Dizzy Thinks - Managing to blog prolifically in-between meeting computer programming deadlines, Dizzy is always an amusing and enlightening read. A London-based Conservative activist and self-described "internet geek", he is particularly good at digging out random websites and technological stories of interest, and has a knack for rebuffing left-wing columnists.
Iain Dale's Diary - Surely the most popular personal blog written by a Conservative in the UK, the readership of Iain Dale's Diary has shot up since restarting after the David Davis leadership campaign. Iain's blog does what it says on the tin ("Politics, commentary, humour, gossip"), being largely a place for political punditry with the odd bit of football, TV, etc thrown in. The comprehensive sidebar of links is worth checking out, as is his alternating banner!
Burning Our Money - Former Treasury worker "Wat Tyler" relentlessly exposes government waste and excessive bureaucracy on this blog, he really is quite the expert on the subject. He urges that "we the peasants demand our high-spending, high-living, conflicted politicos mend their ways", and supplements the blog with a factfile and the absolutely brilliant Tyler Telly.
(The online vote on all awards will open on Monday)
Deputy Editor
All very good blogs. I would highlight a couple of perhaps lesser known blogs which I enjoy James Cleverly (good on military matters) and Chris Whiteside who is a PPC in Cumbria.
Dales' blog though is the most famous and in my opinion, the best. Required reading for those who are interested in what's going on within the Conservative party.
Posted by: malcolm | May 11, 2007 at 11:26
Humbled and honoured. Sys Admin code monkey rather than pure programmer.
Posted by: dizzy | May 11, 2007 at 12:24
Should probably give it to Iain now rather than hold a poll :)
Posted by: dizzy | May 11, 2007 at 12:26
There's a difference?!
Posted by: Deputy Editor | May 11, 2007 at 12:35
Thank you for the nomination. FWIW I always cite Dizzy as the individual Tory blog and I take full credit for him as I link to him ALMOST as often as I link to ConservativeHome. He's my bitch. :)
Posted by: Iain Dale | May 11, 2007 at 13:24
Posted by: dizzy | May 11, 2007 at 14:07
It would be cliched to vote for Iain! I vote for BourM for being one of the most substantial blogs around.
Posted by: Toby Harlon | May 11, 2007 at 14:47
Bit of a goldfish bowl in here?
Posted by: Lord Cashcroft | May 11, 2007 at 16:43
As mentioned on BOM, I've been poolside with Correlli Barnett, so I missed this until now. I'm extraordinarily chuffed to be considered in such esteemed company.
Posted by: Wat Tyler | May 13, 2007 at 12:08