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Quite a professional approach and production, I wish it could inspire some of the old fuddy duddies to do something up here in the North!

CCHQ could learn from that video.

I agree, very good,especially when the popular image might be more blue rinse than blue rinse. Boundary changes at parliamentary level have favoured the Libdems and they need a good team.

What a great video, what a great (looking!) team. It's a great promo for the town apart from anything else - I had no idea it was so lovely. Good luck to the brilliant Eastbourne team.

Fantastic stuff. Really engaging candidates. Well done all around. Particularly liked the use of the blue and green recycling bins!


Keep a look out for one or two constituencies in the North West over the next year ;)

You might be inspired!

Fantastic stuff - it's not a campaign on its own, but if this is just a little sign of how dynamic the campaign team is in Eastbourne, the opposition should be quaking in their boots there.

It's also made me determined to investigate hardware and software for digital video production for my own future campaigns. Perhaps it's a very good use of of CH.com to pick up one or two of those campaigning ideas that used to only come through chats at Conference...

Terrific! Well done Ian.

This such a good example of proper political campaigning- down to earth, spin-free honesty.
Having said that, the chance of such IT in the north is nil. We can hardly produce a leaflet that doesn't look like it's come straight out of the 1980s.

Ian this is terrific. You really look and sound the part!

Check out our own Newmarket Action campaign blog. I will be writing a report on our experiences of using blogs after the election - suffice to say we are looking ahead to using them as a part of our regular political communications.

P.S. There are simple but effective things you can do on a blog without a video camera too!

Great stuff Robin!!

This whole thread is so funny in hindsight. Can I quote Richard Carey

"Fantastic stuff - it's not a campaign on its own, but if this is just a little sign of how dynamic the campaign team is in Eastbourne, the opposition should be quaking in their boots there."

yes, the opposition were so qucking that the Lib Dem took control of the council asd, as i understand itm none of the cnaidates featured in the Tory video were elected.

How dynamic was that.

As for South Norfolk, the video made no difference at all. The Tories were destined to win there in any case.

My apologies for injecting a dose of realism into all this euphoria but who (other than the candidates themselves) was going to watch this stuff?

I may be wrong but I can't imagine that many of the OAPs of Eastbourne spend their time trawling You Tube's clips of Hitler impersonators and people firing rockets from their rectums in search of their Tory candidates.

And, as Nich Starling states, the people have now spoken.

We don't need gimmicks. We need more tough Tory policies and less bunny-hugging.

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