5.30pm: Download a PDF of the full David Cameron text
3.24pm final words:
3.23pm: Massive cheers at call for Gordon Brown to call a General Election.
3.21pm: The great service that people can give this country is to go out and fight for change.
3.19pm: I am the son of a magistrate and a stockbroker. The great privilege of my upbringing wasn't wealth, but warmth. It was my family. I had a great education and I want others to have that great education, too.
3.18pm: I've talked about Labour - not because they're bad but to understand why they've failed.
3.17pm: National Citizens Service idea will bring nation together.
Speech now an hour long!
3.16pm: We'll heal society in the ways Iain Duncan Smith outlined in his "great" speech yesterday.
3.14pm: Crime is number one social challenge. We won't follow Labour's approach of announcing things but not of seeing them through. We'll scrap early release. We'll reform the police. We'll scrap targets and performance assessments so that communities get beat-based, zero tolerance policing.
3.12pm: It may not always be popular to be green but it's right. We must be the party of sensible, green leadership and that's what we'll say.
3.11pm: We'll ban extremist organisations like Hizb ut-Tahrir. We'll scrap ID cards. We'll replace the Human Rights Act. We'll defend essential liberties like jury trials.
3.09pm: There is no foreign and domestic policy anymore. There's national security policy. Pauline Neville-Jones gets tribute. She helped with security policy in the days before the dodgy dossier.
3.07pm: If I become Prime Minister my top priority will be Afghanistan. He's wrong on this in my opinion - Iraq should be number one priority for the reasons discussed here.
3.05pm: You've broken the nation's covenant with the military, Mr Brown. Conservatives will improve the leave arrangements for servicemen. We'll improve their families' housing. We need separate military wards. We'll restore the cuts to three battalions made by Labour.
3.03pm: Big cheers as Cameron pays tribute to bravery of British troops in Afghanistan.
3.02pm: On international security we must never put party before country. I've always believed in Britain's independent nuclear deterrent and I'm proud to have supported Labour on Trident's renewal.
3.00pm: Immigration has brought many benefits to Britain but there must be transitional controls on immigration from new EU countries and controls on economic immigration from non-EU countries. Let's always talk about this issue in a measured way. Sensitively done.
2.59pm: If there's an election we'll fight Labour every step of the way on NHS cuts.
2.57pm: We need to give NHS professionals freedom from top-down controls.
2.56pm: The NHS has cared so much for my son. The extra billions haven't delivered because of the constant reorganisations and controls that have demoralised nurses and doctors - the waste of projects like the NHS super-computer.
2.54pm: Families don't just need a tax cut but a time increase. They need more time for helping children with homework etc. We'll give employees the right to work flexibly. We'll become the party of the family again.
2.52pm: We will end the couple penalty in the benefits system. We will recognise marriage in the tax system.
2.50pm: Best welfare provider of all is the family. It looks after children, old people. It looks after us when we're sick. Britain has the worst family breakdown in Europe. The evidence is overwhelming that family breakdown hurts children's life chances. We can't ignore it. We must tackle it.
2.47pm: More people are on extreme poverty. People aren't being lifted out of poverty in sustainable ways. Conservative change will be built on successful models in Wisconsin and Australia. People who get offered a fair job and don't accept it, will lose their benefits.
2.45pm: Freedom is not enough. We may be getting richer but our society is getting poorer. Our second great belief is a stronger society and stronger families.
2.44pm: Sustained applause for promise to never let Gordon Brown escape responsibility for the damage he caused the nation's pensions system. Promise to introduce a lifeboat fund for people who've lost their pensions.
2.43pm: Handsome tribute to George Osborne and his pledged action to help first time homebuyers.
2.40pm: Has a party leader ever said "pissed" in a speech before!? DC used the word to quote the attitude of a pupil that a school couldn't exclude. There'll be no ifs or buts. The Appeals Panels will have to go. Headteachers will be able to exclude.
2.36pm: Labour have failed despite their good intentions. They've failed because new schools haven't been allowed to start up. The City Academies are good but they need more freedoms. They've failed because they don't respect the differences between pupils.
2.35pm: Nothing is more important for our future than education. We need discipline in schools. We need schools with setting by ability, schools which stretch the best and we need special schools for children with special needs.
2.33pm: Other countries in the world are cutting tax. We'll share the proceeds of growth to relieve the burden of tax on business.
2.32pm: I favour elected mayors and less controls on local government. I favour abolishing Regional Assemblies and giving their powers to local government. Bigger cheers for that than vetoing Treaty.
2.31pm: "Stop Wasting money On Pointless Gimmicks" is my advice to Gordon Brown and his citizen jury idea.
2.30pm: In the internet age - a revolution of freedom and control - people will not be denied their say. We will give people a referendum on the EU Treaty.
2.29pm: First good joke - the Facebook group 'David Cameron is a hottie' has 79 members - 'Am I the only one who doesn't like David Cameron' has more than 300 members.
2.25pm: I believe that things can be better. I'm an optimist. I believe that people should be given more responsibility and control over their lives. I believe we must make our country greener and safer.
2.23pm: Brown was very cynical last week - promising things he knows he can't deliver. People want the politics of belief. Today I want to say what I believe, what's wrong with our country and how we can put it right.
2.22pm: Last week in Bournemouth the old politics was on display. We'd heard it all before. Lots of people in America had heard it all before!
2.21pm: Big tribute to William Hague - thanking him in terms of the friendship he's provided.
2.18pm: The party has changed. More candidate diversity. We've campaigned on the environment. We've put the NHS centre stage. Keeps repeating: 'I didn't do that. You did that and you should be proud.' This already starts to achieve two of my hopes for the speech: Confirming that the party is changing and that the grassroots are part of that change.
2.17pm: Begins with tribute to Margaret Thatcher.
2.16pm: He's on stage. No autocue. No script. 'This speech may be a bit messy but it'll be me'.
2.15pm: Speech about to start - expected to be long (sixty minutes).
Do return at 2.30pm for a live blog of David Cameron's speech to a very successful Conservative Party Conference. I'm also staying in Blackpool tonight so that I can blog the TV and radio reaction to the speech throughout the evening. Please keep me company!
Sky News are reporting that the speech will be 'unscripted' and that he won't be using the lecturn. Risky!
Posted by: John | October 03, 2007 at 12:37
I'm staying in Blackpool too. Will you be at the Imperial?
Posted by: Graham Dines | October 03, 2007 at 13:18
All I can say is: I would not like to be David Cameron right now!
He's going to do an hour-long speech without script or auto-cue, which could well decide if the country has an election this autumn, decide whether he still is Tory leader this time next month, or possibly even be moving into No. 10....
He has got to appeal to the wider country as well as motivate his base. He's got to grab the headlines and cement the 'it's time for a change message'. But he's also got to look substantial, a PM in-waiting.
It's an absolutely huge task.
If he pulls it off, it'll be a feat worthy of a man who deserves to continue being leader, regardless of any possible defeat in an autumn poll.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 13:19
this may be a little bit off topic :
How come the politics section of the bbc website, during the tory party conference has had a 'party conference' section whereas during labour's conference the section was call 'labour conference' and durring the libdem conference it was called'lib dem conference'?
Surely this is strong evidence of bias?
Posted by: dale | October 03, 2007 at 13:20
You've got to feel sorry for IDS.
He's watching the speech in the BBC studio sat between Jenny Socialist and Ed Balls.
IDS has just put Balls in his place, telling him no one should believe in Brown because he was the man that announced a tax cut but simultaneously raised the threshold on lower incomes.
He also, like Major, got pretty angry regarding Brown and Iraq, at one point poking Balls on the knee and saying Brown's use of the army to score political points was a "disgrace."
The unity shown by the party over the pasty few days has been commendable.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 13:58
Hardly unscripted, I bet it's virtually the only thing he's been working on this past few weeks.
Posted by: EML | October 03, 2007 at 14:04
Yes, at 7ish Graham for an interview with Sky News i/v.
Posted by: Editor | October 03, 2007 at 14:13
i'm nervous just watching it. He can't get this wrong. c'mon dave
Posted by: Adam | October 03, 2007 at 14:16
It'll be like watching England in a penalty shoot out!
Posted by: michael mcgoughmichael | October 03, 2007 at 14:20
I seem to recall he gave his speech last year without notes and away from the lectern. Its the way he does it.
Is the speech being webcast anywhere?
Posted by: Mike Christie | October 03, 2007 at 14:23
Did I spot a bit of AND there?
Terrorism AND climate change!
Did you script this, Tim?
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 14:28
Speech is live on News 24 Politics
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 14:28
This link should work for online streaming (BBC Media Player)
Posted by: Deputy Editor | October 03, 2007 at 14:31
Here's a link to the live broadcast
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 14:32
Hes sounding good...can he keep this up for another forty minutes?
Posted by: Ryan McMullen | October 03, 2007 at 14:36
Doing extremely well so far.
Posted by: Andy Stidwill | October 03, 2007 at 14:39
Thanks for the link.
I'm loving the stuff on education. Its reminding me why I was originally a DC supporter...
Posted by: Mike Christie | October 03, 2007 at 14:41
The BBC won't be happy with him saying 'p*****' on daytime television!
Posted by: Michael Davidson | October 03, 2007 at 14:41
This is amazing. The election is won.
Posted by: Oliver Arthurs | October 03, 2007 at 14:48
Did he say "pissed" or "pissed off"? (I know there's a lot of drinking in schools these days) Talking of words, what's wrong with "expel"? I'm pissed off with all this "exclusion"
Posted by: Winchester whisperer | October 03, 2007 at 14:48
'2.40pm: Has a party leader ever said "pissed" in a speech before!?'
No, but I know one who was.
Posted by: englandism | October 03, 2007 at 14:49
Has a party leader ever said "pissed" in a speech before!?
It worked (and I think to good effect) because he’s not on autocue.
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 14:52
Great speech so far, Dave. Hopefully he can keep it up and the BBC gives it the coverage it deserves. We all know that won't happen though!
Posted by: chrisblore | October 03, 2007 at 14:56
I think Dave gave away his upper class breeding a bit in saying "pissed" in the middle of a conference speech. A middle-class politician like David Davis or William Hague would never have done that.
Posted by: Andy Stidwill | October 03, 2007 at 14:58
I dont know if the election is won.
I do know that GB will be chewing over this for the next four days, and all we can hope is that he bottles it.
Posted by: Ryan McMullen | October 03, 2007 at 14:58
"It'll be like watching England in a penalty shoot out!"
I can barely watch, it reminds me of the last few minutes of the Scotland vs France match recently! I am willing him to succeed just as I did the Scotland team that night!
Posted by: Scotty | October 03, 2007 at 15:01
BRILLIANT! Surely this puts us right back in the game. Politics of "and" kicks in...
*Just* what the doctor ordered. DC 4 PM.
Posted by: Edward | October 03, 2007 at 15:01
William Hague would never have done that...
William Hague boasted about how many pints he could drink!
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 15:03
Good stuff so far on education ( are we bringing back the voucher policy?), marriage and family.
Posted by: Adam | October 03, 2007 at 15:04
>I dont know if the election is won.
I do know that GB will be chewing over this for the next four days, and all we can hope is that he bottles it.
Why would we hope that?
We want a general election, followed by Conservative victory.
There is nothing I would like more than to see an end of 10 years of Labour government next month.
What a goal, what a dream, what joy it would be.
We do not want Brown to bottle it at all.
We want an election, and we want to win.
Posted by: matthew | October 03, 2007 at 15:06
"I do know that GB will be chewing over this for the next four days, and all we can hope is that he bottles it."
All we can hope is that he calls an election, and now. After this speech we'll walk it.
Posted by: Oliver Arthurs | October 03, 2007 at 15:07
Whilst Cameron is certainly very competent with his unscripted speeches, I've yet to hear anything where he speaks with absolute passion and even a little bit of anger. He sounds a bit too soft on every issue and people watching the soundbites on the evening news will not be particularly inspired.
Come on Dave, get some fire in your belly.
Posted by: Michael Davidson | October 03, 2007 at 15:08
Typical BBC, my stream has just cut to pictures of donkeys at Blackpool Pleasure Beach in the middle of the speech!
Posted by: chrisblore | October 03, 2007 at 15:08
Excellent part on military - as a father whose 17 year old son is in the army it is great to hear.
Great stuff!
Posted by: John Craig | October 03, 2007 at 15:09
Tell me again why we are not going back to Blackpool? Clearly this place brings out the very best in David.
Posted by: RobD | October 03, 2007 at 15:09
Can't believe that having Afghanistan as his top priority will be a vote winner
Posted by: Winchester whisperer | October 03, 2007 at 15:14
I think he said Afghanistan would be a foreign policy priority not a general one, not that its significance is anything to do with elections!
Posted by: Deputy Editor | October 03, 2007 at 15:20
Have not heard the speech - will listen later. I am slightly excited after reading all your comments. Sad of me but oh well.
Posted by: Paul | October 03, 2007 at 15:22
Winchester Whisperer, Afghanistan was the real issue, defeating the Taliban and Al-Quaeda. Iraq was an unnecessary distraction.
Posted by: Mike Christie | October 03, 2007 at 15:23
Gordon Brown must regret starting this game of election poker. His bluff has been well and truly called, and not just by David Cameron. Hague, IDS, Davis, Lansley, etc, they all did brilliantly.
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 15:23
What a fantastic speech, ending in great style with laying down the gauntlet to Gordo! I can't see us having an election now to be honest, given his track record in bottling it whenever there is a difficult decision to be made.
Posted by: chrisblore | October 03, 2007 at 15:24
Before this speech I thought we'd win a snap election.
Now I think we're going to win by a landslide.
Posted by: Oliver Arthurs | October 03, 2007 at 15:25
Oh that's a relief! Was wondering how many voters (ex-army) are in Kabul.
Doesn't he mean that the great thing people can do is "vote" for a change?
Posted by: Winchester whisperer | October 03, 2007 at 15:25
F+++ing brilliant - can't say anything more. Bring it on!
Posted by: Justin Hinchcliffe | October 03, 2007 at 15:27
BRILLIANT!!!! He did everything we could have wished for! Amazing, truly amazing, no notes, no GB gimmicks - I hope GB calls a election I can't wait!!
Posted by: Josh | October 03, 2007 at 15:27
Good speech, will play very well with the right wing papers and media, and a lot of the public. I'm thinking Daily Mail, The Sun etc.
Posted by: YMT | October 03, 2007 at 15:28
Dancing fogies. Getting embarrassing now!
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 15:28
Well- what a performance! Absolutely brilliant! DC stands head and shoulders above GB & MC! I'm so proud of his speech- and absolutely proud to be a member of the conservative party!
Posted by: simon | October 03, 2007 at 15:28
Bloody marvellous!! Cameron is a worthy leader for a great Country and shows Brown up as the small man he is.
Posted by: Spencer Wisdom | October 03, 2007 at 15:29
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! For the first time in ten years we look like an opposition and David Cameron looks like a Prime Minister in waiting. Get that election called, we are heading back to where we belong, governing this country!
Posted by: Paul | October 03, 2007 at 15:31
We CAN do it if we really want. And, boy, do we want to now!
Posted by: Edward | October 03, 2007 at 15:31
Forget this 'lets hope it makes GB not call an election'. I want him to call one right now!!! David Cameron made us all proud today, he stood head and shoulders above GB. This weeks policies were great, a nod to Mr Osbourne but Mr Cameron really did make me pround to be a Conservative today - I've never been more enthusied to get out thier and campaign for this party! Well Done DC - You will be our next PM!
Posted by: Jo | October 03, 2007 at 15:35
Oliver, don't get carried away. How many normal non-anorak political types do you think will watch that speech? In some ways it will be more interesting to see how the major news outlets spin it.
Posted by: Mike Christie | October 03, 2007 at 15:36
Posted by: northern tory | October 03, 2007 at 15:37
Posted by: TimC | October 03, 2007 at 15:39
Outstanding speech :-).
Posted by: Dave Bartlett | October 03, 2007 at 15:40
The BBC have gone to Peter Hitchins to ask for his views.
Of course, he's trashing it.
Got to hand it to the BBC. They are better than Brown's own spin operation.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 15:41
BBC is reporting the speech well, which given its the BBC is bloody amazing! Can't see anyway that this cant be spun even Ed 'Boring' Balls couldnt help but praise him.
Posted by: Joe | October 03, 2007 at 15:44
Well Done! He did so well, so well. Reminds me of why he is our party leader!
Posted by: Jaz | October 03, 2007 at 15:48
That was the best speech i think i've ever heard from a politician. Cameron was not only honest, he spoke from the heart.
For that the British people will take a shine to him even more.
It's time we fought for him just as he would fight for us.
We must all stand up now, in every constituency throughout the country and give everything we have to win..
Now is the time for change.
Posted by: Martin Cakebread | October 03, 2007 at 15:50
Just watched in - outstanding.
Be nice to win a November election wouldn't it?
Posted by: Patriot | October 03, 2007 at 15:51
Oliver - you're getting a tad over excited!
However, you couldn't ask for anything more from his speech today.
I have the utmost respect for a man who can perform so well, and it's not as if it's the first time either. The guy from the Telegraph said on News 24 that it was one of the best post-war speeches he's heard by a politician.
The contrast with Brown's speech last week could not be greater.
Brown is truly an analogue politician. His speech played on fear, on old-fashioned ideas and clunking grumbling. Intellectually exhausted.
DC is a politician of the modern age. His speech spoke of hope and optimism; it was dynamism personified, fresh and youthful.
Tremendous. Bravo.
Bring on the election Comrade Brown.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 15:52
Gosh! I think the Conservatives could win the next GE.
Posted by: Christina | October 03, 2007 at 15:52
Osborne's all flushed on News 24!
He's like the schoolboy who got the sweets!
I just think even he couldn't believe it could go so well.
But it has. Fantastic.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 15:54
It was a brilliant speech - a modern speech for the modern world - vision and realism, leadership and humanity. There was plenty of fire in his belly, but no ranting. The passion was obvious (very very different from automaton Brown). That speech will play very well - the tone was right - it had all the breadth and coherence of ideas that were entirely lacking in Browns unconvincing, shopping list. It's very hard to have big ideas and be specific but he managed it. Great stuff.
Posted by: Oscar Miller | October 03, 2007 at 15:55
Breathtaking. A real slice of inspirational, aspirational political oratory. I feel history will show that as one of the finest conference speeches ever given.
It's been a rollercoaster these last two years but Cameron's was not found wanting today. I suspect he will not be found wanting when he leads this great country and our great party.
Posted by: Mike Thomas (215cu) | October 03, 2007 at 16:01
Dull, uninspiring. Certainly not good enough to impact swing voters. As a lifelong tory, i'm nervous about our prospects for the next few weeks
Posted by: Duncan Williamson | October 03, 2007 at 16:04
Check this out from Labourhome.com
Completely disconnected from reality
"I can honestly say I think that's the poorest speech I've seen him give. Where was the passion he uses in Prime Minister's Question Time? It simply wasn't there.
Considering Brown could call an election at any moment, this was pretty dull by anyone's standards. No new policies, no conviction, no heart. Cameron's shot himself in the foot with this one"
Posted by: AngloAmerican | October 03, 2007 at 16:04
Well done Cameron and the whole Conservative party at all levels this week!
Great speeches and fantastic to see the likes of Hague, Clarke, Heseltine and Major getting stuck in, haven't seen this kind of unity and passion for years.
Great speech by Cameron, but to do it without the auto cue or script took real guts which is something he has in spades and Brown lacks!
Posted by: Scotty | October 03, 2007 at 16:08
Dull, uninspiring. Certainly not good enough to impact swing voters.
This thread is about Cameron's speech, not Brown's.
Posted by: Mark Fulford | October 03, 2007 at 16:10
"The BBC have gone to Peter Hitchins to ask for his views.
Of course, he's trashing it."
A sure sign that he's said something right then
Posted by: Paul D | October 03, 2007 at 16:11
Excellent. Absolutely excellent!
Here's my personal prediction....
Brown will bottle it and will disappear for a few days. Eventually his 'excuse' will be the potential effect on the ballot of postal strikes and the inability of the backoffice electoral machinery to be ready in time, such as the updating of the electoral register, the problems of printing and distributing ballot papers, polling cards and other such nonsense.
Posted by: Mike H | October 03, 2007 at 16:11
You're right Scotty - doing that speech of all speeches without the autocue took a lot of courage - and ability.
Posted by: Patriot | October 03, 2007 at 16:12
".59pm: If there's an election we'll fight Labour every step of the way on NHS cuts."
Thats cuts in the ENGLISH NHS - not in the Scottish or Welsh NHS's .
One of the last things that Brown did as Chancellor was to cut the ENGLISH NHS capital investment budget by £2.5 billion - with not a squeak of oposition at the time from the Conservatives .
Stop going on about "the NHS"
go on about the English NHS which is victimised by the British government whilst the others are favoured .
Posted by: Jake | October 03, 2007 at 16:20
He wasn't going for swing voters anyway.
He was going for the 40% of people who don't vote.
That's statesmanship.
Posted by: Edison Smith | October 03, 2007 at 16:29
At last DC has confirmed his intention to lead the UK out of the EU, via the Social Chapter opt-out & repeal of HRA. This should help us grab some votes from UKIP
Posted by: YorkshireBoy | October 03, 2007 at 16:30
I watched the last 10 minutes of the speech and Cameron was brilliant. Also got he reaction from a few floaters, two thums up and one very positive.
brown will have no finger nails left by the end of this week and I am convinced that he will not drive up the Mall next week.
Posted by: Yogi | October 03, 2007 at 16:39
Quite brilliant - David Cameron played to his strengths - which turn out to be Brown's weaknesses -wow what a genius how incredibly brave - courage under fire.
Posted by: Dave Finney | October 03, 2007 at 16:47
Scotty and Patriot on the lack of an autocue- I remember riding a bike without hands when I was small just to show off. It was, however, a disaster.
Hope it sounded better than it reads but since he didn't once mention the key supposed dividing line between the Tories and Brown - the EU Referendum - it shows he's not got got his heart in winning. This won't bring back the missing 3 million. Unlike my (first) namesake above I predict at best a slight improvement.
Posted by: christina | October 03, 2007 at 17:05
I see Ed Balls reactions (unsurprising) contained - BIG surprise - the statement "got his biggest cheers for his attacks on Europe"
Why didn't the blog mention this, I wonder.
Posted by: christina | October 03, 2007 at 17:28
Perfectly pitched.
Posted by: Deborah | October 03, 2007 at 17:42
It is a great time to be a Tory again. What a fantastic week.
Posted by: eugene | October 03, 2007 at 18:01
The biggest cheers were not for Europe, I suspect that Balls used a pre-prepared line when he couldn't think of anything else.
Posted by: Deputy Editor | October 03, 2007 at 18:02
Isn't 'courage' a bit excessive when it comes to describing speaking without an autocue? How do you imagine politicians managed before the 1980s? Presumably Dave practiced it all quite thoroughly before, the 'I'm speaking without an autocue' line as much as anything else. Indeed, it's naieve to believe that this was anything other than a slightly transparent gimmick, along with all that 'he hasn't written any speech yet' briefing - but of course very much in the Brownite 'honestly, I'm not spinning at all, really' anti-Blairites style, which seems particularly fashionable this autumn.
Posted by: Drusilla | October 03, 2007 at 18:23
I watched only snippits of the speech on Channel 4. It was the first time I could actually see Cameron as Prime Minister!
Posted by: 601 | October 03, 2007 at 19:47
Rocking! Cameron's played a blinder: how do you counter Brown's spin? Deliver an unscripted speech from the heart.
Throw in plenty of policy as well, and Cameron's given a solid platform for the (hopefully) coming election.
Posted by: Adam in London | October 03, 2007 at 19:51
Jake @16.20. You couldn't be more wrong. In Wales we are facing numerous cuts in community hospitals, village doctors surgeries and many other barmy decisions including expecting neurosurgery patients in North Wales that currently use Liverpoll having to travel to Swansea!!! Then there are our hospices receive no real core funding etc etc. The papers are tearing into Welsh Labour almost daily about the sheer incompetence of the way they are managing the NHS here.
Oh and as for DCs speech - very good and spot on in tone and themes.
Posted by: Matt Wright | October 03, 2007 at 23:40