actions are not befitting of the normal civilised, enlightened and intellectual debate that is to be found at CH.

I would also appreciate it, if you can mature yourself for just a minute...that you give me back my image of which I hold copyright ;) and that of my mates because....well...that's just unstable/sick.

I agree - leave the personalities to one side, it demeans our arguments.

But, For the Union, your arguments are total crap:

1. It WAS Thatcher's repositioning of the economy as a finance and service based one that led to the growth of the city. The Labour input was to continue to allow low regulation in a tightening global environment where banks practices were changing as they took more risks. The results of these decisions is what we now see.

2. The Human Rights Act is well meaning - but as with much from the EU it is over-wrought, over-bearing and yet still oft misinterpreted.

3. The New Deal is a classic example of Lab thinking. Spend its way out of trouble. Actually, New Deals principles have failed with NEETs, unemployed (as traditionally understood), and poverty gap figures are all appalling.

NuLab are a sham by any reckoning.

Oh let For The Union have his fun. It's not as though any of can take his 'analysis' seriously is it?

I expect this is about the only place he can post where he doesn't get a torrent of venom from natural Labour suppoorters utterly disgusted with this government.

If he posted that kind of thing on the Guardian CiF they'd tear him to pieces.

"When push comes to shove, most people go with labour than the tories. Progressivism will always trump conservatism."

Hence why the 20th century was dominated by the Tories.

By the way, you are aware that the majority of people in almost every single opinion poll for the past decade have shown themselves to be Eurosceptic if not in favour of total withdrawal from the EU?

How exactly do we gain from CAP, the CFP, business regulations that undermine our competetiveness, metrification etc? If we think any of these measures are desirable why can't we just let our own Parliament implement them?

"I actually also forgot to mention that your actions are rather pathetic...and sort of self fulfilling in the most bizarrely ironic way. It may be sad reading blogs on a Friday night and contributing...but hey, most normal students cant afford a friday and saturdays nights drinking ;) (unless of course your tory). What is more sad though? The fact the you spend your night gathering person information? "

Actally it was My morning that I spent gathering personal information, and it took about 30 seconds. If you didin't want everyone to know what kind of person you are, then why do you broadcast your name?

I wonder what your local labour party thinks of your views?

Perhaps if they knew the state of your mental health they would not have selected you as a candidate.

"I would also appreciate it, if you can mature yourself for just a minute...that you give me back my image of which I hold copyright ;) and that of my mates because....well...that's just unstable/sick."

YEAH.......... Thats going to happen!

Just face it, you have been humiliated. Your views are no more aceptable to your own party than they are to mine. This is CONSERVATIVE home, not pathetic would-be labour politicians with no frieds debating society.

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