Go to TaxManGordon.com to play this CCHQ-commissioned version of the classic video game Pacman. Instead of evading multi-coloured monsters you have to avoid the Gordon Browns being churned out of No.10, and the 111 stealth tax rises he brings with him:
"With the longest tax code in the world, try as you might you'll never get away from Taxman Gordon!"
Great idea. A ConservativeHome mug will go to anyone in the high scores on Friday who has the letters "CH" after their name (top-placed person only).
What other advergames could be made featuring Gordon Brown? We're looking for someone who's good at making basic games like this, please email us if that's you.
Deputy Editor
How about a virtual version of that mole-bashing game. Gordon's face pops up out of the holes and you've got to whack him as quick as you can.
Not very intellectual but very stress-relieving i'm sure!
Posted by: Pisaboy | September 29, 2007 at 15:57
In this game gordon always wins in the end - mmmmmmm.
Posted by: Ian redwood | September 29, 2007 at 16:36
I enjoyed it although only momentarily, the trick is to get people who aren't supporters knowing about it and playing it. Some more of this kind of stuff that proves we have a sense of humour is a good idea, but as I say it needs to be known about more widely and it has to be balanced with serious policy as well.
Posted by: voreas06 | September 29, 2007 at 17:22
These are the same 111 tax rises that we are committed to for the next 3 years in the event of winning the next GE????
Posted by: Schlieffen Plan | September 29, 2007 at 17:35
Oh, it has to be Monopoly doesn't it?
'Do not pass Go until you have handed over all your money and property to Gordon. Then start all over again.'
Posted by: sjm | September 29, 2007 at 18:18
Gordon nots flash, just after your cash!
Posted by: Scotty | September 29, 2007 at 19:00
Thanks very much for finding another highly addictive online game for me to play! Just when I thought I'd kicked the Scrabulous habit...
Like the use of the Conservative logo by the way. Is the Gordon turning blue bit supposed to mean something?
Posted by: Nick Young | September 29, 2007 at 19:03
Slightly O/T but I have to say that this headline could be turned into so many jokes, most of them equally blue! Sorry, could not resist that pun.
From the Beeb, "Brown pledges bluetongue action"!
Posted by: Scotty | September 29, 2007 at 19:37
So the tax is too high and yet the "Dave Cameron's Conservatives" can't find any tax cuts? The voters may be dumb, but are they too dumb to see the lack of logic.
Posted by: jorgen | September 29, 2007 at 20:10
I am disgusted by this cynical ploy to derail my PhD from a site which claims to support education!!
Great game - totally addictive! And the message is, of course, an important one.
Nick - when Gordon turns blue, you can gobble him up. But only once you've got the Conservative logo - only the Conservatives can destroy him, you see! :) Beware, though. The Conservatism only lasts so long- and soon enough Gordon is back to his old ways and will destroy you again :)
Posted by: BorisforPM | September 29, 2007 at 21:42
Does anyone know how to convert this into a Facebook application? It would spread like wildfire on there...
Posted by: Iain Lindley | September 30, 2007 at 13:23
I see this is now on Facebook, brilliant stuff!
Posted by: Iain Lindley | October 04, 2007 at 22:46
How can I join the Conservatives?
Posted by: Tom Day | April 11, 2008 at 19:38