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It's definitely Sunday then?


I presume Sunday was emphasised for the benefit of Mr MacShane, who doesn't know what day it is.

Interesting interpretation also that leaving the EPP is being driven by Hague..."implemented very cautiously" might be a fairer way of putting it, although plenty on here can now doubt find more robust ways of putting it.

What will be the name of our new grouping when it happens?

If UKIP were serious, they would be going after the likes of MacShame, rather than depriving Eurosceptic Tories of seats and letting in Europhile Lib Dems through the middle.

Peter Hatchet:What will be the name of our new grouping when it happens?

Ah ha. That sounds like an invitation. I'll open with BOING - Better Off In a New Grouping.

Stop it now, William. This ended up in The Telegraph last time!!!


the waste of trees that is the Daily Mirror

A bit uncalled for IMHO. The Mirror isn't intended to appeal to a broadsheet audience, and proberbly carries more hard news than the Sun or Star.

If it is because it supports Labour 80% of the newspaper market has traditionaly backed the Tories, so you can hardly feel hard done by.

Most people who read a tabloid wouldn't read a paper at all if tabloids didn't exist, and even more people would turn off from politics and current affairs generally.

I could say the same about those papers to be fair, "the waste of trees that is -insert name of tabloid newspaper-", but I grew up in an area where absolutely everybody read either the Daily Mirror (or the Liverpool Echo), and as its perspective is so different from mine my ire for its negative and misleading stories is much more pronounced!

I seem to remember a filmed message of support from Sarkozy at the Bournemouth conference last year. Some snub.

From a Conservative point of view, the Red Tops' editorial slant is shite. But it is usually very crisply written.

What the Mirror says, and what Sarkozy says, is far less important than what Cameron said several times during his leadership campaign - a clear pledge to withdraw the Tory MEPs from the EPP, without any caveat about first forming another group. Now none of us know whether we can trust anything he says.

"If UKIP were serious, they would be going after the likes of MacShame, rather than depriving Eurosceptic Tories of seats and letting in Europhile Lib Dems through the middle." (Andrew Woodman 1608)


"Ah ha. That sounds like an invitation. I'll open with BOING - Better Off In a New Grouping."

Movement of Intelligent Reformists Against a Greater Europe?

(Sorry Editor.)

Don't isolate yourself in internal discussions. Vote online about the future of Europe at www.FreeEurope.info - one liner: "Human development in its richest diversity" (John Stuart Mill)

I wouldn't waste my time voting on anything which claims to be “By the people
of Europe, for the people of Europe” when I know that should be "peoples".

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