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No grown-up politician should describe opponents as "Sub human". That's student political language. Nonetheless I defend Mr Bourne's right to say what he did. I just think we need to be a little cleverer in how we defeat the BNP.

Totally support Mr Bourne`s comments. The best way to defeat evil is to confront it not runaway from it.The Welsh Conservatives have an excellent leader.

bunch of sub-human flotsam and jetsam”.

Why not use the full vocabulary - here's a good phrase for his Blog We shall take care that never again in Germany, the heart of Europe, will the Jewish-Bolshevistic revolution of subhumans be able to be kindled either from within or through emissaries from without.

Is this where he gets his ideas from ? It was Heinrich Himmler btw.

Is it appropriate for a Member of the Conservative Party to use words akin to Untermensch in political discourse ? At least we know from what well he draws his aqua vita

Bourne's words are uncannily redolent of the terminology used by the Nazis to describe the Jews. To put it bluntly, he has descended to the BNP's level.

We had our own experience of this rather unpleasant behaviour when Aneurin Bevan described the Tories as 'vermin'

Most Conservatives find it very easy to ignore the BNP and their ilk. I presume they have upset Mr Bourne by splitting the vote and depriving him of a seat somewhere?

Query. Is Bourne actually a Welshman?

To say that holding a particular opinion makes someone "sub human" is dangerous territory. That said, the intellectual weakness of the ideas peddled by the BNP and others should be highlighted at every opportunity.

TT should one have to be Welsh to stand for election in Wales?

TT should one have to be Welsh to stand for election in Wales?

No. But if the Conservatives do not wish to be thought of as an 'English' party in Wales they would be wise to choose a leader who is Welsh.

I have trawled Bourne's blog (not exactly all singing, all dancing), Wikipedia etc and although he retails information about his education at Aberystwyth he nowhere states where he was born.

Umbrella Man:
"No grown-up politician should describe opponents as "Sub human". That's student political language. Nonetheless I defend Mr Bourne's right to say what he did. I just think we need to be a little cleverer in how we defeat the BNP."

I agree with this - 'sub human' is not acceptable language. The last thing we want to be doing is dehumanising our opponents. 'Nasty, mean and distasteful' is fine.

Until recently the BNP for all their lack of real credibilty were the only party prepared to try and put uncontrolled Immigration onto the agenda - now it's becoming mainstream. Would Mr Bourne use the same language about Sein Fein/IRA and if not - why not ?

Quite correct Simon. Descending to vulgar abuse of opponents, even the BNP, enables them to claim the moral high ground.

We recently fought a by-election in Milton Keynes. We should have won fairly easily in a straight fight between us and Labour (Libs did nothing). A fly in the ointment proved to be a candidate from the England First Party, who campaigned with the help of a BNP member.

The votes which went to EFP, an Independent and UKIP certainly added up to more than our man lost by.

We reckoned we were really in with a chance, Labour were frightened (from canvassing and the postals) and Sam, our chap, had eroded Labour's votes in this safe Labour ward, over the last few years. So what went wrong?

I have defended the BNP as a democratic political party (after an outburst in Full Council by Libs along the same vituperative lines as Mr Bourne's outburst) who one can either vote for or not.

I would never vote for the BNP but neither would I ever vote for Labour, viewing them with the same jaundiced eye. We slip up if we resort to name-calling instead of conducting an in-depth analysis of policy.

The point is that the mainstream political parties are leaving a vacuum for the minor parties to fill. Unless they take account of what people want (UKIP supplying a Conservative need for kicking the EU in the whatsits and BNP for ditto with Labour on immigration etc) the mainstreamers are going to go to the wall due to the vote being split, their respective opponents getting elected and demoralisation setting in among the supporters who subsequently stay home in future.

Well that's my view - in attacking the BNP you are only shooting the messenger!


I think that should have been "an ex-BNP" member.

I think he was rather restrained in his remarks. Well done old chap.

Of course we all know that the Welsh Tories have their finger right on the pulse. It's not so many years ago that some Welsh Tory luminary turned out to be the father of Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP and a BNP activist himself. Full marks to the Welsh Tories for A1 quality control!

What's the betting that following Mr Bourne's undignified and ill-judged outburst various left-wing journalists will once again be trawling the Conservative Clubs of Wales for 'far-right' quotes?

Let's hope they don't strike lucky...

I do not think the BNP can be attacked too strongly. Well done Nick Bourne.

'Nasty, mean and distasteful' is fine.

Are those the words, or similiar, still being used by Theresa May and Dave, The Detoxifyier to describe the Conservative Party? There appears to be quite a large number of subhumans, fruitcakes, lunatics and delusionals around apparently because they don't vote Tory - the Consensual Conservative Party in Parliament; we all know by just looking at the state of Britain how wonderful they have all been and how duplictious some of them are.

Mr Bourne, some would describe you and Dave Boy, as above, (leaving out sub- human).
I have never voted for the BNP (I heard Nick Griffin on the BBC recently - the BBC lost), but don't tempt me to join the other significant number of 'subhumans' that do -(believed to 1.5 million). Mr Bourne grow up. Win your arguments by using your brains and mouth and not the back of your neck (it isn't meant for conversation.

Hear hear, Felicity. Another vote for Nick on this.

They say exactly the same sort of things about us, and much worse about anyone who happens to be different from their idea of what being British is.

If we refuse to return fire it will make us weak and strengthen their message.

The problem is that the more you attack the BNP as subhuman and the like, all they have to do is show up, smile, quote what you say about them, and they can demonstrate that you are wrong.

They are making great play of the fact that if a police office is a member of an Islamic organisation, which verbally supports the murder of British citizens, under the Human Rights Act, he cannot be touched. If, on the other hand, it is found out that he is a member of the BNP, he will lose his job immediately.

The law actually does treat the BNP as subhuman in this way.

It is a mistake as this enables the BNP to claim that the rule of law is not being applied, and talk of revolution and radical change to the system becomes permissible in voters' eyes.

The policies that declare the BNP as subhuman were not Conservative policies. It is Labour that has forgotten that the law if it is to mean anything has to be applied to all.

Nick Bourne is playing into the BNP's hands, and is making their sales pitch for votes easier, as it is him that will be portrayed as deranged and extreme, and the BNP will present themselves as sweetness and light.

Hasn't our pathetic excuse for a welsh 'leader' got something better to do than attack a fringe group with no national standing or representation?

Resign Nick Bourne, go and be gone!

They say exactly the same sort of things about us, and much worse about anyone who happens to be different from their idea of what being British is.

Okay you win....the Conservative Party is just like the BNP....satisfied now ?

TomTom - I said that we should return their fire, are you saying that we should just sit back, like cowards, and let the BNP smear us?

I presume you thought that my 'they' was referring to the public, I was referring to the BNP, that should have been clear from the context.

As "Dontmakemelaugh" pointed out, Mr Cameron is very ready to describe his opponents as "loonies, racists and fruitcakes' - whilst those in the party who disagree with him are branded "delusional".
So all that Mr Bourne is doing is to follow and improve upon the splendid example set by his leader - the one who said that he wanted an end to yah-boo politics.
It's all symptomatic of panic and despair.

Perhaps he should have confined himself to describing the BNP as 'delusional'

TomTom - I said that we should return their fire, are you saying that we should just sit back, like cowards, and let the BNP smear us?

If Tories use disgusting hate-filled language such as 'subhuman', smearing is superfluous.

Personally I don't see how anybody who holds the extreme racist views of the BNP can square those views with Christianity. We, however, must never forget that Our Saviour enjoins us to hate only the sin and to love the sinner.

I am aware of a number of former of BNP supporters who have renounced their fascism after being brought to faith in Jesus Christ.

Mr Bourne, however, offends against the Christian spirit by embracing a mirror image of the BNP's message of hatred.

I still have no answer as to whether he is actually Welsh. Maybe nobody knows.

Well said Nick, a pity a few more politicians dont say it like it is,as for most of the comments above, they obviously have no idea of how well the Welsh Conservatives are doing in Wales.

they obviously have no idea of how well the Welsh Conservatives are doing in Wales.

Saved by PR, eh Dick?

Sadly, everybody else seems to be doing better.

Is Mr Bourne Welsh?

The Welsh Tories are right to explain what the BNP represents to an electorate that feels sympathy with a party that seemingly represents them.

Just before the May elections the BNP threatened to open offices in north Kent. Their 2007 election manifesto made them look like a reasonable right wing party. So we exposed their 2005 General Election manifesto as follows:

“The BNP will not allow immigration to Britain and will implement the orderly repatriation of past immigrants” . Translated: BNP will remove immigrants. By all means control our borders and have joined up thinking for border control, immigration and customs but you cannot eject the grandparents of the Jamaicans and the Indian sub-continent whose children and grandchildren were born here : will my mother be sent back to Wales?

“The BNP supports strong unions and strong industries, and the kind of unions that work for the health of their industries”. Translated: Back to the pre-Thatcher 1970s union stranglehold on the ‘Sick Man of Europe’.

“The capitalisation of British industry is a function of how much money Britons save”. Translated: BNP will stop overseas investment, stop inward investment and thereby stifle growth and export opportunities.

“All law-abiding adults who have successfully completed their period of military service are required to keep in a safe locker in their homes a standard-issue military assault rifle and ammunition”. Translated: any nutter or fruitcake that gets into the army can apply to be stormtroopers to patrol their local neighbourhoods.

The Welsh Tories are an intellectual bunch and have recognised that PR has worked for them, unlike the Scots who, although PR has worked for them following the 1997 wipe-out, still trot out the mantra that FPTP is best.

Where there is devolution we have to work the system and PR works for us, but England is a different matter. However, remember that under the present voting system it will still take us to win 40% of the vote and Labour only 35% to win an election.

Janice of course they would be right to warn the electorate of the racist policies of the BNP.

But how do you suppose that explanation is enhanced by the use of words such as 'subhuman'?

Translated: any nutter or fruitcake that gets into the army can apply to be stormtroopers to patrol their local neighbourhoods.

Swiss males grow up expecting to undergo basic military training and a mandatory period of service in the Rekrutenschule (the "recruits-school"), the initial boot camp, after which Swiss men still remain part of the militia either in a home guard or reserve capacity until age 30 (age 34 for officers). Each such individual keeps his army-issued personal weapon (the Sig 550 5.56x45 mm assault rifle for enlisted personnel, the SIG 510 battle rifle and/or the SIG-Sauer P220 9 mm semi-automatic pistol for officers, medical and postal personnel) at home with a specified quantity of government-issued ammunition (50 rounds 5.56 mm / 48 rounds 9mm), sealed and inspected regularly to ensure that no unlawful use takes place. The emergency ammunition is the only ammunition that requires accounting for during inspections

We mustn't demonize our opponents as "sub-human". Otherwise how would Mr Bourne condemn some nutter who took it into his head to "cleanse" the world of some "sub-human" BNP members?

I'm all for robust language - no pussyfooter, me - but we must get the *right* robust language, and I'm afraid "sub-human" isn't it...

Traditional Tory: language that sometimes resonates with people who are likely to vote BNP maybe feasible sometimes? I agree that sub-human isn't a term one would normally use in our world.

TomTom: Unfortunately we don't have the world class education system that the Swiss have and we abolished national service some time ago.

The BNP will not allow immigration to "Britain and will implement the orderly repatriation of past immigrants” . Translated: BNP will remove immigrants. By all means control our borders and have joined up thinking for border control, immigration and customs but you cannot eject the grandparents of the Jamaicans and the Indian sub-continent whose children and grandchildren were born here: will my mother be sent back to Wales? Janice Small

Let me make it clear: I have never voted for the BNP, nor am I a member, but who knows how political parties will evolve in the future or whom we might have to vote for. Cameron is reputed to have formulated the last Tory manifesto but has since "repented", but is still accused by Labour of being the leader of the Nasty Party. Blair I understand was once a CND member and socialist; some members of Labour flirted with communism at one time or other; the detestable Livingstone welcomes, what some would call, Islamic fundamentalists and is a member of Labour.

With reference to the comment by Janice Small in the first paragraph above: that is not what Griffin said on the BBC phone in (most sub humans incidentally, who phoned in agreed with his views). He stated that immigrants lawfully settled would not be asked to leave or be deported. (I don't know why your grandmother fears being sent back to Wales? - only she would know the answer - perhaps it is because she might bump into Mr Bourne. The good news is, she will not be asked to go). The BNP might well have had such a policy in the past - (I believe Dave once agreed with Michael Howard on Grammar schools), but no longer. Financial assistance would be provided for those immigrants that wish to leave, think it costs £4 to get into Wales over the bridge, this I understand will be refunded (I jest) - oddly enough, nothing to get out?).

I can understand why some vote BNP in desperation. The Tories would do well to understand the grievances of the "sub humans

Janice Small is illogical

TomTom: Unfortunately we don't have the world class education system that the Swiss have and we abolished national service some time ago.

Posted by: Janice Small | July 08, 2007 at 20:56

“All law-abiding adults who have successfully completed their period of military service are required to keep in a safe locker in their homes a standard-issue military assault rifle and ammunition”. Translated: any nutter or fruitcake that gets into the army can apply to be stormtroopers to patrol their local neighbourhoods.

Posted by: Janice Small | July 08, 2007 at 18:59

Nick Bourne should read H G Wells' The Time Machine and understand why his comments seem to fit perfectly with an Eloi view of the Morlocks.....

Nick Bourne is a sad little nobody, and a dripping wet Europhile, in search of a headline. The BNP "attack" is no more than a yap from a sad little poodle. Nick Griffin will be laughing at this pathetic little rant.

The Cameroons should note that Dave's main speechwriter, Douglas Smith, was a prominent advocate of COMPULSORY repatriation in FCS.

I am a Labour supporter, and fully support the AM's comments. If he is anything other than exonerated of all these complaints, there should be a cross-party campaign to support him. Please keep readers posted!

I am a Labour supporter, and fully support the AM's comments.

Do you think his comments should be applied to Abu Hamza and those who bombed public transport on 7 th July 2005 ?

Bourne is a coward. He's merely echoing state approved rhetoric while producing no evidence to back up his 'arguments'. He personally risks nothing whatsover. Perhaps he'd like a medal for 'taking a stand'. I'm SO impressed.

Now why doesn't he really prove how brave he is by publicly criticising his 'leader' for selecting tory candidates on the grounds of their race. Better still, condemn some of the hateful verses in the Koran. Nah, he won't do that.

Hey Janice, if you're so worried about your idiotic belief that your Welsh mother risks being 'deported' then where's your outrage at the white flight from London's east end or other place in Britain? Or does removing people only shock you when it's groups you secretly view as beneath you?

'Is Bourne actually a Welshman?'

Eer no.

Jonathon Morgan is though!

I was one of those who complained about the Pink Doughnut to the Standards board.

Nick Bourne does not know my parents, myself, friends or family. All BNP supporters who have, at some time in our lives served our country. My father was wounded during the Normandy landings, myself and my other four brothers have all served in the armed forces including the parachute regiment and Royal Navy, two of us seeing combat.

We are not sub humans, we are people who care about Our Country and the only political party that cares is the BNP.

Diddy David is just a clone of Blair, which is why I speak to more and more ex Tories in the growing family of the BNP

Translated: any nutter or fruitcake that gets into the army can apply to be stormtroopers to patrol their local neighbourhoods.

Posted by: Janice Small | July 08, 2007 at 18:59

Are you this Janice Small ?


The Home Office claims the asylum backlog will be cleared in five years. How come if they don’t know how many are here, legally or illegally? We currently have over 10,000 foreign nationals in our prisons but then the Human Rights Act interferes with our right to deport them.

* YES to closing our porous borders
* YES to an integrated customs, immigration and police border control service - joined up action and thinking
* NO to Eastern European migrants claiming benefits - a 30% rise for the first quarter of 2006
* NO more immigration until we have consulted with industry on an actual skills shortage, trained our own unemployed and economically inactive to do those jobs

Do you think insulting people who join the British Army and accusing them of being Stormtroopers is appropriate language, or using words like nutter and fruitcake ?

Should you not talk to "Janice Small" about improving perceptions ?

The court of public opinion is harsh and often unfair. Shattered trust is extremely difficult and expensive to rebuild.

Time and again companies fail to notice that their actions – or inaction – fall short of the public’s expectation - what was acceptable yesterday, can be unacceptable today.

I help companies review their activities and positions and work with them to understand how these might be perceived by customer, politicians, officials, stakeholders, the public and the media.

I was a member of the Welsh Conservaives.

One reason I left was that other Tories were indistinguisable from the BNP.

Not that there were many of them. The rest of my time in Wales I supported Plaid Cymru

Theresa May has done more harm to the Con Party than any other Tory Minister. Her stupid jibe about being the nasty party is still being quoted. The problem is that there are too many people in the C Party who open their mouths without putting their brains into gear.

Teresa May was correct about the Tories being the nasty party, but by refusing to resign from a party she has rightly condemned she has proved that she is a hypocrite

What a bloody idiot Bourne is. Half the people who vote for the BNP are ex Tory voters.

Well my view of Mr Bourne is that HE must to be a sub human.He certainly fits the bill judging by his picture. Think next time we meet may give him a slap for being so extremely ugly.

"saved by PR" I dont think so TT, we had LESS Conservatives elected by PR this time, why? because we got more 1st past the post due to the strength of the Welsh Party.
As I said most of you have no idea whatsoever about whats happening in Wales. But never mind we're used to that here, we'll just carry on winning council & assembly seats come the next GE some more Westminster seats, who know's even TT might realise there's more to the UK than the South East of England.

Nick Bourne is, obviously, a happy-clappy Cameronian kind of Conservative, as he is on record as saying:

"There is no place in a modern, decent, tolerant society for the politics of hate and discrimination… Welsh Conservatives believe that everyone has a right to live in dignity, find work, and access services regardless of… race, religion… or sexual orientation".

He has also, as previously stated, described the BNP as a "nasty, mean, distasteful and grubby bunch of sub-human flotsam and jetsam" on his personal blog.

And, when he received a great many criticisms of such a personalised attack, he refused to apologise, saying:

"I have no intention of withdrawing any of the comments I made about the British National Party and its membership. Nor will I apologise for making them.

The BNP is a divisive, dangerous organisation which exists to spread fear, hatred and bigotry. There is no place in a civilised society for their views and people from all political parties and none should stand together against them.

The growth in votes for the BNP is worrying. The message of racial division, which they put forward anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti those Britains who are of immigrant descent, is rightly something which the four main parties abhor and condemned on Equality Day during the election campaign…

Any political party that bases its appeal on division and hatred of people based on the colour of their skin or their racial origins is destined ultimately to fail…

We must make sure the BNP does not get a foothold in Welsh or British politics".

Well, he certainly manged to get it all in there, didn't he?

Thing is, as far as I know, no British Nationalist organisation "bases its appeal on division and hatred of people based on the colour of their skin or their racial origins", and Bourne will know this.

The BNP et al would put the British people first, not last, in their own land, that's all.

The Bournes, of course, as is amply evidenced by the behaviours of the three main parties since the end of WWII, couldn’t give a damn what the British people want or deserve. They could not care less whether party policy shuffles the working-class Brit to the back of the queue for everything his immediate forbears willed to him.

Those whom the British Nationalist truly despise can be found inside Westminster, the Stock Exchange, the media and the anti-British PC Crowd.

The only people that he could reasonably be described as “hating” within the immigrant communities, are the immigrant criminals. You know, those who beg and plead to be allowed in and then, once established, put two fingers up at British society and take us for everything they can.

There are, of course, many more of these than the politician, the businessman, the media and the anti-British PC Crowd would have us believe.

After Bourne’s latest anti-BNP outbursts, Phil Edwards, a party spokesman, said:

"I think he should be put in the stocks, tarred and feathered and driven out of town.

Which, compared to Bourne's “nasty, mean, distasteful… grubby bunch of sub-human flotsam and jetsam” outburst, isn’t exactly what you might call “over the top".

Now is it?

As I said most of you have no idea whatsoever about whats happening in Wales.

Not quite true Dick, as you keep us all posted with the latest.

As for example a month or two ago when you announced that you were 'ashamed of my Party' and threatened to resign.

Sounds like the joint's really jumping in them thar valleys.

Sorry, but this is not the kind of language or behaviour that a Tory mp should be using, however it does seem to be the "in thing" to use derogatory words like these to attack the BNP, did'nt Trevor Phillips of the race relations board not say similar things recently to describe the white population?. I see so many people on here stuffily agreeing with Mr Bourne, yet all the while the likes of he and Mr Phillips are taking a snipe at them. I have taken the time to read the BNP website and found not one example of this kind of language to describe Tories or even the laughable Mr Phillips, in fact the majoriy of articles are well written and show a real insight into what has gone wrong with this country, questioning perhaps, but no juvenile name calling. perhaps you should all take a look yourselves. From a one time Tory, now wondering what diferentiates the LibLab=Con

'Jack' at 20:45:
'Thing is, as far as I know, no British Nationalist organisation "bases its appeal on division and hatred of people based on the colour of their skin or their racial origins", and Bourne will know this.'

I don't see how this tallies with what it says on the BNP's own website - that the BNP is for the indigenous British people, that it only accepts white members. You can argue that the BNP doesn't explicitly promote hatred (any more) but there's no way you can claim it doesn't promote division based on skin colour & racial origins. Otherwise it would accept non-white members.

'pot calling kettle rainbow coloured' at 21:11:
'did'nt Trevor Phillips of the race relations board not say similar things recently to describe the white population?'

I don't think Phillips has called whites 'sub human'. He did make some slightly unpleasant generalised remarks about east Europeans as I recall.

The lanugage of Mr Bourne's comments on the BNP make him sound like an immature undergraduate and are so damaging to our political way of life.
He will come to regret it - when he grows up!

I am a young Thatcherite Tory. Thank's Mr Bourne; I'll now be switching my vote to the BNP at the next general election.

If BNP supporters are sub-human, what does Mr Bourne propose that we do about the Muslim extremists, who pose a "clear and present danger" to our very existence?

Less than nothing.

Just like our entire political, lamestream media and administrative classes, along with all the Notting Hill and Islington metrosexuals, he attacks the native English who love THEIR country, while bending over backwards to appease those who are bent on our complete subjugation, while those Trojan Horses, the Muslim enclaves in our cities become no-go areas for the "authorities", let alone ordinary white English people.

Is it any wonder that ordinary English people turn to the likes of the BNP? Yes, scratch the surface and you find something very nasty. But when no-one, repeat no-one from any of the "constitutional" parties speaks up for the native English, what do you expect? Do you really expect us to roll over and do nothing?

For an example of the kind of "future" these people have in store for us, go to the following link, read and LISTEN TO WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. Just like Hitler, what they say is what they mean.


Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK
Hear Islamic leaders in London: 'Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!'
Posted: July 9, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Art Moore
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Protesters at London Central Mosque
Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America.

"One day my dear Muslims," shouted Anjem Choudary, "Islam will govern Britain!"

Choudary was a co-founder of Al Muhajiroun, the now-banned group tied to suspects in the July 7, 2005, London transport bombings and a cheerleader of the 9/11 attacks.

"Democracy, hypocrisy," Choudary chanted as the crowd echoed him. "Tony Blair, terrorist! Tony Blair, murderer! Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!"

Listen to Anjem Choudary:

The Muslim leader's charge, along with interviews with protesters and a "literal foaming-at-the-mouth" diatribe by another speaker, were captured on tape June 22 by nationally syndicated talk radio host Rusty Humphries.

Humphries, who was in London with WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein, recorded angry Muslim leader Abu Saif, who kept his voice at a fever pitch through declarations such as: "Brothers and sisters, make no mistake. Make no mistake. The British government, the queen, the MPs in this country, they are enemies to you, enemies to Allah and enemies to the Muslims."

(Story continues below)

Abu Saif is believed to be a member of the group Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Party of Liberation, which states its aim is to unify Muslims and establish Islamic rule over the world. The group's Cambridge cell reportedly had tried to recruit the Iraqi doctor now suspected of mounting the attack on Glasgow's airport June 30. The failed car-bomb assault followed two similar attempts in London the previous day.

Abu Saif spoke with disdain of Blair's appointment as a special envoy to the Middle East, issuing an apparent threat.

"Inshallah," meaning "Allah willing," he told the crowd, Blair will "go to the Middle East as an envoy, and he'll come back in a box. Inshallah. What box that is, we leave that up to you."

Humphries estimated nearly 3,000 Muslims were gathered in front of the mosque in north London June 22, after Friday prayers, to protest Queen Elizabeth's knighting of Indian author Salman Rushdie, the target of a death-sentence fatwa for "insulting" Islam's prophet Muhammad in his 1988 book "The Satanic Verses."

Listen to Abu Saif address protesters:

For Humphries, the response of the Muslims at Islam's largest house of worship in the UK was telling.

"Not one said, 'You're not speaking for me' or 'Not in my name.' They stood there and watched and applauded," he told WND.

Like the UK, Humphries said, the U.S. has three major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for living in the West is to help fulfill Islamic prophecies: The loss of border control, the inability to say no and lack of assimilation.

"I feel like I'm Rusty Revere. I'm out there yelling the Muslims are coming, the Muslims are coming," he said. "But we don't want to hear it. We don't want to hurt people's feelings."

Rusty Humphries interviews Abu Saif

Humphries' interview with Abu Saif underscored the radically different vision many of Britain's citizens have for the country's future.

The Muslim leader said he does not believe in democracy and insists there is no such thing as freedom of religion, "because freedom is an absolute term."

"Are we to say that Muslims can fully practice religion in America," he asked in an attempt to explain. "Say, for instance, I was a Muslim in America. Could I call for the destruction of the American government and establishment of an Islamic state in America? No. So where is the freedom of religion? There is none."

Listen to interview with Abu Saif:

Humphries asked: "Do you call for that?"

"Of course," he replied, "we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam."

Abu Saif explained Islam, like Christianity, has a prophetic tradition.

"One of the prophecies of the message of Muhammad was the hour will never come, i.e., the last day – which you also believe in – will never come until a group of the Muslims … will rise and conquer the white house."

The reference, many Muslims believe today, is to America's symbol of executive power.

Protesters at London Central Mosque

Islamic leaders in the U.S. largely have been careful to not assert publicly the Muslim belief that Islam ultimately will gain worldwide supremacy. As WND reported, Omar Ahmad, the founder of a prominent U.S.-based Islamic lobby group, denies a newspaper report that he told a group of Muslims in the San Francisco Bay area they are in America not to assimilate but to help bring about Islam's rule over the nation.

Like other protesters, Abu Saif presented a typical list of grievances Muslims have with the U.S. and Britain, such as the nations' part in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the wars in Afghanistan and Iran.

But the Islamic leader admitted he believes Jews and Christians will always hate Muslims, because Allah has said it is so.

"There's nothing we can do to be friends?" Humphries asked.

Abu Saif replied: "There is something you can do to be friends. You can become Muslim."

He also had a simple solution to the conflict in the Holy Land.

"We want the Jews to leave Israel, and to hand the whole of Israel, not just Gaza and the West Bank – the whole of Israel to the Muslims. Only then will the Muslims stop."

Hear Abu Saif's views on Israel:

'Politics of terror'

BBC-TV last week highlighted Hizb ut-Tahrir in a program called "Politics of Terror," noting "the attempted terrorist attacks on London and Glasgow have once again focused attention on the rise of political Islam."

If al-Qaida is to be defeated, the narrator said, "the key battlefield is in the realm of ideas. Today's would-be suicide bombers are almost invariably yesterday's campaigners for political Islam."

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown

During the Prime Minister's Questions session in Parliament Wednesday, opposition leader David Cameron left the new premier, Gordon Brown, stammering after demanding to know why the government had not banned Hizb ut-Tahrir after promising to do so two years ago.

Brown replied: "Of course in all these details – and I have had to deal with this in the Treasury, when we're dealing with terrorist finance – you have to have evidence to do so."

The answer was met by a chorus of jeers from MPs.

Cameron responded: "The prime minister said we need evidence to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir. This organization said, and I quote, 'Jews should be killed wherever they are found.' What more evidence do we need before we ban this organization? It is poisoning the minds of young people. Two years ago the government said it should be banned. I ask again, when will this be done?"

Brown seemed even more hesitant this time.

"We can ban it under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and, of course, of course, of course ... I think the leader of the opposition forgets I've been at this job for five days ... ," he said, as jeers once again filled the chamber.

Brown already, in fact, has issued a ban of another kind – prohibiting his ministers from using the word 'Muslim' in connection with the worldwide terrorism threat. He also has instructed his team to drop the phrase "war on terror," Britain's Daily Express reported.

The paper says the "shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more 'consensual' tone than existed under Tony Blair."

The New York Times reported last week many Britons were happy with Brown's tempered approach to the foiled terrorist attacks just days after he succeeded Blair.

Brown, wrote London-based reporter Alan Cowell, "played down the threat, treating the episodes as a crime rather than a threat to civilization. Yet, his minimalist approach seemed to strike a reassuring chord with Britons, many of whom had expressed fatigue with Mr. Blair's apocalyptic view of terrorism."

Nick Bourne, as we all know by now, has described the BNP as a "nasty, mean, distasteful and grubby bunch of sub-human flotsam and jetsam".

Mr Bourne would, one supposes, be happy to apply this description to Keith Brown, who was stabbed in the back by his neighbour, Habib Khan, on Friday night.

Keith was a BNP activist, you see.

Khan did what he did in front of Keith's children. I wonder whether Mr Bourne would think that Keith's kids deserved to see their father die in such a way? Perhaps, he would only think this if their political allegiances were similar to those of their father.

Thing is, is it not possible that the language of the Nick Bournes down the years, together with the deceitful, mean-spirited thoughts behind that language, have given the likes of Habib Khan the green light?

"Oh, I can stab this Englishman in the back. He is "sub-human flotsam and jetsam", no one will care about him!"

No national newspaper has carried this sad story. The BBC has mentioned it but did not bother to mention the ethnicity of Keith's killer.

Thus, for anyone who is interested in the death of a "nasty, mean, distasteful" English gentleman at the hands of an Asian immigrant, I'm afraid I have only the commentary from the news team at the BNP web site to offer you. And, as we all know, these would be a "grubby bunch" whose depiction of the death of one of their own should not be trusted.

At least, Nick Bourne, one of YOUR own, would be almost guaranteed not to trust it.

The BNP news team reported thus:

"At just after 4pm on Friday 6th of July, despite valiant efforts by paramedics, 52 year old Keith Brown was pronounced dead on the front lawn of his garden in Normacot, Stoke-on-Trent. The police, the local newspaper (the Sentinel), together with local TV and radio reported that Keith had died as the result of, "a dispute between neighbours"...

The so-called neighbourhood dispute first started when Keith Brown’s Muslim neighbours decided to move the fence that divides their property an extra two feet in their favour. Keith tried all he could to get the council’s legal team to stop the erection of concrete posts and new fence panels on his property, but despite being advised that he was “in the right” on several occasions nothing was done.

Every morning Keith would open his curtains to see this encroachment on his own bit of land, his own personal space and, as the large Muslim family started to take pleasure in goading him about the invasion of his property, his quality of life became minimal.

The relationship between the neighbours became seriously strained and it was not long before the police were called to intervene. Amazingly though it was Keith who found himself dragged before the courts on a trumped up charge of "racism", but thankfully his West Indian neighbour appeared as a witness and described the charges as ridiculous. Eventually the case was thrown out.

Keith’s eldest son was actually sent to prison for later defending his father against a further physical assault, the injustice of which hurt Keith considerably.

Last year the brake pipes of Keith’s van were cut and he narrowly avoided a serious accident. Not long after this Keith’s beloved English bull terrier was poisoned to death and his Alsatian puppy mysteriously disappeared.

Throughout all of this time Keith and his partner had requested to move from the area to a new council house, but despite being on the housing list for years nothing was ever done for them.

In desperation Keith fitted a CCTV system to his house in order to obtain video evidence of the continued racially-motivated abuse and assaults directed towards him and his family. One such assault was indeed captured on video and burnt to DVD.

Last year Stoke BNP councillor Steve Batkin requested a meeting with a local police Inspector at Sutherland Road Police Station in Longton to hand over the DVD and to complain about Muslim drug dealing in the area. The female, Asian officer refused to even take the DVD and dismissed Steve’s formal complaint about the continuing assaults on Keith Brown saying that , "she knew who he was". In the minuted meeting she at least said she would look at the narcotics issue, but later informed Steve that the alleged drug-dealing was just down to "private hire drivers falling asleep in their cars".

The months of anguish continued for Keith, abuse, assaults and smashed windows until finally the inevitable but entirely avoidable happened. Last Friday afternoon witnesses saw Keith and his neighbours in yet another flare up. Keith had just returned from picking up his three youngest children from school when he was confronted by a group of Muslim men outside his house.

Whilst Keith was remonstrating with these men another Muslim man crept from behind a car and plunged a large knife in his back. Keith never saw it coming, but his three young children did. Having brutally attacked Keith the gang then set about his 19-year-old son leaving him hospitalised.

As Keith lay dying in his garden, paramedics desperately tried to resuscitate him, but Keith had already slipped away, stabbed in the back by his murderer and stabbed in the back by those who should have protected him."

Would a Nick Bourne ever feel sorry for a Keith Brown, I wonder?

I shouldn't think so. I think the Mr Bournes of this world would be far more likely to feel sorry for himself as the storm clouds gather over this matter.

I don't know what you think but I don't believe a man who would describe his fellow Brits as Nick Bourne has should be representing the British people in any way, shape or form.

There are clearly just too many of us whose welfare would be of no concern to him at all.

I would like to thank Conservative Home for the absence of factual censorship at this site. As the gentleman at the top of the page suggests, I should imagine that quite a few of the 180 anti-Bourne complainants were BNP "activists". If they were not, many would certainly have been Nationalist sympathisers, as I am myself.

Likewise, in this thread, a good few
"Nationalist sympathisers" have been allowed to have their say.

I intend, forthwith, to include Conservative Home in the LINKS pages at iamanenglishman.com

Once again, thank you for the fair hearing.

As you probably know, a lot of BNP blogs are pointing here with exhortations to comment.

The BNP's keyboard army. What would the internet be without it?

Habib Khan's trial for the murder of Keith brown began today. If anyone is interested in keeping tabs on what is being said, you can check for updates in the essay Our Dead Must Tell No Tales at the iamanenglishman web site here:


Or you could check at the BNP web site.

As regards Denise's snide comment which followed my penultimate post, re:

"The BNP's keyboard army. What would the internet be without it?"

I am not a member of the BNP and never have been. In fact, if Nick Griffin and his lunatic henchman, Lee Barnes, could have one person on the planet topple off the edge, it might well be me.

It's just that, contrary to the schemes and dreams of the globalist edtablishment and the PC Crowd, I would put those who build a country, first, not last, in the land where all their ancestors are buried.

Check out the iamanenglishman web site if you are a little more interested than our Denise appears to be in figuring out what this particular "keyboard" warrior believes in.

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