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I thought I was dreaming about the RETURN of our MOST GLORIOUS AND BLESSED LEADER.

As I posted on my blog... surely she isnt going to be an adviser to Brown too!

One has to wonder whether Gordon Brown sees this as a great photo opprtunity. It would certainly be interesting to be a fly on the wall. Wonder if the sub-prime crisis will come up?

If Madame is in No 10 then there's clearly something very nasty being smuggled out by the spin doctors this afternoon.

And will That Great Lady get the Mercer/Bercow treatment?

I think she's telling us what she thinks of Cameron. Good for her.

That's good...it shows there are no hard feelings....but it is so Blair !!

It warms the heart to see her back inside Number 10, that's for sure! A very clever move by Brown on a day when traditionalist Tories will be feeling knocked sideways by the Quality of Life report. Brown is very, very clever.

... and I dreamt that Mrs T turned round and went back into No 10, after waving Mr B off home to Kirkcaldy.

I must ease up on Sanatogen consumption.

Donal - Brown is certainly very clever. Though Cameroons always seem to underestimate him. They'll never learn and they'll pay the price of course.

If only Lady Thatcher would come out and tell the country what she thinks of Cameron. I wish she would go for his throat.

Wish she was still there. Very clever of Brown. Cameron won't be best pleased, but hey ho.

I can only imagine the vitriol that would appear here if Ted Heath had still been alive and done the same thing.

If Maggie is about to defect to New Labour she could be taking a lot of us with her.

@Donal Blaney

Spot on, Donal. And he has appointed Margaret's very own advertisers, Itchy and Scratchy, to promote the Labour cause.

So what on earth are we doing publishing this facile and vote numbing guff?

Margot and Jerry Leadbetter Present: The Good Life Report.


Literally: If It Moves Tax It!

I hang my head in despair.

I think brown is being very shrewd here,he obviouly thinks that if cameron can pull us to the left then there will be a great hole on the right to be filled and i noticed he is wearing a lot of blue ties lately..also as i said in my recent post it may be Lady T's way of showing her utter contempt of what the cameroons have done to her once mighty project in the conservative party,i am no fan of gordon but he is a very very shrewd operator.

My cup is filled to overflowing! Oh dear, here come the tears.......

Unsurprising, deeply cynical piece of political shenanigans by Brown. The more he keeps this up, the sooner everyone will see him for the manipulative, devious little machine politician that he is.

Hopefully she'll handbag him into calling a referedum on the EU treaty.

This won't go down well with the comrades in the West Lancashire Labour party whose loathing of the greatest post-war Prime Minister is limitless.

Indeed, the only claim to fame of our MP, Rosie Cooper has been to ensure that Tony Blair blocked a state funeral for Lady Thatcher.

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