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Those celebrity photos are disturbing but not unwarranted.

Well 'genocide' in Darfur has been going on for four years (according to the perma-tanned Labour radical Peter Hain). Why hasn't 'team america' gone in with the NRA with all guns blazing? Could it be to quote Alan Clark that it's happening in 'bongo bongo land', so therefore nobody really cares as to what is going on out there? let's face it, in the whole Africa is a mess, and the continent needs to sort itself out on it's own. Handwringing on our part will do nout to improve the situation there. Let the Africans sort themselves out.

It is at times like this that I despair of the UN and all those countries who try to claim the moral high ground regarding reluctance to intervene when a country reaches this kind of crisis.
This is Rwanda all over again and it makes me ashamed that there is no united will from the rest of the world to help.

I agree Scotty. Those who always extol international law must answer the charge that the members of its court - the UN - are economically compromised.

"This is Rwanda all over again and it makes me ashamed that there is no united will from the rest of the world to help.W

I couldn't agree more Scotty, however the question that we need to ask is why that will doesn't exist.

There are 5 Permanent Members of the Security Council......two are busy in Afghanistan and Iraq

I suggest Russia, China, and France be approached with regard to Darfur...they are the other components in this much-vaunted multipolar world

Russia, China and France are too busy pursuing their commercial interests in despotic regions TomTom to do anything ethical.

Hat tip to Andrew Mitchell for keeping on this cause... Will he have the guts to reform the UN though?

Somehow I doubt it Alan.

The UN is a leaning tower, Pisaboy, that with a series of pushes might be toppled. Something better might then be erected in its place.

Something better might then be erected in its place.

I very much doubt it - at its heart the UN carries two contradictory messages which Roosevelt and Stalin embodied.

It was the Big Powers installing themselves as Guardians of World Order yet at the same time the USSR and USa sought to dismantle the British and French Empires thus flooding the General Assembly with ideologically-driven states who could create chaos and disorder in Africa, Asia and the Middle East

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