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Thanks for the hard work you guys have been putting in. PT

Have a nice restful weekend chaps, you deserve it. And of course say your prayers for Phil Vickery and his boys.
'once more unto the breach dear friends.....'

Have some fun with http://www.punishthepm.co.uk.

Have a good one.

Enjoy the well-deserved rest! I think many of us wonder how the two of you can do all this...

Enjoy taking it easy guys!

You certainly have worked exceptionally hard the last few weeks!

You thoroughly deserve it!!

Take a well deserved rest. You supply an essential service for no cost and are a great asset to the political community (I was just speaking to a Labour member who said they always check ConservativeHome for the latest political news).

You deserve it! It has been a mammoth few weeks, including a potentially monumental one in the future of UK politics. Let's not forget that it was actually ConservativeHome that broke the news of Yellow Saturday. I think congratulations are in order and I look forward to Monday morning!

Tim & Sam, Enjoy your deserved rest and thanks for everything! Great conference reception too!

Hope you have a relaxing weekend, you both deserve it. The site is easily the best out there for political news! Keep up the good work!

Not a footie fan, Malcolm? There are important European football matches at Wembley and Hampden tomorrow. There's golf at Wentworth too. So you will be glad that I'm having a slow blogging weekend too.

Viva Conservative Home. I've had my differences with you guys but this site provides a tremendous service to thousands of eager Tories.

Enjoy the weekend.

I hope that "events" will enable you to take it easy!

As Tim and Co are having a well deserved break and things are slow on here you might want to take a look at an excellent open letter from David Lidington MP on Iain Dale's Blog regarding the c-difficile scandal. It's worth reading!

Thanks to everyone at ConservativeHome for the excellent coverage. Gordon Brown must want to grind you into the dust!

Well done Tim and Sam! Enjoy a good rest.

Well, you've certainly earned it!


Have a good weekend Tim & Sam - very well deserved.

With every comment moderated, do you not think it is worth adding some more volunteer moderators? Perhaps another four people who can approve posts.

This has become less a site where debate can happen, as you can be waiting an hour for your post to be approved, then another hour for the person you were responding to, to have their's approved.

I think the site has improved with moderation, but would be even better with more moderators.

I agree with Derek L. Piper @ 17.22 - I don't know how you both keep going. Have a good rest!

Well deserved break chaps and congratulations on the site you are always courteous and thought provoking.

Well done - its much appreciated.

Who says a week is long time in politics?!?
Have a great weekend, and thanks for the excellent coverage over the last few weeks. Your handwork is much appreciated and has made this site a must for us political anoraks on a daily basis.

Best wishes and keep up the good work.

What ever we may agree on, Tim (and it isn't much!) you guys are only human and no one could deny you deserve a few days off.

Hope I'm not adding to your workload by commenting on this thread (irony)

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