Last Saturday we noted General Sir Richard Dannatt's call for society to do more to honour Britain's servicemen. You can agree or disagree with the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan but all of Britain should be able to unite in saluting the dedication and bravery of our troops.
Shadow defence minister Gerald Howarth MP has just been on Sky News to talk about an initiative by Conservative-controlled Rushmoor Borough Council. Mr Howarth and Cllr Peter Moyle, Council leader, have arranged for five banners to be put up across Aldershot to welcome home the Grenadier Guards. One of the banners adorns the A325 between Aldershot and Farnborough. Interviewed on Sky, Mr Howarth said more councils should do the same and he encouraged private businesses like Alton Towers to offer discounts or special events for our servicemen and their families.
Lovely idea.
Posted by: Justin Hinchcliffe | September 26, 2007 at 17:33
Aldershot is hardly a typical town. Vast numbers of the residents are soldiers.
I have nothing against military parades and celebrations. I was a very enthustic supporter of the Falklands homecomings, for example.
However, I do think it is important not to do anything that suggests there is any significant support for the Bush/Blair war and occupation of Iraq.
We need to send a message to the troops that, brave as they are, the cause for which they have been commanded to fight is a bad one, which most of us do not support.
I personally would not support any event (other than a funeral) which might be taken to imply support for the war against the people of Iraq.
Posted by: Traditional Tory | September 26, 2007 at 17:49
I agree whole heartedly that our troops deserve far more than they are currently receiving, but this goes far beyond welcome home banners.
These brave men and women are risking their lives on a daily basis. They should be paid far more and supplied with equipment which is fit for purpose, rather than continually having to make do, and in some cases buy their own. They should once again have dedicated military hospitals with their own specialist medical and nursing staff who understand the unique injuries and suffering of those injured in combat, and they should have accomodation which reflects their service to the country rather than the appalling, shabby treatment they currently receive. They should have pensions and particularly long term sickness benefits worthy of the name rather than being thrown on the scrap heap when they cease to be useful.
Posted by: Patriot | September 26, 2007 at 17:56
Posted by: john | September 26, 2007 at 18:12
This is an excellent initiative. Our Editor will know from experience too, as do I, that the American respect for their military is something we need to replicate here. Our military is understaffed, under-resourced and inadequately appreciated. This is a great start.
Posted by: Donal Blaney | September 26, 2007 at 18:15
Actually Tim, Stamford school pupils have led the way on this. They set up a charity earlier this summer selling wristbands that state "Proud to support our troops". All the proceeds go to service charities.
Their website states:
Supporting our Troops – is a charity with two core aims:
1. To raise public awareness, support and understanding for British service personnel (and their families) and increase the recognition of their highly professional conduct in face of daily challenges.
2. To raise money to support the following charities who are providing services for British service personnel, Combat Stress, SSAFA (Soldiers Sailors Airmen Families Association), The Army Benevolent Fund and the South Atlantic Medal Association
We are proud to support our troops, please show your pride and appreciation by purchasing a wristband and / or donating money.
This is the wristband of choice for all conservatives
Posted by: Simon Chapman | September 26, 2007 at 18:30
Our military would have greater respect if it was only used to defend Britain and our national interest, rather than being put at the disposal of the Americans for illegal escapades in the Middle East.
Posted by: CDM | September 26, 2007 at 18:35
Excellent initiative. Our troops still die to protect our freedoms in far flung lands. I'm hoping for a lot more of this kind of civic appreciation.
Posted by: Adrian Owens | September 26, 2007 at 18:40
What a lovely idea.
I am still reeling from the way that most of the media have handled the disgustingly cynical ploy of Brown's regarding the military exemption from the council tax. This money will come out of the MOD budget so will reduce spending even further on other essentials like clothing, equipment, food and helicopters.
Just out of interest, I wonder how many of those who are eligible for this con are paying council tax at present? Think about it, most can't afford to rent or buy because of the wages and therefore rely on living in the barracks. I stand to be corrected, but I think they pay rent in the barracks but not council tax.
Yet another dishonest and cynical headline designed to bring political benefit to Brown while shafting the very people who put their lives on the line for us. Brown has so much previous form for this type of despicable politics and words fail me!!!
Posted by: Scotty | September 26, 2007 at 18:43
Patriot is right, although I'd add that there should also be more practical support for the families of servicemen and women - this would give our troops one less thing to worry about when they are out risking their lives on our behalf.
And for those who aren't keen on our current engagement in Iraq, surely that's something to take up with politicians, journalists and so forth, rather than blaming it on our armed forces, who are simply getting on with the job they've been given and, as is their wont, doing so with remarkable professionalism and resilience?
Posted by: Drusilla | September 26, 2007 at 19:22
I for one will NOT be watching this farce.
Posted by: Miss tooty | September 26, 2007 at 19:46
First rate -- well done Gerald Howarth and the Local Council leader Cllr Peter Moyle. Lets hope business steps in with some good ideas as well.
Posted by: Harlequin | September 26, 2007 at 20:12
A very fine gesture for a very fine group of people. Often its the little things that make a person feel appreciated. Of all the subjects that unite us this one we totally agree on.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the web this afternoon and he was saying how the troops in the states always get a negative press, even to the point of outright lies. One guy in the states has just got a jail sentence for making up lies and saying he saw atrocities during his time serving as a soldier. Anyhow it seems this guy was indeed a soldier, for one month! and he never did any tour of duty. The sad thing is everyone believed this fraudster until he was exposed. People were too quick to think the worst of the troops.
Posted by: Tony Makara | September 26, 2007 at 21:56
"Aldershot is hardly a typical town. Vast numbers of the residents are soldiers."
The town is far less dominated by the military than outsiders may suspect. Regardless of this it was a wonderful idea. I see the road signs as I leave for work.
Councillor Peter Crerar
Aldershot - Manor Park Ward
Rushmoor Borough Council
Posted by: Peter Crerar | September 26, 2007 at 23:04
Often forgotten is the role our Navy are also playing. Peter Viggers MP in Gosport (where I used to be YC Chairman and County + Borough Council candidate) is a strong supporter and expert on our armed forces, and the PPC's in Portsmouth could also push this.
"Traditional Tory" is wrong. We put our armed forces into harms way and whether or not we support this war (although I do) we should always support our military team when terrorists are shooting at them.
Scotty is right about the cynical way our Lord Protector Brooon is manipulating the Council Tax publicity stunt. Disgraceful.
Posted by: Geoff | September 27, 2007 at 05:17
I sometimes wonder if so-called Traditional Tory stays up all night so as to be sure of posting the first negative comment. It seems to me that whether or not there are a lot of soldiers in Aldershot is not the point, the point is honouring them however few or however many. It is not their fault they were ordered into this war, and to differentiate between similarly ordered forces because you happen to agree with one war against another has nothing at all to do with what has happened to the men of all services involved in the conflict.
Posted by: Gwendolyn | September 27, 2007 at 07:21
Good evening Mr Howarth. I have just seen you in company with Mr Cameron on BBC News and even at this late hour I would like to recommednd what could be an important addition to your Committee looking into Military Convalecence. The recently retired Director General of the Royal British Legion, Brigadier Ian Townsend CBE, who for years has fought that cause, has first hand knowledge and information on the subject gained over many years, much of which is probably unique . His addition would without doubt be an asset to you and other members of the committe in the search for answers, which I believe are now at the point of being critical to our troops.
I urge you to consiider this recommendation, even if it is in the capacity of consultant
Yours Sincerly
Peter R. Westacott (retired)
Posted by: Peter R Westacott | March 04, 2008 at 19:12
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Posted by: carroll foundationr trust | December 12, 2008 at 19:33