The Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council, Stephen Greenhalgh, has won a vote of thousands of Conservatives on Local Hero of Year 07/08.
His colleague Mark Loveday who was one of the people to nominate Stephen:
After taking control of Hammersmith last year for the first time in a generation, the local Conservatives immediately put Conservative principles into practice.
- A 3% Council Tax cut in the first year (the biggest in the country by far) and a stated intention to cut again next year. On ConHome people discuss the theory of lifting the burden of taxation - in Hammersmith this is already happening.
- Service standards improved from a three star to a maximum four star official rating.
- Cracking down on crime with the only New York-style 24 hour Council funded police teams in the UK in our town centres.
Hammersmith Conservatives managed to cut Council Tax by another 3% this year whilst retaining good quality service provision, as their celebratory YouTube video showed!
The other two people shortlisted for this award were Cllr Peter Golds OBE for his service to the Conservative Party in London, and Zac Goldsmith for his referendum campaign against a Sainsburys superstore.
* More than 8000 people voted on the ConservativeHome Movement Awards. The previous award announced was Parliamentarian of the Year, which went to Michael Fallon.
A thoroughly deserved accolade. Stephen is showing that Conservative councils, when they have a clear direction can make a massive positive impact on people's lives. After 20 years of Labour rule it was essential to show voters that changing the administration was worthwhile. Well done!
Posted by: James Browne | March 12, 2008 at 17:25
And Hammersmith did this in defiance of CCHQ who told them to shut up about tax cuts.
Those creepy neo-Blairite inhabitant of that HQ need stringing up!
Hammersmith - just behind those trees from me - inspired both Hounslow (rates no change) and Ealing (where I live - rates +1%) to do likewise.
An accolade richly deserved and from which the CCHQ cretins should draw a lesson - but they won't
Posted by: Christina Speight | March 12, 2008 at 17:43
Hurrah for Stephen Greenhalgh (not forgetting his team!).
A true Conservative who has ably demonstrated that promising tax cuts wins elections. Now he has won Tory accolades for delivering. And the council is many times more efficient and constructive.
Thank you from a local council taxpayer.
Posted by: Lindsay Jenkins | March 12, 2008 at 17:58
Very proud of my local Council leader! Well done Stephen!!!
Posted by: Sally Roberts | March 12, 2008 at 22:28
I am an H&F Councillor, so a bit biased, but I would observe that this is a rare case of a political group saying what they would do if elected, getting elected, then doing it. Doesn't happen that often.
Posted by: Will Bethell | March 13, 2008 at 09:16