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I agree totally with David Cameron. Why should the British taxpayer keep paying for British troops to fight other people`s wars for them.

I agree that other NATO members must shoulder more of every burden but the Tories cannot use this as an excuse to not correct the underfunding of the British armed forces. We must FIRST say that we'll deliver a big increase and THEN work for other NATO member states to help pay for it.

The priority of any incoming Conservative government should be the NHS, schools and the police not pumping money into the armed forces so they can go and fight in wars we have no business being involved in.

Brought to mind the Delian league where increasingly more and more states contributed money instead of ships and it ended up a de facto Athenian empire as all the rest paid Athens money which paid for the fleet Athens controlled.

Also should so much pressure be being put on the Germans for who involvement in more active fighting is controversial for deeper reasons than just avoiding danger?

"...whose involvement in more active fighting is controversial..."

It should not be controversial for Germany to be involved in more active fighting. There is no reason to forget Germany's past misdemeanours, but some might say that involvement in military actions of good cause would be positively redemptive for the country.

As Field-Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck wrote in his foreword to Desmond Young's well-known biography of Rommel, "it is not [Germany's] soldierly qualities which we dislike, but only the repeated misuse of them by their leaders". If there is no such "misuse", there should not be a problem.

Jack Stone,is wrong,we must invest heavily in our Armed Forces at the soonest opportunity because the way we are at the moment,the Isle of Wight could succesfully invade us,without breaking into a sweat.
We must always have the ability to robustly defend ourselves if attacked,always.

Jack Stone,is wrong,we must invest heavily in our Armed Forces at the soonest opportunity because the way we are at the moment,the Isle of Wight could succesfully invade us,without breaking into a sweat.
We must always have the ability to robustly defend ourselves if attacked,always.

Good speech from David Cameron. A pity it wasn't made a year ago.

Not only commonsensical but also very reasonable and authoritative.

The problem, Malcolm, from my perspective is that Cameron came out with so much tosh from the outset that I have little desire to take him seriously now that the caravan has moved on and life has become more hard-edged.


Nice to see Cameron taking a back seat ride in the RAF flypast.

I agree completey with what Cameron is saying . My only worry is practicality. Iraq and Afghanistan has been a hard enough sell , in rters of sendig troops , and thus spending money. Is it realistic to expect that Foreign governments are to turn around and say to their electorate " we are going to give the British money to bomb people"? . Unfornutaley, the ludicurous "illegal war" argument against Iraq might cause a problem. That said, i do not know enough about how NATO works to stress the above strongly at all. just see it as a possible problem and would be grateful for anybody's thoughts.


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