Enough for now! Back later...
4.52am: Former and disgraced Welsh Secretary fails in his bid to win a Welsh Assembly seat.
4.47am: Conservative gain Windsor and Maidenhead from LibDems. Also East Cambridgeshire gained.
4.40am: Tories on 20% in Wales (projected).
4.35am: Tories on just 15% in Scotland. Let's hope that Cameron will have the courage to pursue that breakaway strategy...
4.24am: 16 gains see Tories in overall control of Malvern Hills.
4.12am: Finally spoke on BBC1. Been here five hours for thirty seconds of messaging! The company has been excellent, though. On again in another 15 or so minutes...
4.05am: Fraser Nelson says a Tartan intifada is underway in Scotland. England doesn't matter he's saying compared to what is happening to Labour in Scotland. Gordon Brown lives in hostile territory he says. Too true. Is Tartan intifada the soundbite of the night?
4.03am: Grant Schapps on BBC says Tory vote share up 2% to 41%. BBC respond that it's too early to say.
3.58am: Tories retain key northern stronghold of Trafford.
3.54am: Tories doing very well in East Devon.
3.51am: Things are now looking bad for Labour in Scotland. My guess is that reverses north of the border are going to be the story.
3.46am: SNP gain Glasgow Govan from Labour.
3.45am: Ben Brogan: "GOSSIP JUST IN: Ming Campbell has been spotted in the Pizza Express at Millbank Tower looking in despair. Maybe he knows something."
3.40am: Alex Fergusson (Tory MSP) survives strong challenge.
3.38am: Tories gain in Birmingham. Now largest party.
3.37am: Unconfirmed reports that Eric Pickles is dancing at CCHQ.
3.36am: LibDem leader one of casualties in nine Tory gains in Windsor and Maidenhead.
3.32am: Tories lose Salisbury. I know about this. The council invested in expensive new offices. My mum and dad - local voters - both said they were going to vote against the party in protest at the "waste of money".
3.27am: CCHQ official "gobsmacked" at 24 gains in South Ribble. We're getting tired here. I'm almost ready to retire. Sam is getting the drinks in. I'm having a Stella. Is that appropriate? Is anyone still reading this blog? Is everyone in bed? Why aren't I?
3.16am: The Times feels that the Tory result in Bury is disappointing.
3.13am: Tories win East Riding and Dover.
3.12am: I hear from Bournemouth that we've won control.
3.08am: Iain Dale says (1) Tory gains in north and (2) success against LibDems are main stories.
3.03am: CCHQ tells me that there are now 72 councils across the country with no Labour councillor. Tonight Labour have been wiped out in Castle Point, Maldon, Tunbridge Wells, Oswestry and Ribble Valley. Why don't the BBC ever talk about Labour-free zones?
2.59am: Just heard Annabel Goldie on Radio 4. She expects Tories to hold share of vote but that "smaller parties" like the Scottish Tories have been squeezed by the big SNP-Labour clash. I don't like our party being described as a smaller party.
2.57am: Salmond can relax, he's got Gordon. [end Sam-blogging]
2.50am: The Guardian got a copy of Labour's 27-page strategy document for ministers' reactions to the results. They were told to first say "wait and see before engaging in speculation" then after more results came through to opine that "all governments experience midterm setbacks". They were told to defend Blair as the most successful leader Labour has ever had and Brown as its most successful Chancellor, and not to be drawn on saying whether it would be good or bad for Labour to have a properly contested leadership race. It said to say the only poll that matters is the general election which doesn't have to be until 2010, and that Cameron needed to make a breakthrough in the north which they already planned to say had failed. They even offered the line, dependent on the right results, that Cameron had done no better than Iain Duncan Smith had, and urged them to emphasise that he was "Conservative to the core". The paper cautioned about the Conservatives majorly downplaying prospects in the North.
2.42am: [Sam, the real brains behind the operation, now blogging while Tim gets some air] First projected national share of the vote announced - Conservatives 41%, Labour 27%, LibDems 26%.
2.35am: Tories gain seven seats from Labour to take control of Gravesham.
2.32am: My brain is huge according to Dan Hannan: "I've just spoken to Tim Montgomerie, the planet-brained editor of ConservativeHome (www.conservativehome.blogs.com), who is predicting a net Tory gain of 600 seats. This is very substantially more than the BBC is forecasting. My money is on Montgomerie! His information, which is being posted in real time, also seems rather speedier than the Beeb's - a neat proof of how dispersed private enterprise is more efficient than any nationalised monopoly."
2.28am: Tories gain Woking (ITV News had set this as a Tories versus LibDem test) and Oswestry.
2.24am: Big gain for Tories from LibDems... Torbay. Many seats changing from yellow to blue. Added to earlier Plymouth win this is very good news for Tories in South West. It's looking like a bad night for Ming.
2.21am: Edward Leigh on BBC says opposition to Iraq war essential for Tory recovery in the north. Theresa May says that there'll be no change in frontbench position on Iraq.
2.20am: Trish Law holds Blaenau Gwent.
2.15am: "A Conservative councillor in Lincolnshire has held his seat by the toss of a coin. Councillor Christopher Underwood-Frost tied with Liberal Democrat John Birkenshaw after they both won 781 votes in the West Lindsey district." (BBC)
2.12am: Maude on BBC - Tories not doing "fantastically well" but "making serious progress" in north.
2.05am: BBC percentage projection has Tories up 1% and LibDems down 1% with Labour hardly changed on four years ago. BBC reporting Labour are relieved.
2.03am: This in from William Hague:
“These elections show that the Conservative Party is back in business in the North. We have taken control of Chester and South Ribble and made significant advances in Bury, Crewe and Nantwich, Preston, Sunderland, Barrow and many others. And we are on course to have control of more councils than Labour in the North West. This is the beginning of the Conservative revival in the north of England.”
1.48am: Earlier
this evening (1.12am) we told you about our 18 year-old Tory boy
victor. Now an 18 year Tory girl has won, too... Hannah Berry.
Congratulations Hannah!
1.43am: This would take the Tories back to our 1990 position in terms of number of seats...
1.35am: Tony Travers saying Tories certainly doing "modestly well" in South-East... perhaps better than that.
1.31am: BBC people here want to know why this blog has a lot of results faster than them... The wisdom of the crowd!
1.30am: Labour wiped out in Castle Point.
1.28am: Three Tory gains in Torbay from LibDems.
1.22am: Compassionate conservatism in action... I'm sat with LabourHome blogger Alex Hilton. He has no laptop and so he's borrowing ConservativeHome's spare Mac.
1.19am: More good news from the north. Two gains in Macclesfield. Sam has brought me some sandwiches and a coke. He's now talking to Fraser Nelson and Lance Price but I'm still blogging.
1.16am: Labour have lost first seat to SNP. Dundee now all under SNP MSPs. 6% Labour to SNP swing.
1.15am: Six gains in Warwickshire North. Tories now in control. Set to gain Waverley from LibDems...
1.12am: The Express has the story on the triumph of 18 year-old Conservative William Lloyd. (And now The Times).
1.09am: Now stood with The Spectator's Fraser Nelson. His advice is that everyone should go to bed and wake up to the results in the morning. Very sensible advice that I would take if I wasn't a geek.
1.03am: Mood in CCHQ said to be buoyant. Eric Pickles directing operations. Results coming in 30mins ahead of BBC. Hague, Cameron, Osborne and Maude all there with staff.
1.01am: Dan Hannan has blogged some initial reactions here.
12.56am: Tories on course to retake Dartford for first time in 12 years.
12.49am: Sam Coates, CH Deputy, is here with me. Whilst I'm blogging on BBC set (not allowed to move) he's supposed to be feeding me info from the radio but I can see him at the other end of the pub - eating sandwiches with Shaun Bailey, Michael Portillo and Mark Oaten. Has he even offered me a sandwich? No. You can't get the staff these days.
12.47am: Latest Rory Bremner joke - David Cameron does Tony Blair better than me - I only do the voice - Cameron does the whole Blair thing.
12.44am: Rory Bremner is currently performing in the BBC pub with me. Brown is like The Queen apparently. He's the only other person in the country who keeps his views private.
12.33am: Gain of South Ribble confirmed. Congratulations to Lorraine Fulbrook and her team.
12.30am: Labour wiped out in Tunbridge Wells. Order has been restored in universe! Three gains from LibDems in TW as well - confirming early pattern of the night that we're winning against the LibDems (at least in south). Now sat opposite Rory Bremner.
12.26pm: Three Tory gains now in Sunderland!! One gain in Wigan. Also on course to largest party in Bury. Two gains from LibDems in Preston. Remember: Bury, Chester and South Ribble all General Election targets.
12.19am: Tories have succeeded in knocking out only BNP councillor in Broxbourne.
12.17am: I've just been called a geek by Emily Maitliss! The things I put up with for the Tory cause.
12.12am: Two Tory gains from Labour in Barrow. Tories now the largest party there.
12.06am: Early signs are good in the north. One gain in Roy Keane's Sunderland - Washington South ward (Sunderland) for the first time ever. Up three in Tamworth. Five gains in South Ribble. Chester back in Tory hands for first time in 21 years.
11.51pm: I'm hearing that the LibDems are in trouble in Malvern Hills against Tories but may have won in Mr Prescott's backyard of Hull. Could this be an early story of the night? LibDem to Tory swing in south but Lab to LD in north?
11.49pm: Early reports of gains across the country for the BNP. Let's hope they are wrong.
11.43pm: First result just texted to me from Robert Halfon in Harlow. The ward ConservativeHome leafletted in earlier has been won from the LibDems. The yellow peril had held it for 20 years!
11.37pm: Contact in Bournemouth is reporting strong likely swing from LibDems to Tories. If this is true and repeated across the country we can be very hopeful...
11.31pm: The Guardian's Will Woodward has been leaked Labour's internal briefing document. Labour are clearly expecting the worst. The briefing says: "This was always a very tough set of midterm elections for Labour. However we fully respect the message the British people is sending us this evening." The document urges Labour spokesmen to focus on progress in the north as the key test for the Tories. The leaked paper continues: "Rebranding will only work for so long if you actually change and start making the tough choices that means. The British people will not be fooled by PR alone."
11.29pm: Now moved to BBC1's Westminster pub studio where I'm based for the evening. Updates will be more regular again now! Watch out for a couple of TV appearances...
10.57pm: Great quote from Esler to Nicol Stephen, LibDem Scottish leader: "Whatever way people vote you end up in power." The joy of PR.
10.53pm: Gavin Esler is teasing Alex Salmond about smiling too much. Salmond responds by saying that the prospect of Labour losing its dominance in Scotland for the first time in fifty years is a bigger deal. Can't disagree with that. The charismatic Salmond also rightly attacks Gordon Brown's recent arrogant statement that he would be reluctant to work with an SNP Parliament.
10.48pm: On Newsnight Jeremy Vine is doing his second (?) year as Peter Snow. Averaging recent polls he's suggesting 45 seats for the SNP in Scotland; 41 for Labour; 18 for the LibDems; and 17 for us.
10.43pm: ITV News has sent Daisy McAndrew to Woking to watch a LibDem versus Tory contest and where Labour might be wiped out. "[Cameron] needs to get into the mid-40s if he's to be Britain's next Prime Minister," she told viewers. Tom Bradby focuses on weakness of Labour's activist base in his report.
10.40pm: William Hague is representing the blues on Question Time.
10.32pm: Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman asks: "Has David Cameron cured the Tories of leprosy?"
10.25pm: Listening to BBC Radio 4. A vox pop by Robin Lustig in Glasgow concludes that Iraq is hurting Labour in Scotland. Wow! Turning off radio now - let's see what Newsnight is doing. Will someone keep an eye on Question Time for us all? 18DoughtyStreet is also focused on the elections if you want TV that's more interactive.
10.10pm: Your prediction of tonight's council results...
10.03pm: BBC Ten'o'clock does not lead on elections - but a story of a paedophile vicar that I remember leading the Today programme 48 hours ago.
First thoughts at 9.45pm: Tonight is mainly about Scotland. We know that Tony Blair will do badly across England but will Gordon Brown's active campaigning over recent weeks protect his backyard? If he can't hold Scotland can he expect to rescue Labour south of the border? Recent polls have suggested that the SNP's lead is being cut back. Much of the Scottish campaign has had quite a Tory and retro feel. Scottish Labour have been attacking the SNP as a threat to the union and as high tax. We certainly know that Labour's idea that devolution would kill the desire for independence hasn't worked although many of tonight's voters for Alex Salmond's party want to kick Labour rather than want an end of the Union.
Eric Pickles is expecting something above 39% for the Tories tonight.
This is what he said to the Evening Standard: "It is harder for us to
get a vote share up in the 40s than it was 20 years ago because the
share for other, smaller parties has increased to about 12%. But we
got 39% last year and I am confident we will see an improvement."
It won't be often that we say this but it was good to see traffic subdued on ConservativeHome for much of the day. Many regular users were clearly out leafletting and getting out the vote.
Let me set the bench mark:
Anything below 38% for the Conservatives is a bitter disappointment;
Above 38% but below 40% is a disappointment but not a disaster.
40-41% would be a good but not spectacular night.
Above 41% would be a resounding victory for Project Cameron.
And let me venture to predict Conservatives will not clear the 40% hurdle.
Posted by: Goldie | May 03, 2007 at 21:57
Do we get exit polls for the English locals?
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:00
Its just like waking up christmas morning and wondering which present to open first, just making the outline of whats under the wrapping.
I just hope they was fair elections.
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 03, 2007 at 22:04
Goldie, are you really saying that 3% is the difference between "bitter disappointment" and "resounding victory"?! That's a rather narrow range. I'd widen it somewhat:
* 45% plus would be akin to Labour's convincing victories during the 1990s that set them on course for general election victory
* 40-43% would be convincing and produce a substantial number of gains
* either side of 39% would be a good win but not enough for the general election
* below 37% would be disappointing; 35% or less would be catastrophic
Posted by: Peter Coe | May 03, 2007 at 22:07
Pickles shouldn't have told the Evening Standard that he was expecting upwards of 39%. Best to play down expectations and make the outcome look better.
Posted by: DavidTBreaker | May 03, 2007 at 22:07
If the Tories get 40% what's the minimum number of gains we can expect assuming the Libs and Lab are in mid twenties?
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:08
Peter Coe: margins are narrow at the moment.
Posted by: Goldie | May 03, 2007 at 22:12
35% or less would be catastrophic
If it was less than 35% of the vote then I would expect Edward Leigh to be gearing up to challenge David Cameron for the leadership in the Autumn.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | May 03, 2007 at 22:13
Here in Wear Valley (Co. Durham, North East England) the Tories had 2 candidates for the whole district in 2003, against 18 for District, Town and Parish this time.
The district has been mentioned of late in the Daily Telegraph regarding the lack of Conservative representation...leading to a more determined effort locally to at least increase our vote share, if not pinch a single seat.
One candidate, aged 19 (female) has put out 6 leaflets, two of which have been delivered today, by the young lady and her friends. Never for decades has the Labour Party even had to knock on doors, they merely turned up for the count and subsequently won! Today, the Labour candidate in this ward has been spotted ferrying folk back and forth by car to vote - they are desperate to hang on.
In Bishop Auckland (the largest town in the district) the Tories have a record number of candidates in the town (one 18yr old lady and other new young candidates!) have put out three election leaflets and have worked the area with previous local issue leaflets for well over a year.
We are acutely aware that all of this effort will most likely be for very little reward, if any at all, but democracy of some sort has returned - what a joy it has been to see the Lib Dems running from door to door at 8pm last night realising a small band of Tories have out Lib-Demmed them, and the Labour Party going round and round today with a loudhailer.
Whatever the result, and we don't expect to win any seats whatsoever, there has been no lack of effort by the Tories in these parts - some in territory that is as hard as you can find anywhere.
Posted by: Jim Tague | May 03, 2007 at 22:14
thats the most positive post i think i've ever read on this site
Posted by: noisy summer | May 03, 2007 at 22:17
I'm wondering to what extent the bin collection issue will harm incumbant Tory councils.
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:18
Whatever the result in Scotland, the Tories ran a damn good campaign there....and our opposition had to admit it.
Loved the Lib Dem yellow poster too!
Posted by: eugene | May 03, 2007 at 22:19
Thanks Jim. Great to read of your efforts. I'm sure you're sowing seeds for the future.
Posted by: Editor | May 03, 2007 at 22:19
Come on. Lets be positive.
Posted by: Craig | May 03, 2007 at 22:19
By the way, there doesn't seem to be a link to here from the front page.
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:19
Richard, Conservatives have been doing well in councils for a few years, including last time these seats were fought, making gains harder. Most of tonight's seats were last contested in 2003 or 2004, when the Tories polled 35% and 37% with the Lib Dems on 27% both times, Labour on 30% and 26%. I guess about 500 seats to be gained?
Posted by: DavidTBreaker | May 03, 2007 at 22:19
Cheers for the estimate David. My original prediction was 601 but I'm thinking maybe I was a tad too optimistic. Good weather tends to bring out Labour voters too!
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:22
I don't see the Tories making that high threshold. I do not see them blowing the doors off everyone else. I think certain less parties are going to do well.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | May 03, 2007 at 22:24
I'm glad you picked up on the BBC leading on the priest story. Ridiculous.
Posted by: Alan S | May 03, 2007 at 22:27
Charles Kennedy is doing well on Question Time. Why did the LibDems dump him?
Posted by: Alan S | May 03, 2007 at 22:48
I've found that Australia's Sky News goes to the UK Sky news coverage if you 'press the red button'. Tim, I think Iain is very good on the election panel and that Ed Davey is a bit oily and slippery. Estelle Morris looks like Dame Edna's sidekick Madge.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 03, 2007 at 22:48
Great to have you as our DownUnder correspondent Alexander!
Posted by: Editor | May 03, 2007 at 22:53
Canvassing in Dorset today produced a mixed response. Typically, we have always been a tory area, and we still maintain a core vote here.
However, there is now a new breed of people voting conservative, and also a new set defecting, mostly to UKIP. In addition, Labour are no longer any threat here to the Conservatives, that honour belongs to the Dim Libs.
I predict a tory vote of 38-39%. But I think that would be enough to win in a general election, too.
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 22:55
18DS - someone on a blog claims turnout in Scotland is in the 60s!
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 22:56
Winning with 38-39% would require a very low Labour vote William W.
Posted by: Jennifer Wells | May 03, 2007 at 22:56
"18DS - someone on a blog claims turnout in Scotland is in the 60s!"
Something to do with today's Daily Record's headline perhaps?
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 22:57
Ah... Yet Another Anon,
Re Predictions.
I'm a Simple Tory NOT a clever one!!
Lack of joined up thinking but good fun on Election night.
Got a response from you!!
Posted by: SimpleTory | May 03, 2007 at 23:01
Anyone care to predict how well or badly the BNP are going to do? Again we have the paranoia in the press...is this the year their wolf crying ends up being correct?
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | May 03, 2007 at 23:01
Also in Dorset -the options for me were 5 -
ie 3 Tories
1 FibDem.
Needless to say I voted for that nice Mr Blair .
Posted by: Jake | May 03, 2007 at 23:02
The BNP vote depends on the proportion of English councils going to vote. As this is quite a few, I think they will make gains similar to those of last year.
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 23:03
Keep a look out for Bury and Bolton Councils in Greater Manchester. Only 5 or so seats in each needed to take control after years in the doldrums. If we do, then we're on a roll!
Posted by: Lancs Tory | May 03, 2007 at 23:04
Net Lib Dem gains - any predictions?
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 23:11
The results in Birmingham will be especially interesting to watch, from a Tory viewpoint.
(Did anyone hear on Sky News the female presenter saying that if the Tories become the largest party it will be the first time since the First World War? Actually, they were in control until 1984, so just a slight error there.)
Posted by: Andy Stidwill | May 03, 2007 at 23:13
im i imagining things or is it scots/welsh and english elections. so why is the bbc running a long article about northern ireland politics
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 03, 2007 at 23:14
Lid Dem gains will be Conservative losses, this is because we actually have the capability of pretty much stealing any seat which Labour lose.
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 23:15
Will we be able to watch bbc election coverage online? I notice sky are doing that...
Posted by: MrB | May 03, 2007 at 23:17
Well I can't because the BBC don't allow people outside the UK to see their election coverage. I happen to be in Maine in the US right now oweing to an upcoming marriage (mine).
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | May 03, 2007 at 23:21
I empathise, Andrew. I recommend streaming Five Live on the website. Not ideal but it will be better than nothing.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 03, 2007 at 23:23
Go Iain. Estelle Morris is a joke.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 03, 2007 at 23:28
For Sky's coverage. It seems quite a broad coverage they have.
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 23:29
Apparently Labour have held overall control of Sunderland council - not a great surprise really.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | May 03, 2007 at 23:32
Yes, it isn't bad although the video isn't smooth.
No one know anything about the BBC? They have programmes for Scotland and Wales on already so hopefully they'll have the main one on. If not thats really poor for a normally well run website.
Posted by: MrB | May 03, 2007 at 23:33
reports of a BNP win in sedgefield.
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 03, 2007 at 23:35
Ah hah...the link has just appeared on the BBC news website. I have a good feeling about tonight (England anyway!) Although I don't hold out much hope for cities like Liverpool, where I am right now- walked down a street yesterday with sickening amounts of Labour posters in all the windows.
Posted by: MrB | May 03, 2007 at 23:38
On 18DS they claimed the BNP have won 6 seats in Epping.
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 23:41
Where the heck is Peter Snow?!
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 23:42
Oh he left a while ago. Shame really, although Jeremy Vine is lively enough!
Posted by: MrB | May 03, 2007 at 23:45
the epping result would be amazing considering only 5 are standing.
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 03, 2007 at 23:48
Conservatives take a council
Posted by: William W | May 03, 2007 at 23:48
Richard. Not watching 18DS but are they declared results, and if so are they gains from whom? BNP already have six seats in epping district council apparently.
Not good.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 03, 2007 at 23:49
Well, since many thousands, even millions, of those who voted Tory at the last local elections will have DIED since then, and not been replaced by anyone (except for a few disaffected LibDems), I'm going to guess at 35-7% at most. If they stay where they were, they'll deserve huge applause.
Never forget that the Tories have the oldest voters in the country, and the lowest support amongst the young; the passing of the years is enough to deplete support.
Add in Cameron's gratuitous insults and lack of substance, and I expect little or no change.
Posted by: CAWP | May 03, 2007 at 23:50
3 gains in Tamworth
Interesting that the blog has the BNP set to make gains - Dimbleby reckons their vote is slipping cf last year
Posted by: Paul D | May 03, 2007 at 23:53
"Well, since many thousands, even millions, of those who voted Tory at the last local elections will have DIED since then"
I have always wondered to what extent emmigration has harmed them too.
Posted by: Richard | May 03, 2007 at 23:54
I have no confirmation of BNP gains Paul D - only rumours.
Posted by: Editor | May 03, 2007 at 23:57
Ironically I am in Maine in New England and 18DS is running rather well. In Enfield in Middlesex is runs like shite. Donal is on storming form as per normal tonight...he is itching for a spot on Fox.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge | May 03, 2007 at 23:57
Adam Boulton reporting Con lose Hastings to NOC (I think)
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 03, 2007 at 23:59
Re: Epping/BNP
The Epping Forest Council website says that counting will take place tomorrow morning, so no results are in yet.
Posted by: Graeme Coombes | May 04, 2007 at 00:00
the vote slip was in sunderland, but still to see the full vote result.
It is disappointing not to gain a seat there but have heard good news from else where.
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 04, 2007 at 00:00
Amazingly, the Liberal Democrats now have a 1 seat majority on Kingston-upon-Hull Council!
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | May 04, 2007 at 00:03
"The Epping Forest Council website says that counting will take place tomorrow morning, so no results are in yet."
Maybe I misheard then. Or the person on 18DS was wrong.
"Amazingly, the Liberal Democrats now have a 1 seat majority on Kingston-upon-Hull Council!"
Aupposedly the Labour council was rather lame. No gains or losses for the Tories there, would be have been expected to gain?
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:05
Another triumph of John Prescott, YAA.
Posted by: Editor | May 04, 2007 at 00:06
2 gains from the LibDems (net) in holding Brentwood
Posted by: Paul D | May 04, 2007 at 00:10
2 Tory gains in Brentwood from LD
3 Tory gains in Tamworth from Lab
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:10
Con Hold in Peterborough
Posted by: Paul D | May 04, 2007 at 00:12
Editor, that correspondent on the BBC just called you [the bloggers] geeks didn't she?
Posted by: MrB | May 04, 2007 at 00:14
Con gain one from BNP in Broxbourne but lose one to LD in W Lyndsey.
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:18
According to BBC website, checking the latest results, BNP lost their one seat on Broxbourne to Conservative
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:18
BNP have lost one of their Councillors in Broxbourne.
Posted by: Adam | May 04, 2007 at 00:20
We've gained a seat from the loathesome BNP in Broxbourne
Posted by: Paul D | May 04, 2007 at 00:20
According to a PB.com post the BNP have lost a seat in Broxbourne. Maybe that line the Conservatives ran actually worked:
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 04, 2007 at 00:22
Worcester held - Lab gain 1 seat from Others but we retain our 1 seat majority
Posted by: Paul D | May 04, 2007 at 00:22
You'll all be pleased to know that I have once again been re-elected by a landslide on Spoofington Magna District Council.
I attribute this to a hard-hitting last minute leaflet to my tenants with a winning slogan: Do You Want To Be Evicted On Friday?
Posted by: Sir Buffy de Vere Spoofington, Bt | May 04, 2007 at 00:24
4 gains in Tunbridge Wells, Lab wiped out (-1), LDW -3
Posted by: Paul D | May 04, 2007 at 00:24
LOL! We're an amusing bunch.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 04, 2007 at 00:25
Labour have held Manchester City Centre ward and the Lib Dems Manchester Brooklands - two wards we were hoping to gain.
Posted by: Lancs Tory | May 04, 2007 at 00:28
Twice now, first in Scotland and just now by Guto Hari in Wales, the Beeb's interviewers have essentially asked the question "Labour have done so much for the people, and spent so much money, why are the voters being so ungrateful?"
Biased Beeb.
Posted by: Nicko | May 04, 2007 at 00:30
BBC are predicting so far that Tory vote is up 1%, Labour vote up 1%, Lib Dems down 2%.
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:31
Quite Nicko.
Posted by: Editor | May 04, 2007 at 00:32
tories lose hastings
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 04, 2007 at 00:34
Gensing - Election Result
Borough Council Election, 3 May 2007
Turnout: 37.8%
Cartwright (Lab) 516 (34.2%)
Corello (Con) 475 (31.5%)
Kennelly (Lib Dem) 332 (22.0%)
Phillips (Green) 92 (6.1%)
Martin (BNP) 55 (3.6%)
Turner (UK Ind) 38 (2.5%)
Lab Gain
Swing (from 2006): 11.8% from Con to Lab
Silverhill - Election Result
Borough Council Election, 3 May 2007
Turnout: 41.9%
Dowling (Lab) 555 (39.2%)
Lock (Con) 482 (34.1%)
Howard (Lib Dem) 254 (18.0%)
Prince (BNP) 84 (5.9%)
Granger (UK Ind) 40 (2.8%)
Lab Gain
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 04, 2007 at 00:35
"tories lose hastings"
According to the BBC map there aren't any elections there!
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:35
Two byelections Richard.
VF, I thought you were a BNP supporter? Or am I to interpret your apparent pleasure at the Hastings results as meaning you're a Labour stooge?
BNP = Labour crankypants.
Posted by: Alexander Drake | May 04, 2007 at 00:37
Guito Harris's comment was extraordinary. Lead contender for the Naughtie award of the night.
Posted by: Simon Chapman | May 04, 2007 at 00:38
the Hastings results are bye elections
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:39
Labour and Tories gain 2 seats each in Southampton. LD lose 4. Haha.
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:40
With so many parties forming the "others" it would help if BBC and Sky would give a bit of analysis.
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:41
Thanks for the clarification Martin.
Posted by: Editor | May 04, 2007 at 00:41
"Guito Harris's comment was extraordinary"
What did he say?
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:42
Some preliminary results are in, and there's enough of them to see a pattern developing - remember this is just a bit of fun....
Jeremy Vine: crap
Guto Hari: crap
That annoying woman in Scotland: crap
The annoying woman in the studio in London purporting to provide analysis of poll results: statistically crap
BBC: lost deposit
Posted by: William Norton | May 04, 2007 at 00:43
Brentwood 2 seats gained from Libdems
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:43
actually if the tories got a grip of things would gladly vote for them, i just thought whilst you was all gloating over broxbourne i would bring you back down to earth.
I do wonder what labour has to do, to stop people voting for them. I reckon they could have wife swap parties at number ten and still get 25% of the vote.
Posted by: Vote Freedom | May 04, 2007 at 00:43
Why is the BBC so terrible William?
Posted by: Editor | May 04, 2007 at 00:44
Lost a seat in Sefton but gained Chester council, wahey!
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:45
we lost 1 seat in Sefton to lab. Isn't that Bootle outside Liverpool?
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:45
Harris asked Glenys Kinnock something on the lines of:
"Don't you sometimes think you are like Monty Python and what have the Romans ever done for us. You have given them free bas passes....." and went on to give a long list of Labour spending and claimed achievements.
That wasn't any old soft question. It was a BBC soft question.
Posted by: Simon Chapman | May 04, 2007 at 00:46
7 gains in Chester to take control for the first time in nearly 20 years.
Posted by: Graeme Coombes | May 04, 2007 at 00:47
Wallsall might be interesting Lab-3;Con+1;Others+2. But who are the others O BBC? Respect? BNP?Monster Raving Loonies?
Posted by: Martin Wright | May 04, 2007 at 00:48
Richard, Nicko (at 00:30) summed up his comment well, although he missed out the "free pensions" bit!. I think I saw a slightly shocked expression on Glenys's face as she was bowled this slow full toss.
Posted by: Peregrine | May 04, 2007 at 00:49
Is it me or are the Lib Dems getting spanked? They just lost 2 seats to Labour in Bristol. No change for Tories.
Posted by: Richard | May 04, 2007 at 00:49
Martin Wright:
Sefton is a strange mixture of Bootle (solid Labour, high rates of poverty), Southport (Con/Lib Dem, extreme affluence) and Crosby/Maghull/Aintree (Con/Lib Dem middle class suburbs) and yes, all of this sits right next to Liverpool.
The Con/Lab seat used to be Manor ward, which swings backwards and forwards quite frequently.
Posted by: Graeme Coombes | May 04, 2007 at 00:51