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We should be a little careful how we deal with this news as it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Brown could change his mind!


Their political analyst says the polls are drifting in the "Wrong direction".

Or is this just me being petty?

MrB, yes and no - depends on the context. If he's talking from Brown's POV, the "wrong direction" is acceptable - as it is the wrong direction for him. If it's a more general report then it is bias

Sally - If he did that he would be out on his ear. He knows that unless he is totally insane.

David Cameron is right. Gordon Brown has shown that he has no faith in the judgement of the British people. Gordon Brown has shown he doesn't believe the British voter would return him to office.

David Cameron was prepared to fight an election when he was eleven points behind in the polls, in contrast Gordon Brown didn't have the courage to fight when he was eleven points ahead. That shows the difference between the two men. David Cameron is a fighter. Gordon Brown is a coward.

Let's hope that the Party stays united in the coming weeks and really takes advantage of the momentum that has built up.

Clearly Cameron deserves credit for his courage and clear thinking over the past few months. As a party now which rediscovered its unity and ability to win in Blackppol we need to keep the pressure up.

We need to continue to campaign as though an election is imminent, not become complacent. Whenever the election comes, its still difficult for us to win that outright majority because of the way the boundaries are drawn.

We need to make the next 2 years count, so that when we do go to the polls, we make it count.

Also Tony: David Cameron is a winner. Brown is a loser.

As Jimmy Saville so presciently and nearly remarked:
Clunk Crap every trick!

>Gordon Brown has shown that he has no faith in the judgement of the British people.

I think that's a powerful theme. We should link this to the EU Referendum and heavily lay the charge that this is Prime Minister, not even elected by his own party, that will just not give the people a change to have their say.

Yougov poll in the times will also show an advance, according to Anthony Wells as UK Polling Report.

David Cameron looked genuinely angry during the BBC interview.

Brown has demonstrated a huge character defect (which many suspected) by his decision not to call an election.
I am sure that ConHome contributors can help compile a list of other examples of his weakness: the famous Granita episode, not standing up to Tony Blair whenever he felt that Blair was making a big mistake, by not resigning after much publicised bust-ups with Blair to start with.
He can't now go back on today's announcement about an Autumn election without handing it to the tories on a plate, but he might call one next year if things went right for him (a week is a long time etc).
We must use this reprieve to get our act together, especially by building up support in the marginals and by checking and doublechecking our sums. We must not be blown out of the water by Labour by promising more than the country can afford.

More CLUCKING than clunking I would say Mr Brown - he's laid an egg!

Brown has demonstrated a huge character defect (which many suspected) by his decision not to call an election.
I am sure that ConHome contributors can help compile a list of other examples of his weakness: the famous Granita episode, not standing up to Tony Blair whenever he felt that Blair was making a big mistake, by not resigning after much publicised bust-ups with Blair to start with.
He can't now go back on today's announcement about an Autumn election without handing it to the tories on a plate, but he might call one next year if things went right for him (a week is a long time etc).
We must use this reprieve to get our act together, especially by building up support in the marginals and by checking and doublechecking our sums. We must not be blown out of the water by Labour by promising more than the country can afford.

David Belchamber, very true indeed. Gordon Brown was even dithering over Northern Rock until goaded into acting. The clunking fist is really a clucking chicken. Gordon Brown is not the man to have at the helm in a crisis. I think this will prove to be a turning point for Brown, it will undermine him greatly and the Conservative party must never let the public forget Brown the bottler.

It is in the end a demonstration of Gordon's indecisive nature which no doubt wilkl now be spun as "sensible caution". However we now must not only display and continue untiy but must in parliament and out expose all the errors and omissions of the last 10 years, and, sadly the next 2, and be a determined and effective opposition.

Spot the rush by all to join the "I Told You So" Club

Be very careful with all this gloating.
Brown has said that there probably will not be another election for 2 years.
If Cameron falls badly behind in the polls again and that is not beyond the realms of possibility then the right wing will oust him as they will not fear Brown jumping them with an unexpected election.
You have seen how fast the polls can and do change, Brown will have ample time now to really go to town on George Osborne's tax promises.
He has forced Cameron to show his hand and I have a feeling this is what he intended.
This euphoria will be short lived.

jonboy makes a good point. We can now argue for change within our party and more sensible policies without fear of an election. This is good news. We have time to push Cameron into being a tory.

I don't agree with you RT but at least you have the courage to post. Moral minority and Traditional tory have disappeared. They're as cowardly as Brown!

What's to stop Darling from putting into the next budget the suggestions that Osborne made regarding the Inheritance tax or first time buyers or stamp duty?
Brown has had no problem backing down out of this fiasco as this could be claimed was hiped up by the press.
So what qualms do you think he will have if he still thinks these suggestions have legs before the next election?
I for one do not think he has played the blinder a lot here seems to think, but then only time will tell.
Bear in mind they are in power all we can do is talk about it.
That's the bottom line.
The voters will not give a damn which party does it as long as it can be done.
Remember Brown has the last word on everything and what makes you so sure Cameron will still be leader in 3 years?

Well once again, what a long time a week is in politics.....

Adam Boulton on Sky has just laid into Brown- 'failed stratagy' , 'indecisive', ' shoddy spectacle', claiming all his good will has gone and he should sack all his advisory team.

I've never seen anything like it- aren't politcal correspondants on TV supposed to be unbiased?

Mind you I'm struggling to argue with Boulton,tbh.....

Jonboy's right. Labour has smoked out Tory policies and will now spend two years trashing them at every turn with, no doubt, the willing support of much of the media especially the BBC.

Furthermore, Brown will now sign-up to the EU 'Treaty' and very probably introduce legislation that will make it virtually impossible for the Tories to ever amend the 1972 act WH spoke of in his speech.

The other issue is how long the Tory party can hold it together before internal divisions break out once more. Furthermore, it would only take another Tory defection to Labour to seriously undermine much of what has recently been achieved. I bet Labour already has a list of potential defectors and will start work on them very shortly.

If the Tory party is to succeed, it must now start being an effective opposition (not something it's been very good at these last 10 years) and keep up a sustained attack on Brown and Labour's record. Oh, and please, no more standing ovations for Labour

Jonboy's right. Labour has smoked out Tory policies and will now spend two years trashing them at every turn with, no doubt, the willing support of much of the media especially the BBC.

Furthermore, Brown will now sign-up to the EU 'Treaty' and very probably introduce legislation that will make it virtually impossible for the Tories to ever amend the 1972 act WH spoke of in his speech.

The other issue is how long the Tory party can hold it together before internal divisions break out once more. Furthermore, it would only take another Tory defection to Labour to seriously undermine much of what has recently been achieved. I bet Labour already has a list of potential defectors and will start work on them very shortly.

If the Tory party is to succeed, it must now start being an effective opposition (not something it's been very good at these last 10 years) and keep up a sustained attack on Brown and Labour's record. Oh, and please, no more standing ovations for Labour

- we didn't show all our election goodies just enough to frighten Brown. Yes he can steal our policies but that would be obvious especially after trashing them.
Also Brown has to get through two years of low growth, credit squeeze having promised £35bn of extra spending in last three months. That means he'll have to use stealth taxes or break his golden rules. No-one trusts him now so exposing those will be easy.

No Ted, I disagree, Brown is a master of political intrigue.
He will take the best, bat them around a bit then do it.
What he cannot do he will rubbish, remember political animals can see what he is doing the average voter does not and whatsmore does not care as long as they get what they want.
I asked my partner tonight if anything she has heard today has caused her to altered her mind.
She says she is more interested in the Rugby score and could not care a damn about who does what in politics, she will decide that nearer an election in the meantime she has heard enough of wall to wall cover of this stupid non-story. It is not life changing as far as she is concerned.
That's how Mrs average sees it.


No Parliament may bind its successors.

No matter what Brown might try to do, there is no way he could prevent a future Conservative Government (or any other) with the political will, amending or repealing the 1972 ECA.

As someone extremely critical of Cameron I have to say that whilst he has not yet convinced me he is a true Conservative, he has at least made some good decisions this week and has proved that, for better or worse, he is capable of winning.

I hope he maintains it.

Gordon Brown can only have considered having an election because he did not feel that he had a mandate from the people to govern. What has changed? - The fact that even more people are now vocal as to their opposition to him as Prime Minister. Hardly a man who is serving his country, more a man desperate to hold on to as much power as he can for his own glory for as long as he can. If he felt a need for a mandate to govern whilst dithering about an election it is needed even more now.

The great clucking fist! I love it

To all those who think that Labour have smoked out our entire policy cupboard and will spend the next how ever long laying into it, I offer this thought. The policy that is credited with this dramatic turnaround is the IHT proposal, now Labour have had a week to do damage to it. Have they? Not a jot of damage. So what on earth makes them or anybody think that what they have failed to do in five days they will succeeed in doing in the next however long? The best time to derail a policy is when it is new, if you can not discredit in a day you can't discredit period.

I did wonder if the McCavity, over-cautious, 'always backs down' image of Brown was a media invention...

But its true! He's a coward! Coward! coward! Coward!

Ha ha ha hahahahahahahah.

And now the whole country can see it: Wont hold a refrendum on the EU constition, plays politics with troop withdrawls from Iraq, bottles a general election he's spent months building up, praises Margaret Thatcher despite his past hatred of her, and if he steals Tory policy on IHT it'll be obvious he is desperate!

Editor, here's some more proof of respected journalists being given an election date by senior Labour officials.


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