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No the biggest highlight is the bit which says "and some increase in state support". Cameron is hardly going to restore trust in politics by omitting to mention that.

Personally, anyone who breaks the ministerial code should be fired. The behaviour of some of the scum on the nuLab benches would get them fired from any normal organisation

David Cameron said that the public spending settlement with 2% growth was already quite tight

It's quite tight for us taxpayers too Mr Cameron!

We should get a least half of the proceeds of growth and not just the crumbs left over from the unreformed public services.

Can't say I disagree with anything Cameron as reported here said but why no mention of State Funding? Iain Dale's blog gives quite a different slant on events.

Sorry Malcolm. We've noted David Cameron's support for more state funding before. It wasn't discussed at the press conference and I've mentioned all of the new recommendations in the democracy taskforce report.

Having a 50K cap on individual donations, will only work if a much tougher watch is kept on bogus organisations such as 'think-tanks' that do nothing, and 'charity' organisations who may be legitimate, but appear to be able to allow themselves to be 'used'. The present bodies that are supposed to keep a watch on this sort of deviousness have been watered down by this .. government, or at least hindered as much as possible.

Once upon a time if people's dishonesty or 'misdemeanours' were found out, they 'did their time', Poulson comes to mind, apart from the usual ones that Labour always quotes - gleefully. However, nowadays COVER-UP and absolutely never admit that anything could be done more honestly, seems to be the order of the day for this government, maybe that is the bad side of the union influence, but it is getting very similar to a 'banana republic'!

Thanks Tim, I hadn't realised that it was not discussed today.What was discussed all seems good stuff to me.

The Guardian and a couple of smaller media outlets have now picked up on the campaign too.

Restoring public trust in politics cannot occur unless and until politicians of all hues learn to keep their promises and not to promise what they cannot or will not deliver. That is why it is so important that Cameron keeps his, already partially broken, word on leaving the EPP.

I've noted David Cameron seems to be avoiding mentioning State Funding for political parties (both yesterday and today) presumably because he knows how unpopular it is. Alternatively, does he intend to back away from such proposals?

However, it is discussed in the Democracy Task Force report linked above and therefore is still on the table. On top of the numerous immense objections to the concept and substance of these state funding proposals I have a question pertinent to the report?

How on earth do politicians sticking their grubby little mits in the taxpayers pocket improve or even relate to trust in politics positively?

It bears little relation to the topic of the report and if anything is likely to worsen trust in politics by increasing the spotlight on the amount and nature of party spending. Any issue will be blown totally out of proportion further damning our politcal system.

This issue at hand is about obtaining and declaring funding in a proper, transparent and competent manner NOT about changing the source of funding because it is beneficial and expedient to political parties to do so.

To include it in this report is slight of hand. State funding is not primarily a trust issue.

To me there is only one way to improve trust in politics and that is to take the powers away from politicians relating to their own existence that they are perceived to have abused.

In some areas of the report such as MP's pay and pensions, the report indicates that the Conservatives seem to recognise this and propose taking small steps in the right direction.

However, it will by no means be enough given the record of parties over recent decades, but it is a start. Unfortunately, it will be totally undermined should the state funding of political parties proposals become policy.

I only hope David Cameron drops the state funding proposals and tell the party at large that to improve the financial situation they will just have to work better and harder.

Like how Cameron answered the question on the referendum by not actually answering it. He invited the question with an earlier remark. His answer to the question on the referendum after ratification is ultimately wait till it happens. Good ol' Labour style delaying tactics.

Cameron may think he's being clever but the treaty will be ratified whether he likes it or not and it will come into force. He has to make a decision and pretty quickly because the longer he delays it the worse he will look in the long term.

The idea about closing the MPs final salary scheme is a step in the right direction. However it should be improved by closing the final salary scheme down as at 30 April 1997. All contributions and benefits thereafter would be based upon defined contributions. This would have the benefit of putting those MPs who supported Brown's 1997 Budget raid on pensions in the same boat as the voters who pay for their pensions.

I agree about the pensions . It is good to know that there is movement on this topic .
It will be painful for Conservative MPs but it just has to be done . Nigel Sysons idea is a good one and should acted upon ie back dated to 30/04/1997. Perhaps you could hit Brown with it in mid PMQs . The journalistas will need to be primed with a handout of the proposed details at and background together with quotes from Browns 1997 budget at the same time .

If the Conservatives are to do this then they need to maximise the political benefit . Labour are highly unlikely to agree . A major point must be to emphasise that the date in question is determined/"linked" to Mr Brown's own budget in which he commmenced taxation of pension schemes . This point must be banged on about for ever and a day .
There are lots of votes in it .

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